[24a - 51 lines; 24b - 51 lines]

*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************

We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara and Rashi.

[1] Rashi 24b DH Amar Lei Rav ã"ä àîø ìéä øá:

The words "Mi she'Yesh Lo" îé ùéù ìå

should be "u'Mi she'Yesh Lo" åîé ùéù ìå (RASHASH)


1)[line 1]äàøëåáäHA'ARKUVAH- the knee

2)[line 1]ð÷áéåNEKAVAV- his excretory organs

3)[line 3]èáåøåTIBURO- his navel

4)[line 4]èøôä çéäTEREIFAH CHAYAH

(a)A Tereifah is a person who or an animal that has acquired or was born with a fatal defect that will result in his or its death within a year ("Tereifah Einah Chayah"). There are some Tana'im and Amora'im who maintain that a Tereifah can live for more than a year ("Tereifah Chayah"). The signs of the Tereifos do not have logical reasons; rather, they are Halachos l'Moshe mi'Sinai (RASHI to Chulin 42a DH Naflah; see Insights to Chulin 42a).

(b)For a further discussion of the eighteen signs of Tereifos, see Background to Chulin 42:3.

5)[line 7]ðéèì éøê åçìì ùìä, ðáìäNITAL YERECH V'CHALAL SHELAH, NEVEILAH

Any animal from which "the thigh and its cavity" were removed has the status of a Neveilah even while it is alive. The Mefarshim explain that "the thigh and its cavity" means the entire leg, including some of the flesh at the point that it connects to the body, without leaving any stump — see also Daf 21a and Background to Chulin 21:13).

6)[line 10]âåìâìúå àèåîäGULGALTO ATUMAH- its skull is incomplete

7)[line 12]àô÷úà ããé÷ìàAFKESA D'DIKLA- the trunk of the palm tree from which the branches extend

8a)[line 13]îåñîñéíMUSMASIM- [the face is] smashed

b)[line 15]èåçåúTUCHOS- [the face is] covered over, featureless

9)[line 25]ðôé÷ ì÷øééúàNAFIK L'KIRYASA- they went out to the villages in the farmlands [to inspect their fields] (RASHI to Beitzah 9b)

10a)[line 31]ùðé âáéíSHNEI GABIN- two backs

b)[line 31]åùúé ùãøàåúSHTEI SHIDRA'OS- two spines

11)[line 34]äùñåòäHA'SHESU'AH- an animal with two backs and two spines. The MALBIM (Vayikra 11:4) and the author of HA'KESAV VEHA'KABALAH identify this creature as the Tayasau or Pekari; a pig-like animal that inhabits present-day South America. It has four stomachs, chews its cud, and has split hooves. In the middle of its back there is a groove the depth of a finger-width, so that it appears as if the back and spine are separated into two parts. (See Insights to Chulin 60:4.)

12)[line 36]áøéä áòìîàBIRYAH B'ALMA- a normal living animal

13)[line 38]áîòé àîä àâîøéäB'ME'EI IMAH AGMEREI- Rav rules that there is no living animal with two backs and two spines. HaSh-m taught Moshe that a malformed embryo found with these features (in a kosher mother) is Tamei

14)[line 43]ùéîé àúSHIMI AT- [Rav responded to Rav Shimi bar Chiya's question,] (a) "You are Shimi!" i.e. "You certainly know how to respond to that question." (said with fondness for Shimi, who was his grandson) (RASHI); (b) "Are you Shimi?" i.e. "Aren't you supposed to be wise; why are you asking such a question?" (RASHI to Menachos 29a, 110a and to Bechoros 43b)

15)[line 44]ùùãøúå ò÷åîäSHE'SHIDRASO AKUMAH- the animal to which Rebbi Chanina ben Antigonus referred has a crooked spine (the words "two backs and two spines" are not to be taken literally)

16a)[line 46]ã÷äDAKAH- (lit. thin, fine, tender) small domesticated farm animals (such as sheep and goats)

b)[line 46]âñäGASAH- (lit. bulky, large) large domesticated farm animals (such as cattle)


17)[line 7]âåó ùàéðå çúåêGUF SHE'EINO CHATUCH- a featureless rounded mass without defined limbs

18)[line 10]îé ùøàåé ìáøéú ùîðäMI SHE'RA'UY L'VRIS SHEMONAH- a child that has the potential to live eight days

19)[line 17]äìëúà ëøá áàéñåøéHILCHESA K'RAV B'ISUREI- the Halachah follows the opinion of Rav in questions involving what is prohibited and what is permitted (and the opinion of Shmuel in monetary matters)

20)[line 27]ãîåú ìéìéúDEMUS LILIS- a fetus with the form of the night demon Lilith (i.e. a fetus with wings)

21)[line 28]îòùä áñéîåðéMA'ASEH B'SIMONI- an incident that occurred in Simoni

22)[line 31]äðäâ áï àçéê åáàHANHEG BEN ACHICHA U'VO- force your nephew to come with you

23)[line 33]åäìà îùîê àîøä ìé çîåúéVA'HALO MI'SHEMECHA, AMRAH LI CHAMOSI- but my mother-in-law told me in your name (i.e. in the name of Rebbi Yehoshua, to whom she was talking)

24)[line 35]îôé äåøä çðéðàMI'PI HORAH CHANINA- Chanina ruled according to my teaching

25)[line 37]ùôéøSHEFIR- the outer skin of an embryo before any sinews, bones, or flesh form

26)[line 37]âðåðéíGENUNIM- pieces of a variety of colors

27)[line 38][ùôéø] îøå÷í[SHEFIR] MERUKAM- the skin of a fetus that has started to take shape

28)[line 38]ñðãìSANDAL- a flat, calcified abortion

29)[line 38]ùìéàSHILYA- commonly translated as the placenta; a more accurate description is the fetal membranes in which the fetus forms, which are attached to the placenta (RASHI to Berachos 4a; TOSFOS to Nidah 18a DH Shilya and elsewhere in the Rishonim)

30)[line 39]ééï çéYAYIN CHAI- undiluted wine

31a)[line 43]ñëåééïSECHUYIN- (a) black (RASHI, 1st explanation); (b) dry, without any bone marrow (RASHI, 2nd explanation)

b)[line 43]îùåçéïMESHUCHIN- (lit. anointed) rich and healthy

32)[line 45]÷åìéúKULIS- thigh bone


(a)The Talmud uses the following standards for measuring distance:

1.3 Parsa'os = 24,000 Amos = 90 Ris = 12 Mil

2.1 Parsah = 8,000 Amos = 30 Ris = 4 Mil

3.1 Mil = 2,000 Amos = 7.5 Ris

4.1 Ris (or Rus) = 266.66 Amos

5.1 Amah = 2 Zerasos = 6 Tefachim

6.1 Zeres = 3 Tefachim

7.1 Tefach = 4 Etzba'os

(b)In modern-day units, the Mil is approximately 912, 960 or 1,152 meters, depending upon the differing Halachic opinions. Thus, the Parsah is approximately 3,648, 3,840 or 4,608 meters, and three Parsa'os are approximately 11, 11.52 or 13.82 kilometers.

34)[line 48]ððñNANAS- a midget

35)[last line]àãà ãééìàADA DAYLA- Ada, the attendant to the Rabbis