Mishnah 1
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(a)What does the Mishnah say about someone who declares 'Konam Yayin she'Ani To'em ...

1. ... ha'Yom'? When will he be permitted to drink wine?

2. ... Shabbos Zu'?

3. ... Chodesh Zeh'?

4. ... Shanah Zu'?

(b)What will be the Din if, in the third case, Rosh Chodesh falls on the thirtieth of the month?

(c)What does the Noder mean if he says 'Shavu'a Zeh'?

(d)When will he then be permitted to drink wine?


(a)The Mishnah rules that someone who declares 'Konam Yayin she'Ani To'em ...

1. ... ha'Yom' - is forbidden to drink wine until nightfall ...

2. ... Shabbos Zu' - until (and including) Shabbos.

3. ... Chodesh Zeh' - until (but excluding) Rosh Chodesh.

4. ... Shanah Zu' - until (but excluding) Rosh ha'Shanah (See Tos. Yom-Tov).

(b)If, in the third case, Rosh Chodesh falls on the thirtieth of the month - the Neder will still preclude Rosh Chodesh (See Tos. Yom-Tov).

(c)If the Noder says 'Shavu'a Zeh' - he means the current seven year Sh'mitah-cycle ...

(d)... and he will be permitted to drink wine -after the next Sh'mitah-year.


(a)What does the Tana say there where the Noder declares an Isur Hana'ah ...

1. ... 'Yom Echad', 'Shabbos Achas' or 'Chodesh Echad'

2. ... 'Shanah Achas' or 'Shavu'a Echad'?

(b)What if he omits the word 'Echad' or 'Achas' altogether?

(c)If the Noder says 'ha'Yom', when will he be allowed to drink wine?

(d)Then why is he obligated to be Matir Neder via a Chacham?

(e)What if he says 'Shabbos Zu', 'Chodesh Zeh', 'Shanah Zu' or Shavu'a Zeh'?


(a)There where the Noder declares an Isur Hana'ah ...

1. ... 'Yom Echad', 'Shabbos Achas' or 'Chodesh Echad', the Tana rules that - he is forbidden to drink wine for the twenty-four hours, seven-day period or month (respectively) from day to day, following the declaration ...

2. ... 'Shanah Achas' or 'Shavu'a Echad' - for the next twelve-months or seven years (from day to day), and the same will apply in all these cases ...

(b)... if he omits the word 'Echad' or 'Achas' altogether (See Tos. Yom-Tov).

(c)If the Noder says ha'Yom', he will be allowed to drink wine - with the advent of nightfall.

(d)He is nevertheless obligated to be Matir Neder via a Chacham - a Gezeirah in case he comes to drink wine at nightfall even where he says 'Yom' (without 'Zeh'), and the same will apply if he says ...

(e)'Shabbos Zu', 'Chodesh Zeh', 'Shanah Zu' or Shavu'a Zeh'.

Mishnah 2
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(a)What difference does the Mishnah draw as to whether the Noder says ' ... ad ha'Pesach' or ' ... ad she'Yehei ha'Pesach'?

(b)Also where he says ' ... ad Lifnei ha'Pesach', Rebbi Meir forbids drinking wine until Pesach arrives. What does Rebbi Yossi say?

(c)What is the basis of their Machlokes? Over which S'vara are they arguing?

(d)Like whom is the Halachah?


(a)The Mishnah rules that ' ... ad ha'Pesach' - covers the period until the advent of Pesach; ' ... ad she'Yehei ha'Pesach' - until its termination.

(b)Also where he says ' ... ad Lifnei ha'Pesach', Rebbi Meir forbids drinking wine until Pesach arrives. According to Rebbi Yossi - until its termination.

(c)The basis of their Machlokes is - whether a person enters into a Safek (Rebbi Yossi [See Tos. Yom-Tov]) or not (Rebbi Meir).

(d)The Halachah is - like Rebbi Yossi (See Tos. Yom-Tov).

Mishnah 3
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(a)The Tana now discusses a case where the Noder says ' ... ad ha'Katzir', ' ... ad ha'Batzir' or ' ... ad ha'Masik'. What do these terms mean?

(b)What does the Mishnah rule in all three cases?

(c)What if he says ' ... ad she'Yehei ha'Katzir' ... ?

(d)What principle governs this ruling?

(e)How will the principle differ in the earlier cases where the Noder referred to something with a fixed date?


(a)The Tana now discusses a case where the Noder says ' ... ad ha'Katzir', ' ... ad ha'Batzir'or ' ... ad ha'Masik' - which all refer to harvesting; 'Katzir' of grain, 'Batzir' of grapes and 'Masik' of olives.

(b)In all three cases the Mishnah rules that - the Isur applies only until the harvest season arrives, and the same will apply ...

(c)... if he says ' ... ad she'Yehei' ...

(d)... since the harvest season has no fixed date, and whatever has no fixed date (See Tos. Yom-Tov DH 'Kol she'Zemano ...') 'ad she'Yehei' and 'ad she'Yagi'a' share the same Din.

(e)In the earlier cases, where the Noder referred to something with a fixed date - the Tana differentiates between 'ad she'Yehei' (until it arrives) and 'ad she'Yagi'a' (until it terminates).

Mishnah 4
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(a)Which fruit-harvest is called 'Kayitz'?

(b)Until when will the Noder be forbidden to drink wine if he dclares 'Konam ad ha'Kayitz'?

(c)What if he says 'ad she'Yehei Kayitz'?

(d)If he declares ' ... ad'she'Ya'avor Kayitz', the Tana gives the time as up to when the harvesters begin bringing baskets-full of figs. What if he says 'ad she'Ya'avor ha'Kayitz'?


(a)'Kayitz' is called - the harvest of figs (See Tos. Yom-Tov).

(b)If the Noder declares 'Konam ad ha'Kayitz' he will be forbidden to drink wine - until the harvest season begins. And the same will apply if he says ...

(c)... 'ad she'Yehei Kayitz'.

(d)If he declares ' ... ad'she'Ya'avor Kayitz', the Tana gives the time as up to when the harvesters begin bringing baskets-full of figs; 'ad she'Ya'avor ha'Kayitz' - he gives him until most of (See Tos. Yom-Tov) the mats on which the figs are placed to dry have been rolled up (and put them away until next year).


(a)The Mishnah already discussed the Lashon 'ad ha'Katzir'. To which crops does 'ad ha'Katzir' pertain, and to which crops does it not pertain?

(b)On what condition will it refer to the barley-harvest?

(c)What else does 'ha'Kol l'fi M'kom Nidro' incorporate?


(a)The Mishnah already discussed the Lashon 'ad ha'Katzir', which pertains to - the wheat-harvest, but not the barley-harvest (See Tos. Yom-Tov) ...

(b)... unless the majority of the local harvest comprises barley.

(c)'ha'Kol l'fi M'kom Nidro' also incorporates - the location of the majority of harvesting that is performed in that area (i.e. depending upon whether it is in the mountain or in the valley [See Tos. Yom-Tov]).

Mishnah 5
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(a)The Tana Kama gives the time of 'ad ha'Geshamim' or 'ad she'Yehei ha'Geshamim' as 'until the rain arrives'. Assuming the initial rain (Revi'ah Rishonah) did not fall on the seventeenth or the twenty-third of Mar-Cheshvan, which date is he referring to?

(b)What does Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel say?

(c)Like whom is the Halachah?

(d)The time for 'ad she'Yifs'ku Geshamim', according to Rebbi Meir, is until the end of Nisan. What does Rebbi Yehudah say?

(e)Like whom is the Halachah?


(a)The Tana Kama gives the time of 'ad ha'Geshamim' or 'ad she'Yehei ha'Geshamim' as 'until the rain arrives'. Assuming the initial rain (Revi'ah Rishonah) did not fall on the seventeenth or the twenty-third of Mar-Cheshvan, he is referring to - the first of Kislev (the initial date on which the second rain is due to fall [See Tos. Yom-Tov]), provided it rains then.

(b)According to Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel - the Neder ends then even if it did not rain (See Tos. Yom-Tov DH 'she'Teired Revi'ah Sheniyah').

(c)The Halachah is - like the Tana Kama (See Tos. Yom-Tov).

(d)The time for 'ad she'Yifs'ku Geshamim', according to Rebbi Meir, is until the end of Nisan. According to Rebbi Yehudah - it is until the termination of Pesach.

(e)The Halachah is - like Rebbi Yehudah.


(a)What does the Mishnah say about someone who declares 'Konam Yayin she'Eini To'em (See Tos. Yom-Tov) ha'Shanah', and the year is subsequently declared a leap-year?

(b)What is the Noder referring to if says ...

1. ... 'ad Rosh Adar'?

2. ... 'ad Sof Adar'?

(c)And what does Rebbi Yehudah say about someone who is Noder not to drink wine 'ad she'Yehei ha'Pesach!'?

(d)What is his reason?


(a)The Mishnah rules that if someone declares 'Konam Yayin she'Eini To'em (See Tos. Yom-Tov) ha'Shanah' (SeeTos. Yom-Tov), and the year is subsequently declared a leap-year - means to include Adar Sheini in his Neder.

(b)If the Noder declares ...

1. ... 'ad Rosh Adar' - he is referring to Rosh Chodesh Adar Rishon, whereas if he declares ...

2. ... 'ad Sof Adar' - he is referring to the end of Adar Rishon (See Tos. Yom-Tov).

(c)Rebbi Yehudah rules that someone who is Noder not to drink wine 'ad she'Yehei ha'Pesach!' - is only forbidden to drink wine until Seder-night ...

(d)... since he obviously meant to forbid wine up to the time that people drink wine (See Tos. Yom-Tov).

Mishnah 6
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(a)Rebbi Yehudah now discusses someone who is Noder from meat 'ad she'Yehei ha'Tzom'. What is 'Tzom' referring to?

(b)When does he permit him to eat meat?

(c)Why is that?


(a)Rebbi Yehudah now discusses someone who is Noder from meat 'ad she'Yehei ha'Tzom' - until Yom Kipur).

(b)He permits him to eat meat - at the Se'udah ha'Mafsekes (the meal before the fast begins) ...

(c)... because then it is a Mitzvah to eat a good meal.


(a)What does Rebbi Yossi ben Yehudah say about someone who is Noder from garlic 'ad she'Tehei Shabbos'?

(b)The reason for this ruling is connected with one of Ezra's Takanos. Which one?

(c)What is the Halachah regarding these last three cases?


(a)Rebbi Yossi ben Yehudah rules that someone who is Noder from garlic 'ad she'Tehei Shabbos' - may eat garlic on Friday night.

(b)The reason for this ruling is connected with the Takanah of Ezra - to eat garlic on Friday night, because garlic increases the Zera (See Tos. Yom-Tov).

(c)The Halachah regarding these last three cases is - until after Pesach, after Yom Kipur and after Shabbos (in keeping with the earlier ruling in Mishnah 3, regarding 'ad she'Yehei' [See also Tos. Yom-Tov]).

Mishnah 7
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(a)The Mishnah discusses a case where Reuven declares a Neder forbidding Shimon to have Hana'ah from him unless he comes to fetch a Kur of wheat and two barrels of wine on behalf of his son? What does the Tana permit Shimon to do?

(b)Why is that?

(c)What does Rebbi Meir say about the reverse case, where Reuven forbids Shimon to have Hana'ah from him unless he (Simon) gives his (Reuven's) son a Kur of wheat and two barrels of wine?

(d)What do the Chachamim say?


(a)The Mishnah discusses a case where Reuven declares a Neder forbidding Shimon to have Hana'ah from him unless he comes to fetch a Kur of wheat and two barrels of wine on behalf of his son (See Tos. Yom-Tov). The Tana permits Shimon - to annul the Neder (See Tos. Yom-Tov) without going to a Chacham ...

(b)... because Reuven's Neder was meant to honor Shimon (See Tos.Yom-Tov), and Shimon considers it an honor to sustain his son himself.

(c)In the reverse case, where Reuven forbids Shimon to have Hana'ah from him unless he (Simon) gives his (Reuven's) son a Kur of wheat and two barrels of wine - Rebbi Meir forbids Shimon to have Hana'ah from him until he fulfils Reuven's request (See Tos. Yom-Tov).

(d)According to the Chachamim - if Reuven claims 'Hareini ke'Niskabalti' (It is as if I have received it [See Tos. Yom-Tov DH 'Veyomar lo ... ' & 'Harei Ani]), the Neder is annulled.


(a)What does the Tana say about a case where ...

1. ... they are trying to talk a man into marrying his niece and he declares 'Konam she'hi Nehenis li Le'olam!'?

2. ... a man who is divorcing his wife declares 'Konam Ishti Nehenis li Le'olam!'?

(b)What is the reason for both of these rulings?

(c)In the former case, what is the significance of a niece (besides the fact that she is a bas Gil [born under the same Mazal])?


(a)The Tana says that in a case where ...

1. ... they are trying to talk a man into marrying his niece and he declares 'Konam she'hi Nehenis li Le'olam!' - he is permitted to benefit from her.

2. ... a man who is divorcing his wife declares 'Konam Ishti Nehenis li Le'olam!' - he is permitted to benefit from her.

(b)The reason for both of these rulings is - because he only intended to preclude marrying her.

(c)In the former case, the significance of a niece (besides the fact that she is a bas Gil [born under the same Mazal] is - that it is subject to a special B'rachah, as the Pasuk says in Yeshayah "u'mi'Besarcha al Tis'alem, Az Tikra va'Hshem Ya'aneh".


(a)And what is the Din in a case where Reuven is trying to induce Shimon to eat by him, and the latter responds by making a Neder forbidding upon himself entry to Reuven's house or drinking a drop of cold water by him?

(b)Why is that?

(c)In that case, why is he permitted even to eat and drink?

(d)Why is this different than the previous cases, where he is forbidden to marry the woman even though he did not mention marriage?


(a)In a case where Reuven is trying to induce Shimon to eat by him, and the latter responds by making a Neder forbidding upon himself entry to Reuven's house or drinking a drop of cold water by him - he is permitted to enter his house or drink a drop of cold water that belongs to him ...

(b)... because he only meant to forbid on himself eating and drinking ...

(c)... and the reason that he is permitted even to eat and drink is - because he did not mention it in his Neder, and te Torah specifically writes "ke'Chol ha'Yotzei mi'Piv Ya'aseh".

(d)This case is not comparable to the previous cases, where he is forbidden to marry the woman even though he did not mention marriage - because there he mentioned Hana'ah, and marriage is included in Hana'ah.