[25a - 55 lines; 25b - 51 lines]
*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara and Rashi.
[1] Gemara 25a [line 9]:
"k'Sumchus she'Amar Mishum Rebbi Meir" ëñåîëåñ ùàîø îùåí øáé îàéø (Source: Nidah 21b)
[2] Rashi 25a DH Hacha l'Chumra ã"ä äëà ìçåîøà:
The words "v'Lo Ichpas Lan" åìà àéëôú ìï
should be "Lo Ichpas Lan" ìà àéëôú ìï (RASHASH)
1)[line 1]ôøùúáéðà ãôåîáãéúàPARSHTEVINA D'PUMBEDISA- (a) the sage named Parshtevina of Pumbedisa (RASHI); (b) the Jewish patron or leader of Pumbedisa (TOSFOS in the name of RASHBAM)
2)[line 3]çøöéäCHARTZEI- his loins
3)[line 6]îìà áùøMALEI BASAR- a Shefir filled with flesh is the same as a Shefir Malei Mayim Achurim, but even more like a child
4)[line 7]àéìîìéILMALI- if (as opposed to "Ilmalei," which means "if not" — see Tosfos to Megilah 21a DH Ilmalei)
5)[line 20]àéï ä÷ãù áøåê äåà òåùä òåø ìàãí àìà àí ëï ðåöøEIN HA'KADOSH BARUCH HU OSEH OR L'ADAM ELA IM KEN NOTZAR- HaSh-m does not make skin for a person unless he is completed; i.e. if the fetus has skin, the mother is Teme'ah Leidah.
6)[line 29]ñéîï åìãSIMAN VLAD- an indication that there was a birth [to determine whether or not the next animal born will be a Bechor]
7)[line 30]áäîä ã÷äVEHEMAH DAKAH- small domesticated (farm) animals (such as sheep and goats)
8)[line 30]èéðåóTINUF- a discharge composed of dissolved particles of blood
9a)[line 47]îòåìí ìà ãëå ùôéø áðäøãòà ìáø îääåà ...ME'OLAM LO DACHU SHEFIR B'NEHARDE'A LE'VAR ME'HAHU ...- there was only one case where a Shefir was ruled Tahor in Neharde'a
b)[line 50]æéâZIG- transparent, glass-like
10)[line 51]úçìú áøééúå îøàùåTECHILAS BERIYASO ME'ROSHO- (a) its formation begins from its head (RASHI); (b) according to the Girsa "TECHILAS BERIYASO K'RASHON - in its initial formation, [it looks] like a locust (the Targum of "Sol'am" is "Rashona" — Vayikra 11:22) (TOSFOS citing RABEINU CHANANEL and RABEINU TAM)
11)[line 52]ùðé çåèîéïSHNEI CHOTAMIN- two nostrils
12)[line 53]âåéúåGEVIYASO- (a) his male organ (RASHI); (b) genital area (TOSFOS); (c) entire body (RAMBAM Hilchos Isurei Bi'ah 10:3)
13)[line 53]ðãåðä ëùòåøä ìàøëäNIDONAH K'SE'ORAH L'ORKAH- the female organ is like a barley kernel [that is split] lengthwise
14)[line 54]"äìà ëçìá úúéëðé, åëâáéðä ú÷ôéàðé. òåø åáùø úìáéùðé, åáòöîåú åâéãéí úñåëëðé. çééí åçñã òùéú òîãé, åô÷åãúê ùîøä øåçé.""HA'LO CHE'CHALAV TATICHENI, VECHA'GEVINAH TAKPI'EINI. OR U'VASAR TALBISHENI, UVA'ATZAMOS V'GIDIM TESOCHECHENI. CHAYIM VA'CHESED ASISA IMADI, U'FEKUDOSCHA SHOMRAH RUCHI."- "Indeed You poured me out like milk and You curdled me like cheese. You clothed me with skin and flesh and You covered me with bones and sinews. You granted me life and kindness [when I was a fetus and after I was born,] and Your decrees guard my life." (Iyov 10:10-12)
15)[line 2]îöçöçåMETZACHTZECHO- [oil is smooth and will] polish or preserve it (the dead embryo, while water is rough and will dissolve it)
16)[line 16]æäåøéúZEHORIS- crimson silk
17)[line 16]àîø øáé àîøí òìäAMAR REBBI AMRAM ALAH- Rebbi Amram qualified this
18a)[line 17]ùì òøáSHEL EREV- the threads of the woof that run from side to side across the loom, which are thicker than the strings of the warp
b)[line 18]ùì ùúéSHEL SHESI- like the strings of the warp that run lengthwise along the loom
19)[line 19]ùéððàSHINENA- well-learned (sharp) person
20)[line 20]éùòéøYAS'IR- the embryo has grown hair on its head
21)[line 30]øá âåáøéäRAV GUVREI- (lit. his strength is great) he is a great Torah scholar (he is able to distinguish between a forty-day-old fetus and a forty-one-day-old fetus; however, his ruling takes into account that others may not have acquired his physiological knowledge)
22)[line 32]ðøöóNIRTZAF- it was crushed
23)[line 37]àôéìå îàçåøéåAFILU ME'ACHORAV- even if the Sandal has facial features only on (what looks like) the back of its head