(a)What does Rebbi Eliezer mean when he says 'Poschin la'Adam bi'Chevod Aviv ve'Imo'? What does the Chacham say to him?
(b)On what grounds do the Chachamim disagree with Rebbi Eliezer?
(c)Under what circumstances is 'Poschin' not necessary in the first place?
(a)When Rebbi Eliezer says 'Poschin la'Adam bi'Chevod Aviv ve'Imo', he means that the Chacham, in an effort to annul his Neder - asks him whether he would have declared the Neder had he realized that people will accuse his parents of bringing up such a son who treats Nedarim lightly (thereby denigrating their honor [See Tos. Yom-Tov]).
(b)The Chachamim disagree with Rebbi Eliezer - because they are afraid that he will go along with them out of shame (but not because he really means it).
(c)'Poschin' is not necessary in the first place - there where the Noder expresses his regret at having made the Neder of his own accord.
(a)Rebbi Dosa queries Rebbi Eliezer. What does he mean when he says 'ad she'Poschin lo ... Yift'chu lo bi'Chevod ha'Makom'?
(b)What did the Chachamim say to that?
(c)What exactly, did they actually say?
(d)Like whom is the Halachah?
(e)In which case do the Chachamim concede to Rebbi Eliezer that the Chacham can annul the Neder by being Pose'ach bi'Chevod Aviv ve'Imo'?
(a)Rebbi Dosa queries Rebbi Eliezer. When he says 'ad she'Poschin lo ... Yift'chu lo bi'Chevod ha'Makom' - he means to ask why, by the same token, the Chacham is not Pose'ach with the Honor of Hash-m?
(b)The Chachamim answered - that even Rebbi Eliezer will agree that this is not a feasible Pesach, since nobody would dare to answer that he meant to make a Neder in spite of Kavod Shamayim (See Tos. Yom-Tov).
(c)What they actually said was 'Im Kein Ein Nedarim' (by which they meant that no Neder would then ever be nullified correctly).
(d)The Halachah is - like the Chachamim.
(e)The Chachamim concede to Rebbi Eliezer that Beis-Din can annul the Neder by being Pose'ach bi'Chevod Aviv ve'Imo' - if it is in order to annul a Neder that concerns them (where for example, a son is Madir his father from his property and thn wishes to annul the Neder).
(a)Rebbi Eliezer said furthermore (See Tos. Yom-Tov) 'Poschin be'Nolad'. What does this mean?
(b)One example of Nolad is if after Reuven is Noder Hana'ah from Shimon, the latter becomes a Sofer. What is a 'Sofer' in this context?
(c)What does Reuven respond?
(d)Another example of Nolad is where after Reuven declares a short-term Isur Hana'ah from Shimon, the latter's son becomes engaged. On what grounds does Reuven now agree to have his Neder annulled?
(a)Rebbi Eliezer said furthermore (See Tos. Yom-Tov) 'Poschin be'Nolad' - that the Chacham may annul the Neder by suggesting to the Noder that had he known that an uncommon event would occur after he made the Neder, he would not have made it (See Tos. Yom-Tov).
(b)One example of Nolad is if after Reuven is Noder Hana'ah from Shimon, the latter becomes a Sofer - a Talmid-Chacham (whom everybody needs).
(c)Reuven responds that - had he known, he would indeed not have made the Neder.
(d)Another example of Nolad is where, after Reuven declares a short-term Isur Hana'ah from Shimon, the latter's son becomes engaged. Reuven now agrees to have his Neder annulled - on the grounds - that had he known, in order to be able to attend the wedding he would not have made the Neder.
(a)What is the third example of Nolad given by the Mishnah (concerning a house that he vowed not to enter)?
(b)On what grounds do the Chachamim disagree with Rebbi Eliezer?
(c)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)The third example of Nolad given by the Mishnah is - that of a house that Reuven vowed not to enter, and - that subsequently became a Shul.
(b)The Chachamim disagree with Rebbi Eliezer - since a. He failed to make any stipulation when he made the Neder, and b. the subsequent occurrences are not common, in which case it did not occur to Reuven that they might take place (See previous Tos. Yom-Tov).
(c)The Halachah is - like the Chachamim.
(a)Rebbi Meir gives two examples of something that resembles Nolad, but is not Nolad. One example of this is where the Noder made a Neder not to marry P'lonis because her father is wicked, or not to enter a certain house because of the vicious dog or snake that lives in it. What happened subsequently to make it a case of Nolad?
(b)Why is that not considered a proper T'nai (See Tos. Yom-Tov)?
(c)Then on what grounds does Rebbi Meir consider them not to be Nolad?
(a)Rebbi Meir gives two examples of something that resembles Nolad, but is not Nolad. One example of this is where the Noder made a Neder not to marry P'lon is because her father is wicked, or not to enter a certain house because of the vicious dog or snake that lives in it - and where the woman's father or the dog or the snake subsequently died.
(b)That is not considered a proper T'nai - because the Noder merely responded to the Beis-Din's suggestion (See Tos. Yom-Tov)
(c)Rebbi Meir nevertheless considers them not to be Nolad - because, since the contingency that subsequently materialized was specifically mentioned, it is as if he specifically made the stipulation himself (See Tos. Yom-Tov).
(a)What do the Chachamim of Rebbi Meir say?
(b)What is their reason?
(c)How does the Yerushalmi rule in this case?
(a)The Chachamim of Rebbi Meir - disagree with him (See Tos Yom-Tov) ...
(b)... because, since the T'nai was not instigated by the Noder, it remains Nolad.
(c)The Yerushalmi - rules like Rebbi Meir.
(a)What other lenient ruling does Rebbi Meir issue, regarding a Neder that involves an Isur d'Oraysa?
(b)Three examples that he cites are the Isur of "Lo Sikom ve'Lo Sitor", "Lo Sisna es Achicha bi'Levavecha" and "Ve'ahavta le'Re'achah Kamocha". What is the fourth?
(c)What does he say about annulling the Neder on the basis of 'had he known that the Mudar will become poor and he will not be able to sustain him, he would not have made the Neder?
(d)What do the Chachamim say in all these cases?
(a)Another lenient ruling that Rebbi Meir issues - permits a Chacham to annul a Neder by asking the Noder whether he would have declared it had he known that he is transgressing an Isur d'Oraysa.
(b)Three examples that he cites are the Isur of "Lo Sikom ve'Lo Sitor", "Lo Sisna es Achicha bi'Levavecha" and "Ve'ahavta le'Re'achah Kamocha". The fourth is - "Ve'chei Achicha imach" (See Tos. Yom-Tov).
(c)And he issues the same ruling with regard to annulling the Neder on the basis of 'had he known that the Mudar will become poor and he will not be able to sustain him, he would not have made the Neder' (See Tos. Yom-Tov).
(d)From the fact that the Chachamim do not comment on all these cases - we can assume that they agree with Rebbi Meir (See also Tos.Yom-Tov).
(a)What do we learn from the Pasuk in Sh'mos ...
1. ... (in connection with Moshe's arrival in Yisro's house) "Vayo'el Moshe Lasheves es ha'Ish"?
2. ... (in connection with his imminent departure to Egypt) "Vayomer Hash-m el Moshe be'Midyan Lech Shuv ... "? Why did he need to return to Yisro?
(b)What Halachah do we learn from there?
(a)We learn from the Pasuk in Sh'mos ...
1. ... (in connection with Moshe's arrival in Yisro's house) "Vayo'el Moshe (See Tos. Yom-Tov) Lasheves es ha'Ish" - that Moshe swore that he would not leave Midyan without informing Yisro.
2. ... (in connection with his imminent departure to Egypt) "Vayomer Hash-m el Moshe be'Midyan Lech Shuv ... " - that Hash-m ordered Moshe to return to Yisro to annul his oath before departing.
(b)We learn from there that - when a Mudar Hana'ah annuls his Neder, he must do so in the presence of the person from whom he is Mudar.
(a)What does the Mishnah mean when it says 'Poschin lo le'Adam bi'Kesubas Ishto'?
(b)In the supporting episode cited in the Mishnah, how much was written in the wife's Kesubah?
(c)What did the Noder answer when Rebbi Akiva obligated him to pay his wife the entire Kesubah? What was the problem?
(d)What was Rebbi Akiva's response to the man's ...
1. ... pleas?
2. ... his declaration that had he known that he would have had to give all his money to his wife he would never have divorced her?
(a)When the Mishnah 'Poschin lo le'Adam bi'Kesubas Ishto' it means - that a Chacham who comes to Matir a man's Neder can use the fact that he would not have made the Neder had he realized how much he would have had to pay for his wife's Kesubah as a reason to annul it.
(b)In the supporting episode cited in the Mishnah, the amount written the wife's Kesubah was - four hundred Dinrim.
(c)When Rebbi Akiva obligated him to pay his wife the entire Kesubah - the Noder complained that, when his father died, he left eight hundred Dinrim (See Tos. Yom-Tov), of which his brother took half, so that four hundred Dinrim comprised his entire possessions. Let his wife take two hundred and himself two hundred!
(d)Rebbi Akiva responded to the man's ...
1. ... pleas that - if it meant selling the hair on his head to make ends meet then that is what he would have to do, but that he remained obligated to pay his wife's Kesubah (See Tos. Yom-Tov)
2. ... declaration that had he known that he would have had to give all his money to his wife he would never have divorced her - by annulling his Neder.
(a)The Mishnah now states 'Poschin be'Yamim Tovim ve'Shabbasos'. What is the case?
(b)What does the Tana mean?
(c)Why might we have thought otherwise?
(a)When the Mishnah says 'Poschin be'Yamim Tovim ve'Shabbasos', it is referring to a case where - a man is Noder on himself either an Isur Hana'ah or not to eat meat for a certain period of time which included Shabbasos or Yamim-Tovim.
(b)The Tana means - that the Chacham may use the fact that the man expresses that he would not have made the Neder had he realized that he would be obligated to fast or not to refrain from eating meat (See Tos. Yom-Tov) on Shabbos or Yom-Tov to annul the Neder.
(c)We might have thought otherwise - since it resembles 'Poschin bi'Chevod ha'Makom', which we learned at the beginning of the Perek is forbidden.
(a)Based on which principle did Rebbi Akiva rejects the initial ruling that the relevant days are permitted but that the other days that the Neder incorporates remain forbidden?
(b)What is the reason behind the principle?
(a)Rebbi Akiva rejected the initial ruling that the relevant days are permitted but that the other days incorporated in the Neder remain forbidden, based on the principle - 'Neder she'Hutar Miktzaso, Hutar Kulo'.
(b)The reason behind the principle is - the Noder originally made the Neder to take effect in its entirety, not just in part (See Tos. Yom-Tov).
(a)The Mishnah gives an example of 'Neder she'Hutar Miktzaso, Hutar Kulo', where Reuven declares 'she'Eini (See Tos. Yom-Tov) Neheneh le'Kulchem!'. What will be the Din if he is Matir Neder from one of them.
(b)Alternatively, the Tana presents a case where he is Madir Hana'ah ' ... la'Zeh ve'la'Zeh ve'la'Zeh!' What does he actually say, after forbidding the first one?
(c)What will be the Din if he is Matir ...
1. ... the first one?
2. ... the last one?
3. ... the middle one?
(d)What does the Tana finally say in a case where Reuven declares ' ... she'Eini Neheneh la'Zeh Korban ve'la'Zeh Korban!'?
(a)The Mishnah gives an example of 'Neder she'Hutar Miktzaso, Hutar Kulo', where Reuven declares (See Tos. Yom-Tov) Neheneh le'Kulchem!'. If he is Matir Neder from one of them - they all become permitted.
(b)Alternatively, the Tana presents a case where he is Madir Hana'ah ' ... la'Zeh ve'la'Zeh ve'la'Zeh!' After forbidding the first one, he says with reference to the second one 'Harei Zeh ka'Rishon!' and then with reference to the third one 'Harei Zeh ka'Sheini!' (See Tos. Yom-Tov).
(c)If he is then Matir ...
1. ... the first one - all three of them are permitted.
2. ... the last one - only he is permitted.
3. ... the middle one - he and the third one are permitted, but not the first one (See Tos. Yom-Tov).
(d)The Tana finally rules in a case where Reuven declares ' ... she'Eini Neheneh la'Zeh Korban ve'la'Zeh Korban!' - that each one requires an independent Pesach to nullify that section of the Neder.
(a)The author of the Mishnah is Rebbi Shimon. On what condition is Reuven Chayav to bring a Korban for falsely denying that he owes Shimon money?
(b)On what condition does Rebbi Shimon rule, in a case where five people claim from him that Reuven owes them money and he denies all five claims, that he is Chayav to bring five Korbanos?
(c)How does that affect our Mishnah?
(a)The author of the Mishnah is Rebbi Shimon, according to whom Reuven is Chayav to bring a Korban for falsely denying that he owes Shimon money - provided he bears out his denial with a Shevu'ah, and then admits that he swore falsely.
(b)Rebbi Shimon rules, in a case where five people claim from him that Reuven owes them money and he denies all five claims, that he is Chayav to bring five Korbanos - there where he mentioned 'Shevu'ah' to each one independently.
(c)Likewise in our Mishnah - if Reuven forbids Hana'ah on five people, it is only considered five independent Nedarim if he mentions 'Korban' by each one.
(a)What do the Chachamim of Rebbi Shimon say?
(b)What will they therefore say in our Mishnah?
(c)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)According to the Chachamim of Rebbi Shimon - he is Chayav five Korbanos even if he merely denies that he is Chayav to each one without mentioning 'Shevu'ah' by each one.
(b)Consequently, in in our Mishnah too - he will require Pesach for each one, even if he did not mention 'Korban' by each one.
(c)The Halachah is - like the Chachamim.
(a)What does the Mishnah say about a case where, after Reuven has been Madir Hana'ah from wine 'because it is bad for the intestines', people tell him that old wine is actually good for the intestines (See Tos. Yom-Tov)?
(b)What will be the Din if he tells the Chacham that had he known, he would have forbidden on himself all wine except for old wine?
(c)What would he have to say for his entire Neder to be annulled?
(a)In a case where after Reuven has been Madir Hana'ah from wine 'because it is bad for the intestines', people tell him that smoked wine is actually good for the intestines, the Mishnah rules that - he is permitted to drink, not only old wine, but fresh wine too (See Tos. Yom-Tov).
(b)If he tells the Chacham that, had he known, he would have forbidden on himself all wine except for old wine - he will be permitted to drink only old wine (See Tos. Yom-Tov).
(c)For his entire Neder to be annulled - he would have to say either that he would have not have made the Neder at all, or that he would have permitted old wine and forbidden only fresh wine.
(a)In similar vein, the Mishnah discusses someone who was Noder Hana'ah from onions. Why did he do that?
(b)What is special about 'Kufri' onions?
(c)The Mishnah supports its ruling in this regard with an actual ruling of Rebbi Meir. What did Rebbi Meir say about someone who retracted from his Neder when they informed him that Kufri onions are good for the heart?
(a)In similar vein, the Mishnah discusses someone who is Noder Hana'ah from onions - because onions are bad for the heart.
(b)'Kufri' onions are special - in that they are good for the heart.
(c)The Mishnah supports its ruling in this regard with an actual ruling of Rebbi Meir - who permitted someone who retracted from his Neder when they informed him that Kufri onions are good for the heart, to eat all onions.
(a)The Mishnah states 'Poschin Adam bi'Chevod Atzmo u'vi'Chevod Banav'. Which Neder is the Tana referring to?
(b)What does the Chacham ask the Noder regarding ...
1. ... himself?
2. ... his daughters?
(c)How does the Noder respond?
(d)Why might we have thought that the Neder is not annulled?
(a)The Mishnah states 'Poschin Adam bi'Chevod Atzmo u'vi'Chevod Banav' - with regard to a Neder that a man made to divorce his wife.
(b)The Chacham asks the Noder whether he realizes that people will ...
1. ... refer to him as a man who divorces his wife and that he will ...
2. ... stigmatize his daughters by referring to them as daughters of a divorcee (See Tos. Yom-Tov).
(c)The Noder responds - that had he been aware of that, he would not have declared the Neder.
(d)We might have thought that the Neder is not annulled - because he only expressed his regret out of embarrassment, but that he did not really mean it.
(a)What will be the Din if a man makes a Neder not to marry P'lonis because she is ugly, dark-skinned or short, and she turns out to be pretty, pale-skinned or tall?
(b)What reason does the Tana give for this ruling?
(c)The Mishnah cites the story of Rebbi Yishmael with regard to a man who was Madir Hana'ah from his sister's daughter because 'she was ugly'. What did Rebbi Yishmael subsequently do?
(d)What did he then rule?
(a)If a man makes a Nedefr not to marry P'lonis because she is ugly, dark-skinned or short, and she turns out to be pretty, pale-skinned or tall - he is permitted to marry her without even nullifying the Neder ...
(b)... because, the Tana explains - the Neder was made erroneously (Neder be'Ta'us).
(c)The Mishnah cites the story of Rebbi Yishmael with regard to a man who was Madir Hana'ah from his sister's daughter because 'she was ugly' - Rebbi Yishmael subsequently took her into his home and made her up nicely, until she looked pretty.
(d)He then ruled - that the Noder was permitted to marry her even without having the Neder annulled (like the Tana Kama in the Reisha [See Tos. Yom-Tov]).
(a)What makes Rebbi Yishmael's case different than that of the Tana Kama?
(b)Why did he nevertheless rule leniently?
(c)What would the Tana Kama have ruled?
(d)How is it therefore necessary to amend the Seifa?
(e)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)Rebbi Yishmael's case is different than that of the Tana Kama - because the fact is that she was not initially pretty, and that she only became pretty afterwards.
(b)He nevertheless ruled leniently - because, since she was initially fit to be beautified in this way, she was never really ugly in the first place.
(c)The Tana Kama - would have required the Noder to annul his Neder.
(d)Consequently, it is necessary to amend the Seifa - by introducing Rebbi Yishmael's statement and then adding 'u'Ma'aseh Nami ... " '.
(e)The Halachah is - like the Tana Kama.
(a)This story caused Rebbi Yishmael to burst into tears. What did he then declare?
(b)How did the daughters of Yisrael react when Rebbi Yishmael died?
(c)Which Pasuk in Shmuel does the Mishnah cite to support this?
(a)This story caused Rebbi Yishmael to burst into tears, and to declare - 'The B'nos Yisrael are really beautiful, and it is only poverty that causes them to look ugly.
(b)When Rebbi Yishmael died, the daughters of Yisrael reacted - by announcing - 'B'nos Yisrael, lament the death of Rebbi Yishmael!'
(c)To support this, the Mishnah cites the Pasuk in Shmuel - "B'nos Yisrael, lament the death of Shaul, who would cloth you with scarlet and finery".