THE CHIDUSH THAT A NAZIR SHAVES FOR A MES (Yerushalmi Perek 7 Halachah 2 Daf 34b)
îúðé' òì àéìå äèîàåú äðæéø îâìç
(Mishnah): A Nazir must shave (Tiglachas Tum'ah) if he became Tamei from any of the following:
òì äîú åòì ëæéú îï äîú åòì ëæéú ðöì åòì îìà úøååã ø÷á [ãó ìä òîåã à]
A Mes; a k'Zayis of a Mes; a k'Zayis of Netzel (this will be explained); a full spoon of Rekev (a decayed Mes);
åòì äùæøä åòì äâåìâåìú
A spine and (or) skull;
åòì àáø îï äîú åòì àáø îï äçé ùéù òìéäí áùø ëøàåé
A limb that separated from the body, in his life or after death, with sufficient flesh on it [that if it were attached to the person, it could heal]
åòì çöé ÷á òöîåú åòì çöé ìåâ ãí
Half a Kav of bones; half a Log of blood;
åòì îâòï åòì îùàï åòì àäéìï
If he touched, moved or was in a tent with any of these [he must shave].
åòì òöí ëùòåøä åòì îâòå åòì îùàå (åòì àäéìå - öøéê ìîç÷å)
A bone k'Se'orah (the size of a barley seed), if he touches or moves it,
òì àéìå äðæéø îâìç åîæä áùìéùé åáùáéòé åñåúø àú ä÷åãîéí
[For all of these] a Nazir must shave, they sprinkle on him (Mei Chatas) on days three and seven, and he cancels all days observed until now.
åàéðå îúçéì ìîðåú òã ùéèäø åéáéà àú ÷øáðåúéå:
He does not start to count [Nezirus Taharah] until he becomes Tahor and brings Korbanos.
âî' çã ñá ùàì îø' éåçðï ëæéú îï äîú îèîà ëåìå ìà ë"ù
(Gemara) Question (an elder, to R. Yochanan): A k'Zayis of a Mes is Metamei, and all the more so a full Mes! (Why did the Mishnah need to teach also 'a Mes'?
àîø ìå ìäáéà àú äðôì ùàéï áå ëæéú
Answer (R. Yochanan): This includes a Nefel (stillborn baby) that does not have a k'Zayis [of flesh].
çæø åùàì àáø îï äîú îèîà ìà ëì ùëï ëåìå
Question (the elder): A limb of a Mes is Metamei, and all the more so a full Mes!
àîø ìå ìäáéà àú äðôì ùìà ÷øùå àéáøéå
Answer (R. Yochanan): This includes a Nefel whose limbs are not tied with sinews [therefore, one of his limbs is not Tamei].
àîø øáé éåñé çëéí äåà ääï ñáà ãìà çëéí îùàéì îëéåï ãùàì ì÷ãîéúà ìà äåä öøéê îéùàì úéðééúà
R. Yosi: Was that elder a Chacham?! He did not ask with Chachmah! Once he asked the first question, he did not need to ask the second! (Presumably, if a Mes does not have a k'Zayis of flesh, its limbs are not tied with sinews);
åàé áòé îéùàåì úøúéäåï ùàì úéðééúà åçæø îéùàì ÷ãîéúà
If he wanted to ask both, he should have asked the second [first], and then returned to ask the first. (Even if its limbs are not tied with sinews, presumably, it has a k'Zayis of flesh.)
úìîéãåé ãø' éåñé áï çìôúà ùàìåï (úéðééúà åìà ùàìåï ÷ãîéúà) [ö"ì ÷ãîéúà åìà ùàìåï úéðééúà - ÷øáï äòãä] ãäà ôùéèà ìåï îëéåï ùàéï áå ëæéú ãáø áøéà äåà ùìà ÷øùå àéáøéå
The Talmidim of R. Yosi ben Chalifta asked the first, and did not ask the second. It was obvious to them, if it does not have a k'Zayis of flesh, its limbs are not tied. (We explained this like PNEI MOSHE.)
àîø øáé îðà ìø' çæ÷éä ðäéø àú ãäåä ø' éò÷á áø àçà ÷àéí äëà åàó úøúéï ùàéìúà ãäï ñáà áàäéìåú
R. Mana (to R. Chizkiyah): Do you remember that R. Yakov bar Acha stood here and [asked] the two questions of the elder regarding [Mishnah 2:1 of] Ohalos?
ìäãà îéìä ìà ùäðæéø îâìç òìéäï
Why [did he ask them also here]? Is it not to teach that a Nazir shaves for [Tum'as Nefel]?!
åòåã îï äãà ãàîø ø' éåçðï äééú ñáåø ùàéï äðôìéí úåøä îîä ùäåà îåùéá àú àéîï éîé èåäø äãà àîøä ùäðôìéí úåøä
Support: Also, since R. Yochanan said 'you thought that [Tum'as] Nefel is not mid'Oraisa. Since [a Nefel] causes his mother to have Yemei Tahor (a Torah leniency), this teaches that [Tum'as] Nefel is mid'Oraisa!' (Also this shows that a Nazir shaves for Tum'as Nefel. We explained this like MEICHAL HA'MAYIM.)