[28a - 39 lines; 28b - 14 lines]

1)[line 8]דינא דמלכותא דינאDINA D'MALCHUSA DINA- the laws of non-Jewish kingdoms are binding on all of their Jewish inhabitants

2)[line 10]במוכס שאין לוקצבהB 'MOCHES SHE'IN LO KITZVAH- with a tax-collector who has no fixed amount that he must collect [and takes whatever he wants]

3)[line 11]במוכס העומד מאליוB'MOCHES HA'OMED ME'ELAV- with a tax-collector who appointed himself [without the king's authorization]


4)[line 6]זיקא נפישאZIKA NEFISHA- a strong storm wind