NAZIR 63 - Dedicatied l'Iluy Nishmas Maras Leah bas ha'Chaver Reb Refael Hanis by her son Reb Jizchak Kruskal


TO WHOM DOES TUM'AS HA'TEHOM APPLY? (Yerushalmi Perek 9 Halachah 2 Daf 43b)

îúðé' ðæéø ùâéìç åðåãò ùäåà èîà


(Mishnah): If a Nazir shaved (upon completing Nezirus) and then learned that he was Tamei:

àí èåîàä éãåòä ñåúø


If it was a known Tum'ah, he cancels (the days that he counted, and brings Korban Tum'ah and repeats Nezirus);

åàí èåîàú äúäåí àéðå ñåúø


If it was Tum'as ha'Tehom (an unknown Tum'ah), it does not cancel.

àí òã ùìà âéìç áéï ëê åáéï ëê ñåúø


If he found out before shaving, in either case he cancels.

ëéöã éøã ìèáåì áîòøä åðîöà îú öó òì ôé äîòøä èîà


What is the case? If he went to immerse [in a Mikveh] in a cave, and [later Tum'as] Mes was found floating on the water, he is (assumed to be) Tamei;

ðîöà îùå÷ò á÷ø÷ò äîòøä éøã ìä÷ø èäåø


If it was found buried in the floor of the cave - if he was Tahor, and entered the water merely to cool off, he is still Tahor;

ìéèäø îèåîàú äîú èîà ùçæ÷ú èîà èîà


If it was to become Tahor from Tum'as Mes (after Haza'os, he must immerse), he is Tamei.

åçæ÷ú èäåø èäåø ùøâìéí ìãáø:


One who had Chezkas Taharah is Tahor, for there are Raglayim l'Davar (reasons to say that his status did not change).

âî' àîø øáé éåçðï îàï úðà àí âéìç åàí ìà âéìç øáé àìéòæø áøí ëøáðéï òã ùìà ðæø÷ äãí òìéå


(Gemara - R. Yochanan): Who is the Tana who says that it depends on whether he shaved or did not shave [before he found out]? It is R. Eliezer. However, according to Rabanan [he cancels if he found out] before the blood was thrown for him.

òåìà áø éùîòàì áùí øáé ìòæø èòîà ãøáé àìéòæø [áîãáø å éç] åâéìç äðæéø àú ùòø øàù ðæøå äúåøä úìú ìðæéøåúå áùòøå


(Ula bar Yishmael citing R. Lazar): R. Eliezer's source is "v'Gilach ha'Nazir Es Se'ar Rosh Nizro" - the Torah made his Nezirus dependent on his hair;

äùìéí ìðæéøåúå ìà äñôé÷ ìâìç òã ùðåãò ìå áñô÷ ÷áø äúäåí [ö"ì àéðå - ÷äéìú éò÷á] ñåúø


If he finished his Nezirus and before he shaved he found out [that he became Tamei through] Safek Kever ha'Tehom, he does not cancel.

äôøéù ÷øáðåúéå åìà äñôé÷ (ìâìç) [ö"ì ìæøå÷ ãîï - ÷äéìú éò÷á] òã [ãó îã òîåã à] ùðúååãò ìå ÷áø äúäåí


Question: If he finished his Nezirus and before Zerikas Dam [of his Korban], he found out about Kever ha'Tehom [what is the law according to Rabanan]?

àîø øáé æòéøà ÷åîé øáé îðà åìà îúðéúà äéà åìà äåà âéìç äåà ìà âéìç ëøáé ìéòæø äåà òã ùìà ðæø÷ òìéå äãí äåà îùðæø÷ òìéå äãí ëøáðéï


Answer (R. Ze'ira, in front of R. Mana): Does our Mishnah not teach this?! Does it not depend on whether he shaved or did not shave [before he found out] according to R. Eliezer, and [similarly] whether the blood was thrown for him or was not thrown for him according to Rabanan?! (We explained this like KEHILAS YAKOV Nazir 17/18.)

îðééï ìñô÷ ÷áø äúäåí


Question: What is the source for Safek Kever ha'Tehom?

ø' éò÷á áø àçà áùí øáðï [áîãáø è é] àå áãøê øçå÷ä ìëí îä (ìëí) [ö"ì ãøê - ÷øáï äòãä] áâìåé àó ëì ãáø ùäåà áâìåé éöà ÷áø äúäåí ùàéðå áâìåé


Answer (R. Yakov bar Acha citing Rabanan): "Oh b'Derech Rechokah Lachem" - just like Derech (a road) is exposed, so all [Tum'ah] that is exposed. This excludes Kever ha'Tehom, which is not exposed.

òã ëãåï òåùé ôñç ðæéø îðéï


Question: This teaches about one who offers [Korban] Pesach. What is the source for a Nazir?

øáé éåçðï áùí øáé [ùí å è] åëé éîåú îú òìéå îä òìéå ùäåà áâìåé àó ëì ãáø ùäåà áâìåé éöà ÷áø äúäåí ùàéðå áâìåé


Answer (R. Yochanan citing Rebbi): "V'Chi Yamus Mes Alav" - just like Alav is exposed, all [Tum'ah] that is exposed. This excludes Kever ha'Tehom, which is not exposed.

öéáåø ùðéèîà áñô÷ ÷áø äúäåí îäå ùéøöä òìéå äöéõ


Question: If a Tzibur became Tamei through Safek Kever ha'Tehom, is the Tzitz Meratzeh for them [that they should offer b'Taharah]?

÷"å åîä àí éçéã ùäåøòúä ëåçå áèåîàä éãåòä ééôéúä ëåçå á÷áø äúäåí öéáåø ùéôéúä ëåçå áèåîàä éãåòä àéðå ãéï ùúééôä ëåçå á÷áø äúäåí


Answer: A Kal v'Chomer teaches this. An individual, you made him weak for a known Tum'ah (his Korban is not offered b'Tum'ah), and you made him strong for Kever ha'Tehom - a Tzibur, that you made it strong for a known Tum'ah (its Korban overrides Tum'ah), all the more so you should make it strong for Kever ha'Tehom!

÷ì ùàúä îé÷ì áéçéã àú îçîéø áöéáåø ÷ì ùàúä îé÷ì áéçéã ùàí ðúååãò ìå ìôðé æøé÷ä éòùä ëîé ùðéèîà ìàçø æøé÷ä áùáéì ùìà éãçä ìôñç ùðé àú îçîéø òìéå áöéáåø ùàí ðúååãò ìå ìàçø æøé÷ä éòùä ëîé ùðéèîà ìôðé æøé÷ä áùáéì (ùìà éàëì) [ö"ì ùéàëì - ãôåñ åéðéöéä, îøëáú äîùðä] äáùø


Rebuttal #1: The leniency that you have for an individual, this is a stringency for the Tzibur! The leniency that you have for an individual, that if he found out before Zerikah, you consider him like one who became Tamei after Zerikah, that he is not pushed off to Pesach Sheni, this is a stringency for the Tzibur! (If you would not rely on the law of Tehom, the Tzibur offers b'Safek Tum'ah.) If it becomes known after Zerikah [that they were Tamei], they are like [a Tzibur] that became Tamei before Zerikah, so that the meat is eaten. (However, if you say that the Tzitz is Meratzeh for Safek Kever ha'Tehom, they offer b'Taharah, and if it becomes known after Zerikah, it is as if they became Tamei after Zerikah, so that the meat is not eaten.)

÷ì ùàú îé÷ì áðæéø èäåø àú îçîéø áðæéø èîà


Rebuttal #2: (The Kal v'Chomer is invalid, for even for an individual, the law of Tehom it is not always a leniency!) The leniency that you have for a Nazir Tahor, you are stringent for a Nazir Tamei!

÷ì ùàú îé÷ì áðæéø èäåø ùàí ðúååãò ìå ìôðé æøé÷ä éòùä ëîé ùðéèîà ìàçø æøé÷ä áùáéì ùìà éáéà ÷øáï èåîàä àú îçîéø áðæéø èîà ùàí ðåãò ìå ìàçø æøé÷ä éòùä ëîé ùðéèîà åçæø åðéèîà áùáéì ùéáéà ÷øáï èåîàä òì ëì àçã åàçã


The leniency that you have for a Nazir Tahor, that if he found out before Zerikah, he does like one who became Tamei after Zerikah, that he does not bring Korban Tum'ah - you are stringent about a Nazir Tamei, that if he found out after Zerikah, you consider him like one who became Tamei and became Tamei again, so that he brings Korban Tum'ah for each [Tum'ah. We explained this like MERKEVES HA'MISHNEH, Hilchos Bi'as Mikdash 4:6.]

ëäãà ãúðé ðéèîà åçæø åðéèîà îáéà ÷øáï òì ëì àçã åàçã


This is like it was taught, if he became Tamei and became Tamei again, he brings Korban Tum'ah for each one.

òåáã ùì ôñç îäå ùéøöä òìéå äöéõ


Question: Oved (a Kohen offering) Pesach, is the Tzitz Meratzeh for him?

÷ì åçåîø îä àí äáòìéí ùäåøòúä ëåçï áæ÷ï åçåìä ééôéúä ëåçï á÷áø äúäåí òåáã ùééôéúä ëåçå áæ÷ï åçåìä àéðå ãéï ùúééôä ëåçå á÷áø äúäåí


Answer: A Kal v'Chomer teaches this. The owner, you made him weak for an old or sick man (we do not slaughter Pesach for him if he cannot eat a k'Zayis), and you made him strong for Kever ha'Tehom - Oved, that you made him strong if he is old or sick (if he can stand without shaking, he can serve), all the more so you should make him strong for Kever ha'Tehom!

ìà àí àîøú ááòìéí ùééôéúä ëåçï áùàø ëì èåîàåú ùáùðä úàîø áòåáã ùäåøòúä ëåçå áùàø ëì äèåîàåú ùáùðä äåàéì åäåøòúä ëåçå áùàø ëì äèåîàåú ùáùðä äåøò ëåçå áèîà îú áôñç


Rebuttal: No. If you say for the owner [that he is strong for Kever ha'Tehom] for you made him strong for all Tum'os during the year (he can send Korbanos through a Shali'ach), will you say [so] about Oved, that he is weak for all Tum'os during the year, he is weak for Tamei Mes on Pesach?!

îàé ëãåï


Question: What is the Halachah?

[ãó îã òîåã á] ìëí áéï ìå áéï ìòåáã ùìå


Answer: "Lachem" - both for him (the owner) and his Oved (who offers his Pesach, only a known Tum'ah disqualifies them).

òã ëãåï òåùé ôñç ðæéø îðééï


Question: This teaches about those who offer Pesach. What is the source [to teach about a Kohen offering] for a Nazir?

ø' éåñé áé øáé áåï áùí øá çñãà äåéðï ñáøéï îéîø òìéå ìà òì äòåáã ùìå


Answer (R. Yosi bei R. Bun citing Rav Chisda): We thought to say [that the law of Tehom is] "Alav", and not for his Oved.

îï îä ãúðé äåà ðæéø äåà òåùä ôñç äãà àîøä îä ãðôì ìãéï ðôì ìãéï


Retraction: Since [a Mishnah] taught [Nazir and Oseh Pesach together, this shows that] Nazir and Oseh Pesach have the same law. What was permitted to this one was permitted to this one.