WHAT IS KEVER HA'TEHOM? (Yerushalmi Perek 9 Halachah 2 Daf 44b)
àé æä äåà ÷áø äúäåí äîú ùð÷áø á÷ù åáúáï åáòôø åáöøåøåú àáì àí ð÷áø áîéí åáàôéìä åáð÷é÷é äñìòéí àéðå òåùä ÷áø äúäåí
Tosefta (Zavim 2:9): What is Kever ha'Tehom? A Mes was buried in straw, earth and pebbles. However, if it was buried in water, a totally dark place or a crevice in a rock, [since with difficulty one can see it, e.g. through a torch], it does not make Kever ha'Tehom.
ëììå ùì ãáø ëì (ùàú) [ö"ì ùàé àú - ÷øáï äòãä] éëåì ìôðåúå òåùä ÷áø äúäåí åëì (ùàé àúä) [ö"ì ùàú - ÷øáï äòãä] éëåì ìôðåúå àéðå òåùä ÷áø äúäåí
The general rule is, any case in which you can (i.e. it is destined to) clear away [and buried elsewhere], it makes Kever ha'Tehom. Any case in which you cannot (are not destined to) clear it away, it does not make Kever ha'Tehom.
å÷ù åúáï àéï àú éëåì ìôðåúå îúðéúà ãìà ëøáé éåñé
Question: Is straw not destined to be cleared away? Is the Tosefta unlike R. Yosi?
ãøáé éåñé àåîø úáï åáéèìå áèì
(R. Yosi): If there was straw [over a Mes] and he was Mevatel it (decided to leave it there permanently), it is Batel. (Stam, i.e. without Bitul, we do not say that it is destined to be cleared away, so it is as if there is air over it!)
øáé éåñé áé øáé áåï áùí øá çñãà ãáøé äëì äéà îä ãàîø ø' éåñé áùáììå áòôø
Answer (R. Yosi bei R. Bun citing Rav Chisda): [The Tosefta] is like everyone. R. Yosi discussed when he mixed [the straw] with earth. (Then, Stam it is destined to be cleared away.)
éù úáï ùäåà ëòôø åòôø ùäåà ëúáï
Rebuttal: [R. Yosi says] there is straw that is like earth, and earth that is like straw. (This shows that he discusses Stam straw.)
úáï ùàéï éëåì ìôðåúå äøé äåà ëòôø åòôø ùàú éëåì ìôðåúå äøé äåà ëúáï
Straw that is not destined to be cleared away, it is like earth. Earth that is destined to be cleared away, it is like straw;
ãáé ø' éðàé àîøé çéôäå îçöìåú áèì
(D'Vei R. Yanai): If one covered [straw] with mats, it is Batel. (He will leave both of them there.)
àéúà çîé îìàåäå îçöìåú ìà áèì çéôäå îçöìåú áèì
Question: See [this is unreasonable]! If one filled [the house] with mats, it is not Batel (presumably, he will remove them). If one covered [straw] with mats, it is Batel?!
îéìàäå çøéåú öøéëä
Question: If one filled [the house] with date branches, this is a question [whether they are Batel].
øáé æøé÷ï øáé àîé áùí øéù ì÷éù àôéìå øé÷
(R. Zerikan citing R. Ami citing Reish Lakish): Even [if he covered it with] spit (this is considered a covering).
àé æäå ÷áø äúäåí ëì ùàéï àãí æåëøå
What is Kever ha'Tehom? It is any [grave] that no one remembers.
åçù ìåîø ùîà àçã áñåó äòåìí áçæ÷ú äçé (áçéé) [ö"ì áçééä - ÷øáï äòãä]
Question: You should be concerned lest someone at the end of the world remembers it (e.g. the one who buried him), and the Chazakah of [one who was] alive is that he is still alive!
úéôúø ùîöàå ÷îöåõ
Answer: The case is, he found it Kamtzutz (his legs by his head. Surely he was not buried, rather, a rockpile fell on him.)
úðé àéï ìê òåùä ÷áø äúäåí àìà îú áìáã
(Beraisa): Nothing makes Kever ha'Tehom, except for a Mes.
äà ðáéìä ìà ÷ì åçåîø
Question: A Neveilah, a Kal v'Chomer [teaches that also it makes Kever ha'Tehom]!
åîä àí äîú (ùàéðå òåùä îùëá åîåùá äøé äåà òåùä ÷áø äúäåí ðáéìä ùòåùä îùëá åîåùá) [ö"ì ùîèîà áàäì òåùä ÷áø äúäåí ðáìä ùàéðä îèîàä áàäì - ÷øáï äòãä] àéðå ãéï ùúòùä ÷áø äúäåí
A Mes is Metamei b'Ohel, yet [it has the leniency that] it makes Kever ha'Tehom. A Neveilah is not Metamei b'Ohel. All the more so it should make Kever ha'Tehom!
ìàé æä ãáø ðàîø àéï ìê òåùä ÷áø äúäåí àìà îú áìáã ìäåöéà îùëá åîåùá
Answer: Why was it said 'nothing makes Kever ha'Tehom, except for a Mes'? It excludes [a Zav after he immersed on day seven; he makes] Mishkav u'Moshav. (If he will see an emission today, he is still Tamei. We do not say that since no one knows now, he is not Metamei Mishkav u'Moshav. Rather, what he sits on is Taluy; if he sees, it was Tamei from when he sat on it. We explained this like PNEI MOSHE.)
FLOATING OR BURIED TUM'AH (Yerushalmi Perek 9 Halachah 2 Daf 44b)
øáé éåñé áé ø' áåï àîø áø ôé÷ä ùàì ìøáé [ãó îä òîåã à] òã ëãåï áîòøä î÷åøä àôéìå áîòøä ùàéðä î÷åøä
Question (R. Yosi bei R. Bun): Bar Pikah asked Rebbi [our Mishnah discusses only] a cave with a roof. (It is considered to be filled, so it is as if the Tum'ah rests.) Is it even a cave without a roof?! (If so, it is Safek Tum'ah floating on the water, which is always Tahor!)
ñáø áø ôé÷ä (àéï - ÷øáï äòãä îåç÷å) ñô÷ èåîàä öôä òì ôðé äîéí (èäåø)
Remark: Bar Pikah thinks that Safek Tum'ah floating on the water [is Tahor even regarding Tum'as Mes].
àîø ìéä øáé òãééï áø ôé÷ä òåîã áùèåúå àéï ñô÷ èåîàä öôä òì ôðé äîéí èäåø àìà ùøõ àáì áîú ëòåîã äåà
Answer (Rebbi): Bar Pikah is still in his folly. Safek Tum'ah floating on the water is Tahor only for a Sheretz, but for a Mes, it is as if [the Tum'ah] stands [even if there is no roof. We explained this like GILYONEI HA'SHAS];
ëäãà ãúàðé ëì äðæø÷éï ñôé÷ï èäåø çåõ îëæéú îï äîú [ðøàä ùö"ì åëì, ëø' ùîùåï èäøåú ã:â áùí úåñôúà] äîàäéìéï ùäï îèîàéï îìîèï ìîòìï
This is like it was taught, anything thrown [and it is a Safek whether or not they touched a Tahor person or Kli], the Safek is Tahor, except for a k'Zayis of a Mes, and all [Taharos that were thrown and perhaps] towered [above Tum'as Mes], and anyone who is Metamei (Kelim made to sit or lie on) below and above (e.g. a Zav or Zavah. We explained this like R. SHIMSHON Taharos 4:3.)
ìéú äãà ôìéâà òì øáé éàùéä ãøáé éàùéä àîø èåîàä èîåðä á÷ø÷òå ùì áéú [ö"ì àéï - ÷øáï äòãä, ñôø ðéø] äðæéø îâìç
Question: (Our Mishnah says that if Tum'ah was found buried in the floor of the cave, if he immersed from Tum'as Mes, he is Tamei.) Does it argue with R. Yoshiyah? R. Yoshiyah said that if Tum'ah is buried in the ground under a house, a Nazir does not shave [for it]!
àîø øáé éåçðï ëàï îï äöã åëàï îëðâãï
Answer #1 (R. Yochanan): Here (R. Yoshiyah) discusses when [the Tum'ah] is to the side. (A Nazir does not shave for being under the same roof as it.) Our Mishnah teaches when he was directly over [the Tum'ah - OHR YAKOV].
ø' òæøä áùí øáé éåãï àîø åàôéìå úéîø ëàï åëàï îï äöã åúéîø ëàï åëàï îëðâãï îäå èîà èîà åàéðå îâìç:
Answer #2 (R. Ezrah citing R. Yudan): You can even say that in both cases it is to the side, or in both cases it is directly over it. What [does our Mishnah mean] 'he is Tamei'? He is Tamei, but he does not shave.