NIDAH 13 - dedicated by Mrs. Rita Grunberger of Queens, N.Y., in loving memory of her husband, Reb Yitzchok Yakov ben Eliyahu Grunberger. Irving Grunberger helped many people quietly in an unassuming manner and he is dearly missed by all who knew him. His Yahrzeit is 10 Sivan.

Perek Kol ha'Yad


(a)The more the hand of a woman examines herself, the more praiseworthy our Mishnah considers it to be. What does the Tana say about the hand of a man? What is he examining himself for?

(b)What is the reason for the Tana's distinction? Why is he so much more stringent with regard to men?

(c)What is strange about the Lashon 'Marbeh'?

(d)Why does the Tana then mention it?


(a)The more the hand of a woman examines herself, the more praiseworthy our Mishnah considers it to be. The Tana adds however - that the hand of a man who examines himself (to see whether he has had an emission) deserves to have it severed.

(b)The reason for the Tana's distinction is - because whereas a woman is not affected by touching herself, the Eiver Tashmish of a man becomes warm and causes him to emit Zera (which is a grave sin).

(c)What is strange about the Lashon 'Marbeh' - is the fact that, as far as a man is concerned, even once is forbidden.

(d)Nevertheless, the Tana mentions 'Marbeh' - to stress the Mitzvah pertaining to women.


(a)How does a Beraisa qualify the ruling of our Mishnah? In which case does a man have the same Din as a woman ...

1. ... in this regard?

2. ... even as regards Tum'as Keri?

(b)What is the difference between ...

1. ... Zov and Keri?

2. ... the manner in which Zov and Keri emerge?

(c)What is the purpose of examining oneself for Zivus?

(d)We reconcile the inference that one is not permitted to use a cloth with another Beraisa which permits it, by citing Abaye. What does Abaye say?


(a)A Beraisa qualifies the ruling of our Mishnah, conceding that a man has the same Din as a woman ...

1. ... if he is examining himself for Zivus.

2. ... even as regards Tum'as Keri - if he uses a clod of earth or a piece of earthenware.

(b)The difference between ...

1. ... Zov and Keri is - that the former runs like the water of barley yeast, whereas the latter is dense, like the white of an egg.

2. ... the manner in which Zov and Keri emerge is - that whereas the former emerges from a limp limb, the latter emerges from a live one.

(c)The purpose of examining oneself for Zivus is - to ascertain whether one had two citings to become Tamei, or three to bring a Korban, too.

(d)We reconcile the inference that one is not permitted to use a cloth with another Beraisa which permits it, by citing Abaye - who permits examining oneself using a thick cloth, as we shall now see.


(a)Abaye made his statement with reference to the Mishnah in Yotzei Dofen, discussing a Kohen who is eating T'rumah when his limbs begin to quiver. Why is that?

(b)What does the Tana say one should do (to avoid being Metamei the T'rumah)? How would he become Tamei?

(c)We query that ruling however, from a statement by Rebbi Eliezer. What does Rebbi Eliezer in a Beraisa say about someone who holds his Amah whilst urinating?

(d)Why does he make such a statement? What is the connection between one and the other?


(a)Abaye made his statement with reference to the Mishnah in Yotzei Dofen, discussing a Kohen who is eating T'rumah when his limbs begin to quiver - because Zera has moved from his body to his Amah.

(b)The Tana rules that, in order to avoid being Metamei the T'rumah - which is what will happen once the Zera leaves his body, he should hold his Amah and swallow the T'rumah.

(c)We query that ruling however, from a statement by Rebbi Eliezer in a Beraisa - who compares someone who holds his Amah whilst urinating - to somebody who brings a flood on to the world ...

(d)... because the sin of the generation of the flood was masturbation.


(a)How does Abaye establish the Mishnah to reconcile it with Rebbi Eliezer?

(b)Rava establishes the Mishnah even by a soft cloth. How does he then reconcile the two?

(c)What is the basis of their Machlokes?

(d)How do we then reconcile Rava with the Beraisa, which compares holding one's Amah to poking one's finger in one's eye, where tears stream out as long as the finger is in his eye?


(a)To reconcile it with Rebbi Eliezer, Abaye establishes the Mishnah - by a thick cloth.

(b)Rava establishes the Mishnah even by a soft cloth. And he reconciles the two - by stating that once the Zera has emerged, there is nothing more to worry about, in which case one is permitted to use even a soft cloth.

(c)The basis of their Machlokes is - whether even when all the Zera seems to have been emitted, we still suspect that more will come out (Abaye) or not (Rava).

(d)We reconcile Rava with the Beraisa, which compares holding one's Amah to poking one's finger in one's eye, where tears stream out as long as the finger is in his eye - by confining the comparison to where the emission is caused by touching, where the Zera emerges bit by bit, but where it is sparked off by means of one's thoughts, it all emerges in one go.


(a)What did they point out to Rebbi Eliezer in a Beraisa? What might happen to someone who urinates without holding his Amah?

(b)What did Rebbi Eliezer retort?

(c)What did Rebbi Eliezer also suggest to the Chachamim to circumvent the initial problem?

(d)What is the problem with the order in which we presented the two latter statements of Rebbi Eliezer?

(e)Once we reverse the sequence, what is the point of the second statement? Why did Rebbi Eliezer need to mention it, now that he had found a solution?


(a)They pointed out to Rebbi Eleizer in a Beraisa that, if someone urinates without holding his Amah - the drops are likely to splash from the ground on to his legs, leading people to believe that he is a K'rus-Shafchah (whose Amah remains limp, leaving him unable to have children), causing them in turn, to dub his children 'Mamzerim'.

(b)Rebbi Eliezer retorted - that it is better for that to happen than to be a Rasha in the eyes of Hash-m even for one moment.

(c)Rebbi Eliezer also suggested to the Chachamim - that it was possible to urinate on high ground or into soft earth (either of which will prevent splashing).

(d)The problem with the order in which we presented the two latter statements of Rebbi Eliezer is - that it is unconventional to state an Isur and its stringency if one already has the solution.

(e)The correct sequence therefore - is the reverse. After presenting the Chachamim with the advice, they asked him what the Halachah would be if no high ground or soft earth was available. And that was when he made his earlier statement.


(a)Rebbi Eliezer's stringent approach is based on a (later) statement of Rebbi Yochanan. What does Rebbi Yochanan say about someone who masturbates?

(b)Which Pasuk in Vayeishev serves as the source for this?

(c)What do Rebbi Yitzchak and Rebbi Ami say about it, based on the Pasuk in Yeshayah "ha'Nechamim ba'Eilim (who become hot under the trees) Tachas Kol Eitz Ra'anan Shochtei ha'Yeladim ... ", how do they read the words "Shochtei ha'Yeladim"?

(d)To what does Rav Asi compare someone who masturbates, based on a 'Hekesh' between the above Pasuk "Tachas Kol Eitz Ra'anan" and the Pasuk in Re'ei "al he'Harim ha'Ramim ve'Sachas Kol Eitz Ra'anan"?


(a)Rebbi Eliezer's stringent approach is based on a (later) statement of Rebbi Yochanan, who states that someone who emits masturbates - is Chayav Misah (bi'Yedei Shamayim).

(b)The source for this - is the Pasuk in Vayeishev, where the Torah relates that Hash-m killed Onan (Yehudah's second son, because he did the same as his brother [i.e. masturbated]) see Maharatz Chayos.

(c)Based on the Pasuk in Yeshayah "ha'Nechamim ba'Eilim (who become hot under the trees) Tachas Kol Eitz Ra'anan Shochtei ha'Yeladim ... ", Rebbi Yitzchak and Rebbi Ami - say that it is compared to murder; and they read the words "Shochtei ha'Yeladim" - as if it was written "Sochtei ha'Yeladim" (with a 'Siyn Semalis'), which means 'who squeeze out the children'.

(d)Based on a 'Hekesh' between the above Pasuk "Tachas Kol Eitz Ra'anan" and the Pasuk in Re'ei "al he'Harim ha'Ramim ve'Sachas Kol Eitz Ra'anan" Rav Asi compares someone who masturbates - to someone who worships idols.


(a)Where was Rav Yehudah standing, when he mentioned to Shmuel that he needed to urinate? Why did he mention it?

(b)What did Shmuel advise 'the sharp one' to do?

(c)How do we initially reconcile Shmuel with Rebbi Eliezer, based on a ruling in a Mishnah in Avodah-Zarah, which discusses a Boleshes that entered the city?

(d)What is a 'Boleshes'?


(a)When Rav Yehudah mentioned to Shmuel that he needed to urinate - he was standing on the roof of the Shul in Shaf ve'Yasiv in Neherda'a (see also Mesores ha'Shas), and he wanted to know how to avoid urinating on the roof of a Shul.

(b)Shmuel advised 'the sharp one' to hold his Amah and urinate (so that he could direct the urine off the roof).

(c)Based on a Mishnah in Avodah-Zarah, which discusses a Boleshes that entered the city, we initially reconcile Shmuel with Rebbi Eliezer - by permitting holding one's Amah whilst one urinates when one is afraid (because fear prevents the Amah from becoming hot).

(d)A 'Boleshes' is - an army, that tends to search the houses and loot.


(a)In peace-time, when a Boleshes has visited a city, all open barrels of wine are forbidden (because of Yayin Nesech). Why are they permitted in time of war?

(b)Besides the fact that it was night-time and they were standing on the roof, of which two other 'things' may Rav Yehudah been afraid?

(c)And what do we mean when we say 'Eimsa de'Mareih aleih'? What did Shmuel say about Rav Yehudah?

(d)Based on a statement by Rav Nachman, Rav Yehudah's status may also have been instrumental in permitting him to urinate whilst holding his Amah? What did Rav Nachman say?


(a)In peace-time, when a Boleshes has visited a city, all open barrels of wine are forbidden (because of Yayin Nesech). They are permitted in time of war however - because fear of the enemy prevents the soldiers from helping themselves to wine (even if the barrels are open.

(b)Besides the fact that it was night-time and they were standing on the roof (see Agados Maharsha), Rav Yehudah may also have been afraid - of his Rebbe Shmuel and of the Shechinah (which was present in the Shul of Shav ve'Yasiv [see Agados Maharsha]).

(c)And when we say 'Eimsa de'Mareih aleih', we mean - that Rav Yehudah possessed a great fear of Heaven, and would therefore have been permitted to urinate holding his Amah wherever he was. Indeed, Shmuel once said about him that he was not a human-being (but an angel).

(d)Based on a statement by Rav Nachman, who said - that a married man is permitted to hold his Amah whilst urinating, Rav Yehudah's married status may also have been instrumental in permitting him to urinate whilst holding his Amah.


(a)Some say that Shmuel advised Rav Yehudah according to the ruling of the Beraisa cited by Aba b'rei de'Rebbi Binyamin bar Chiya, or like the ruling of Rebbi Avahu Amar Rebbi Yochanan. The former permitted supporting the Amah with one's Beitzim. Which part of the Amah did the latter permit one to hold whilst urinating?


(a)Some say that Shmuel advised Rav Yehudah according to the ruling of the Beraisa cited by Aba b'rei de'Rebbi Binyamin bar Chiya, or like the ruling of Rebbi Avahu Amar Rebbi Yochanan. The former permitted supporting the Amah with one's Beitzim. The latter permitted holding - from the crown and downwards (i.e. the tip of the Amah) whilst urinating.



(a)What does Rav say about someone who makes himself stiff?

(b)Why does he not just say that it is forbidden to do so?

(c)Rebbi Ami calls him an 'Avaryan' (a transgressor). How does he explain that? What does an Avaryan end up doing?

(d)Based on the Pasuk in Vayeishev (again in connection with Onan) "Vayei*ra* be'Einei Hash-m Oso" and the Pasuk in Tehilim "Lo Yegurcha Ra", what do others cite Rebbi Ami as saying in connection with someone who brings himself to unclean thoughts?


(a)Rav says that if someone who makes himself stiff - Beis-Din (see Tosfos DH 'ha'Maksheh') are obligated to place him in Cherem.

(b)He does not just say that it is forbidden to do so - because someone who does it, arouses the Yeitzer-ha'Ra within him.

(c)Rebbi Ami calls him an 'Avaryan' (a transgressor) - adding that today the Yeitzer-ha'Ra tells him to do this, and tomorrow, that, until he ends up worshipping idols.

(d)Based on the Pasuk in Vayeishev (again in connection with Onan) "Vayei*ra* be'Einei Hash-m Oso" and the Pasuk "Lo Yegurcha Ra", others cite Rebbi Ami as saying that someone who brings himself to unclean thoughts - will not be allowed to enter into the boundaries that house the Shechinah.


(a)How does ...

1. ... Rebbi Elazar interpret the Pasuk in Yeshayah "Yedeichem Damim Mile'u" ('Your hands are full of bloodshed)? To whom does it refer?

2. ... Tana de'bei Rebbi Yishmael interpret the Pasuk in Yisro "Lo Tin'af"?

(b)What does the Beraisa say about Geirim (converts) and those who play with children?

(c)Regarding converts, the statement conforms with one by Rebbi Chelbo. What did Rebbi Chelbo say about converts, based on the Pasuk in Yeshayah "ve'Nilvah ha'Ger aleihem, ve'Nispechu al Beis Ya'akov"?

(d)What is Rebbi Chelbo's reason for saying that?

(e)Why can it not be due to the fact that Yisrael are responsible for one another (including Geirim)?


(a)According to ...

1. ... Rebbi Elazar, the Pasuk in Yeshayah "Yedeichem Damim Mile'u" ('Your hands are full of bloodshed) - speaks with reference to those who masturbate.

2. ... Tana de'bei Rebbi Yishmael, the Pasuk "Lo Tin'af" - incorporate those who masterbate with their hands in the Isur of adultery (which generally refers to adultery that one commits with the legs).

(b)The Beraisa states that Geirim (converts) and those who play with children - delay the coming of the Mashi'ach.

(c)The statement concerning converts conforms with one by Rebbi Chelbo, who said (based on the Pasuk in Yeshayah "ve'Nilvah ha'Ger aleihem, ve'Nisp'chu al Beis Ya'akov") - that Geirim are bad for Yisrael like the plague of Tzara'as (of which 'Sapachas' [which means 'joined'] is a branch).

(d)Rebbi Chelbo's reason for saying that is - because a. they are not familiar with the Halachos, thereby bringing punishment on Yisrael, and b. because Yisrael are likely to learn from their wrongdoing.

(e)It cannot however, be due to the fact that Yisrael are responsible for one another (including Geirim) - because Geirim were not included in the Arvus (guarantee-ship) which Yisrael accepted at the Plains of Mo'av.


(a)Why can 'those who play with children' not refer to ...

1. ... homosexuality?

2. ... playing games with children that result in having an emission?

(b)Then what does it mean?

(c)And it is based on a statement by Rebbi Yossi. What did Rebbi Yossi say, based in turn, on the Pasuk in Yeshayah "Ki Ru'ach mi'Lefanai Ya'atof, u'Neshamos asher Asisi"?


(a)'Those who play with children' cannot refer to ...

1. ... homosexuality - because homosexuals are even Chayav Sekilah (and do not just delay the coming of the Mashi'ach).

2. ... playing games with children that result in having an emission - because they are compared to the generation of the flood (as we explained earlier).

(b)What it therefore means is - that they marry little girls, who are not yet able to have children, and therefore delay the coming of the Mashi'ach ...

(c)... based on a statement of Rebbi Yossi, who said (based, in turn, on the Pasuk in Yeshayah "Ki Ru'ach mi'Lefanai Ya'atof, u'Neshamos asher Asisi") - that Mashi'ach will not come before all the Neshamos have left Guf (the room in Heaven called 'Guf', where all the Souls that are destined to be born, are awaiting their turn).


(a)We learned in our Mishnah that a man who examines himself for Keri deserves to have his hand severed. What are the two possible explanations of this statement?

(b)Why did Rav Huna sever someone's hand?

(c)We try to resolve the She'eilah from a Beraisa, which discusses a dialogue between Rebbi Tarfon and the Chachamim. What did Rebbi Tarfon say there in connection with 'Yad le'Amah'?

(d)What objection did the Chachamim raise to that?

(e)What did Rebbi Tarfon reply?


(a)We learned in our Mishnah that a man who examines himself for Keri deserves to have his hand severed, which - is either a ruling (like we find with Rav Huna, as we shall see in a moment) or a curse.

(b)Rav Huna severed someone's hand - because he raised it to strike a fellow Jew.

(c)We try to resolve the She'eilah from a Beraisa which discusses a dialogue between Rebbi Tarfon and the Chachamim. Rebbi Tarfon stated there 'Yad le'Amah - Tikatzetz Yado al Tiburo' ('May the hand of someone who touches his Amah be severed whilst it is on his navel').

(d)The Chachamim objected to it because, they claimed - if one severed his hand whilst it was on his navel, his stomach would split open.

(e)To which Rebbi Tarfon replied - that this would be preferable to going down to Gehinom.


(a)What do we try to prove from the Chachamim's objections?

(b)How do we counter it? What is anyway strange about Rebbi Tarfon's statement?

(c)How do we therefore interpret his statement?

(d)And it was at the conclusion of the ensuing discussion that Rebbi Tarfon commented 'Better for his stomach to split open ... '. What did the Chachamim ...

1. ... ask him, to which he replied in the negative?

2. ... object that caused him to make his conclusive comment?


(a)We try to prove from the Chachamim's objections - that Rebbi Tarfon must have been referring to a punishment, because if it was a curse, what sense would the Chachamim's objection make (bearing in mind that Hash-m has no problem in severing the hand without splitting open the man's stomach)?

(b)We counter the proof however - by querying Rebbi Tarfon's strange Mashal in that - why the hand has to be on the navel anyway.

(c)We therefore interprets his statement - to mean that anyone who places his hand below his navel deserves to have it severed.

(d)And it was at the conclusion of the ensuing discussion that Rebbi Tarfon commented 'Better for his stomach to split open ... '. The Chachamim ...

1. ... asked him - whether someone who had a splinter lodged in his navel was permitted to remove it; to which he replied in the negative.

2. ... objected - that the splinter would cause his stomach to split open, causing him to make his conclusive comment.


(a)Under what condition does our Mishnah permit a Chareshes, a Shotah, a Suma or a demented woman to eat T'rumah?

(b)What problem do we have with the fact that the Tana inserts Chareshes?

(c)This is based on a Beraisa. What did Rebbi say there about a Chareshes who lived in his vicinity? What did she used to do?

(d)How do we reconcile Rebbi with our Mishnah? What sort of Chareshes is

1. ... Rebbi referring to?

2. ... our Mishnah talking about?

(e)What does the Mishnah in T'rumos say in support of this?


(a)Our Mishnah permits a Chareshes, a Shotah, a Suma or a demented woman to eat T'rumah - provided there are women available to examine, and subsequently Tovel her.

(b)The problem with the fact that the Tana inserts Chareshes in our Mishnah is - why she cannot do this herself.

(c)This is based on a Beraisa, where Rebbi related how a Chareshes who lived in his vicinity - used to examine herself, following the instructions of her friends.

(d)We reconcile Rebbi with our Mishnah - by differentiating between ...

1. ... a Chareshes who is deaf, but not dumb (Rebbi), and ...

2. ... a deaf-mute (our Mishnah).

(e)In support of this, the Mishnah in T'rumos explains - that whenever the Chachamim refer to a Cheresh (to distinguish it from a Pike'ach), they are always referring a deaf-mute.


(a)Regarding the insertion of a Suma in our Mishnah, we ask why she cannot examine herself. How is that possible, seeing as she cannot see?

(b)What does Rebbi Yossi b'Rebbi Chanina say to answer this question?

(c)What is the difference between a Shotah and a Nitr'fah Da'atah?


(a)Regarding the insertion of a Suma in our Mishnah, we ask why she cannot examine herself - by which we mean that she performs the actual physical Bedikah by herself, and hands the cloth to her friends to inspect.

(b)To answer this question, Rebbi Yossi b'Rebbi Chanina - erases 'Suma' from the Mishnah.

(c)The difference between a Shotah and a Nitr'fah Da'atah is - that the former constitutes a mental illness, whereas the latter is the result of a physical one.


(a)What does the Beraisa say about a Kohen Shoteh who wants to eat T'rumah? After Toveling him, what care must they take before feeding it to him?

(b)On what grounds do we consider a Shoteh who falls asleep, Tamei?

(c)What objection did the Chachamim raise to Rebbi Eliezer b'Rebbi Tzadok, who prescribed a leather pouch for the Shoteh to wear, which they would examine before feeding him T'rumah?

(d)What did ...

1. ... the Chachamim reply when Rebbi Eliezer b'Rebbi Tzadok asked them what the poor fellow was supposed to do in order to eat T'rumah, according to them?

2. ... Rebbi Elazar reply in another Beraisa, when the Chachamim asked whether according to Rebbi Eliezer b'Rebbi Tzadok, a drop of Keri as big as a mustard-seed might not get lost in the leather pouch?


(a)The Beraisa rules that if a Kohen Shoteh wants to eat T'rumah, people must first Tovel him - then, wait for nightfall to arrive, taking care not to let him fall asleep, before feeding it to him.

(b)We consider a Shoteh who falls asleep, Tamei - because we suspect that he had an emission.

(c)The Chachamim objected to Rebbi Eliezer b'Rebbi Tzadok, who prescribed a leather pouch for the Shoteh to wear, which they would examine before feeding him T'rumah - in that if anything, the heat generated by the leather pouch will cause him to have an emission.

(d)When ...

1. ... Rebbi Eliezer b'Rebbi Tzadok asked the Chachamim what the poor fellow was supposed to do in order to eat T'rumah, according to them - they replied that he had the option of staying awake after nightfall and eating (as we explained).

2. ... in another Beraisa, the Chachamim asked whether, according to Rebbi Eliezer b'Rebbi Tzadok, a drop of Keri as big as a mustard-seed might not get lost in the leather pouch, Rebbi Elazar replied - that he could wear a metal pouch.


(a)To which kind of metal does Abaye confine Rebbi Elazar's ruling?

(b)And he bases this on a Mishnah in Parah. How much water is required to be in the bowl that contains the Mei Chatas?

(c)What does Rebbi Yehudah therefore mean when he says there that we consider the stalks of the hyssop as if they were copper?


(a)Abaye confines Rebbi Elazar's ruling to copper, which barely absorbs.

(b)And he bases this on a Mishnah in Parah. The Shi'ur of water that is required to be in the bowl that contains the Mei Chatas is - sufficient to dip the ends of the hyssop twigs and sprinkle on the Tamei person, plus the little that is absorbed by them.

(c)Rebbi Yehudah says there that we consider the stalks of the hyssop as if they were copper - which absorbs very little, as we just explained.


(a)What can we extrapolate from the Chachamim of Rebbi Eliezer b'Rebbi's objection with regard to wearing pants?

(b)What problem do we have with that from the Bigdei Kehunah?

(c)How do we answer the Kashya? What do we really learn from Rebbi Eliezer b'Rebbi Tzadok's objection, and why did that not apply to the Bigdei Kehunah?

(d)What is the Pamlanya shel Perushim (or shel Parashim),to which the Kohanim's pants are being compared?


(a)We can extrapolate from the Chachamim of Rebbi Eliezer b'Rebbi Tzadok's objection - that one should not wear pants.

(b)The problem with that is - that the Bigdei Kehunah included pants.

(c)We answer that the pants referred to by Rebbi Eliezer b'Rebbi Tzadok were pants with a pouch, whereas those worn by the Kohanim did not have a pouch, but hung loosely below the genital area, like a Pamlanya shel Perushim (or shel Parashim) ...

(d)... pants worn by people who are Tzenu'im (or by horse-riders).


(a)The Kohanim's pants stretched from the loins to the bottom of the thighs, and they had Shenatzim. What are 'Shenatzim'?

(b)We already explained that they did not have a 'Beis ha'Ervah' (a pouch). What does the Tana mean when he adds that they not have a Beis ha'Re'i either?

(c)What else might he mean by 'Beis ha'Ervah' and 'Beis ha'Nekev?


(a)The Kohanim's pants stretched from the loins to the bottom of the thighs, and they had Shenatzim - straps (in the form of a belt that could be tied and untied).

(b)We already explained that they did not have a 'Beis ha'Ervah' (a pouch). When the Tana adds that they did not have a Beis ha'Re'i either - he is referring to the lower back which used to fit tightly to the lower back of the wearer, absorbing all the sweat from that part of the body (something that would have been immodest for the Kohanim to wear).

(c)By 'Beis ha'Ervah' and 'Beis ha'Nekev - he might also be referring to a hole in the front and the back of the pants, that could be untied and re-tied when necessary.