


Question: Why does the first Tana say that it is Tahor in either case?


Answer (R. Yitzchak bar Avdimi - contradiction): "Any Sheretz that swarms" connotes anywhere it swarms;


It also says "on the ground"!


Resolution: If one definitely touched it, he is Tamei. If he is in doubt (it was floating), he is Tahor.


Question: What is R. Shimon's source?


Answer (Ula - contradiction): It says "but a spring (will be Tahor)", and "will be Tamei"!


Resolution: Safek Tum'ah floating in water in a Kli is Tamei. If the water is in the ground, it is Tahor.


(Beraisa): Any Safek Tum'ah that is carried or dragged is Tamei, for it is as if it is resting;


If Tum'ah or Taharos (Tahor things) were thrown, a Safek (about touching) is Tahor. The only exceptions are (Safek Tum'as Ohel, e.g.) if a k'Zayis of a Mes was thrown, or Taharos were thrown (perhaps) above Tum'as Mes, and anyone who is Metamei (Kelim made to sit or lie on) what is on top of it just like what is below it, i.e. a Zav or Zavah (they are Metamei what they move even without touching it).




Question #1 (Rami bar Chama): If Tum'as Mes is on a Kli that is floating on water, what is the law?


Do we consider it to be resting in a Kli?


Or, do we consider it to be floating on the water?


Question #2: If you will say that it is like resting in a Kli, if it is on a dead (floating) Sheretz, what is the law?


Since Tum'as Mes is Metamei for seven days, and a Sheretz is Metamei only for one day, it is as if the Tum'as Mes is on a Kli;


Or, do we view them like one Tamei entity that is floating?


Question #2: If you will say that we consider it to be resting in a Kli, if a Sheretz is on a Neveilah (an animal that died without slaughter), what is the law?


Since both of them are Metamei for one day, they are like one Tamei entity?


Or, since the volumes needed to be Metamei are different (a k'Zayis of a Neveilah, and a lentil's volume of a Sheretz), is it as if the Sheretz is on a Kli?


Question #3: If a Sheretz is on a Sheretz, what is the law?


Since the volume to be Metamei is the same, we view them like one;


Or, since they are distinct, is it as if the top Sheretz is on a Kli?


Question #4: If you will say that it is considered to be on a Kli, if a Sheretz is on a dissolved Neveilah, what is the law?


Since it is dissolved, it is as if the Sheretz is floating on a liquid;


Or, is the Neveilah considered a food (and not a liquid)?


Question #5: If you will say that the Neveilah is considered a food, if the Sheretz is floating on semen, what is the law? (Is it considered a liquid? Or, since it comes from the body, is it like a food?)


Question #6: If you will say that it is like a food, what is the law if the Sheretz is floating on Mei Chatas (water mixed with ashes of the red heifer) (which is floating on plain water - Gra deletes this from the text, for in all of these questions what is on bottom is floating. Mei Chatas is thick, so perhaps it is not considered a liquid,)


This is not resolved.





(Rav Hamnuna): If a Nazir or an Oseh Pesach passed over Tum'as ha'Tehom on his seventh day of Taharah from Tum'as Mes, he is Tahor.


Tum'as ha'Tehom is not strong enough to uproot (a Nazir's count or an Oseh Pesach).


Question (Rava - Mishnah): If he went to immerse from Tum'as Mes, he is Tamei, for his Chazakah (status quo) was Tamei. If his Chazakah was Tahor, he is Tahor.


Answer (Rav Hamnuna): I admit regarding a Tamei Nazir who did not yet shave that Tum'as ha'Tehom makes him Tamei. (I discussed a Tamei Nazir who already shaved.)


(Rava): I agree that an Oseh Pesach is not lacking anything (he was sprinkled on and immersed).


Question (Abaye): His Taharah is incomplete until nightfall!


Answer (Rava): Nightfall comes by itself, so he is not considered lacking Taharah.


Abaye later accepted this answer:


(Beraisa): (Korban Yoledes is brought for a birth or miscarriage.) If a woman miscarries after the 80 days of Taharah after giving birth to a girl, she brings another Korban Yoledes for the miscarriage. If she miscarried within the 80 days, one Korban Yoledes exempts both the birth and the miscarriage.


Suggestion: If she miscarried within 80 days, and had another miscarriage within the next 80 days (but more than 80 days after the birth), she must bring another Korban for the latter miscarriage!


Rejection: She brings "upon completion of her days of Taharah", not during them.


(Rav Kahana): Because also the second miscarriage was before she was allowed to bring her Korban, her Korban also exempts the miscarriage.


Question: Why does she (always) bring another Korban for a single miscarriage after 80 days (i.e. even if she did not immerse yet? Even without the miscarriage, even if she immersed that day,) she could not bring her Korban until the next day!


Answer (Abaye): The sun sets by itself, so it is as if she can bring her Korban.