[8a - 24 lines; 8b - 20 lines]

1)[line 4]לזרוזי נפשיהL'ZARUZEI NAFSHEI- to motivate himself

2)[line 9]דאפי' זרוזי בעלמאD'AFILU ZERUZEI B'ALMA- (The word "d'Afilu" is not necessary; see RASHASH. Alternatively, the Gemara means that "even" to teach us that one may motivate himself with such a Neder is not necessary - SHALMEI NEDARIM)

3)[line 14]"[ותהי עלי שם יד ה'] ויאמר אלי קום צא אל הבקעה ושם אדבר אותך. ואקום ואצא אל הבקעה והנה שם כבוד ה' עמד [ככבוד אשר ראיתי על נהר כבר ואפל על פני]""[VA'TEHI ALAI SHAM YAD HASH-M,] VA'YOMER ELAI, 'KUM TZEI EL HA'BIK'AH, V'SHAM ADABER OSACH.' VA'AKUM VA'ETZEI EL HA'BIK'AH, V'HINEH SHAM KEVOD HASH-M OMED, [KA'KAVOD ASHER RA'ISI AL N'HAR-K'VAR, VA'EPOL AL PANAI]" - "And the Hand of HaSh-m came upon me there, and He said to me, 'Arise and go to the valley, and there I will speak with you.' So I arose and I went to the valley, and there the Glory of G-d was standing, [like the Glory that I saw by the River Kevar, and I fell on my face.]" (Yechezkel 3:22-23) (YECHEZKEL, SHACKLED AND DUMB)

A Divine Spirit lifted Yechezkel onto his feet and ordered him to go home and to remain there as if he was in shackles (so as not to go among the exiles), and to act dumb as if his tongue had stuck to his palate. The people were in a rebellious mood and would not take heed of his words. Soon thereafter, HaSh-m would speak to him and open his mouth, at which point he was to rebuke them in the Name of HaSh-m. Some of them would listen, but others would not (according to the Metzudas David, Yechezkel was to tell them that those who wanted to listen should do so, and those who did not should not), because they were a rebellious people.

4)[line 18]דתנו הלכתאD'SANU HILCHESA- who have learned Gemara

5)[line 18]מתנו ולא תנוMASNU V'LO SANU- they have learned Mishnah but not Gemara

6)[line 20]אפרשת דרכיםA'PARASHAS DERACHIM- on a crossroads

7)[line 21]עד דמקלעי ליהAD D'MIKLA'EI LEI- until he has met (lit. until there have chanced upon him)

8)[line 22]מהו דלישרי ליהMAHU D'LISHREI LEI- can he revoke the excommunication [that was administered in a dream]?

9a)[last line]לברL'BAR- for grain

b)[last line]תבןTEVEN- straw


10)[line 4]לחרטת אשתוL'CHARATAS ISHTO - the regret of his wife (CHARATAH)

(a)When an adult makes a Neder (or designates Chalah, Terumah, or Kodshim) or Nezirus, and he regrets having made the Neder, he may have it revoked by a Beis Din of three (if they are not outstanding authorities) or a Yachid Mumcheh (an outstanding authority). The general method used is that Beis Din investigates whether the person would not have made the Neder in the first place had he been aware of a particular fact. This investigation provides the person with a "Pesach" (opening) with which the Beis Din can revoke the Neder.

(b)If there are no facts that the person who made the Neder was not aware of but, nevertheless, he now regrets making the Neder, there is a Machlokes Tana'im as to whether the fact that the person regrets having made the Neder ("Charatah") is enough of a Pesach to allow the Neder to be annulled. The Halachah follows the opinion that Charatah is a valid Pesach in and of itself.

(c)Ravina asked Rav Ashi whether a husband can be his wife's agent in Beis Din to find a Pesach for her Neder.

11)[line 4]מכנפיןMECHANFIN- assembled, sitting as a court

12)[line 8]ויחיד מומחהV'YACHID MUMCHEH

(a)See above, entry #10a.

(b)There is a Machlokes Rishonim as to the status of a Yachid Mumcheh. The RAN rules that he must be an outstanding Torah authority well versed in the laws of Nedarim. Others rule that the scholar must also have Semichah (RAMBAN, cited by the Ran in Nedarim 23a).

13)[line 16]חרגא דיומא מסיCHIRGA D'YOMA MASI- dust particles that are seen in sunlight are healing

14)[line 17]מנרתיקהMI'NARTIKAH- from its sheath

15)[line 18]"וזרחה לכם יראי שמי שמש [צדקה ומרפא בכנפיה]""V'ZARCHAH LACHEM YIR'EI SHEMI SHEMESH [TZEDAKAH U'MARPEI BI'CHNAFEHA]"- "But to you who fear My name the sun [of righteousness shall arise with healing in its wings...]" (Malachi 3:20)

16)[line 19]שמתעדנין בהSHE'MIS'ADNIN BAH- they will be refreshed, rejuvenated by it

17)[line 19]"ויצאתם ופשתם כעגלי מרבק""V'YTZASEM U'FISHTEM K'EGLEI MARBEK"- "... and you shall go out sated, as fattenned calves in their pen." (Malachi 3:20)