
TOSFOS DH Rava Amar...

úåñôåú ã"ä øáà àîø...

(SUMMARY: Tosfos proves that this is the correct text.)

åäééðå òì äîú ã÷úðé áîúðé' ãìéëà àáø ùìí


Explanation: The Mishnah taught "Al ha'Mes" [regarding bones that comprise the majority of the number or the majority of his stature]. There is no complete limb.

åìøáåúà ð÷è ùàéï áäí øåáò òöîåú ãùéòåøà ãðæéø äåà áçöé ÷á (àìà ìøáåúà) ãàò"ô ùàéï áå øåáò òöîåú äåà îâìç ëéåï ùéù áå øåá äáðéï àå øåá äîðéï


He said that there is not a quarter-Kav for a bigger Chidush, for the Shi'ur for a Nazir is half a Kav. [It would be a Chidush even if there were a quarter-Kav. Rather,] even if there is not a quarter-Kav, he is Megale'ach, since there is the majority of the number or the majority of his stature.

àáì àí àéï áå øåá äáðéï àå øåá äîðéï àéðå îâìç àà"ë éù áå çöé ÷á ëãàîøéðï áîúðé' ãàéï îâìç òì àäì øåáò òöîåú


However, if there is not the majority of the number or the majority of his stature, he does not shave unless there is a half Kav, like it says in our Mishnah that he does not shave for Tum'as Ohel of a quarter Kav of bones.

åàéú ñôøéí ãâøñé ìà ðöøëä àìà ìùãøä åâåìâåìú ùàéï áå øåáò òöîåú


Alternate text: Some texts say "this is needed only for a spine or skull that does not comprise a quarter Kav of bones."

åäëé ðîé áôø÷éï ì÷îï (ãó ðâ. åùí) ôøéê åäàîø øáà ìà ðöøëä àìà ìùãøä åâåìâåìú ùàéï áå øåáò òöîåú


Support: Below (53a), we ask "Rava said that this is needed only for a spine or skull that does not comprise a quarter Kav of bones";

åìà îöéðå ùàîø øáà áòìîà àí ìà ëàï åìëê äâéäå áñôøéí ëï


We do not find that Rava said so elsewhere, if not here. Therefore, they changed the text to say so.

åìà âøñé' ìéä ãäéëé îöéðï ìîéîø ãòì äîú ãîúðé' àééøé áùãøä åâåìâåìú åäà ÷úðé áîúðé' áäãéà åòì äùãøä åòì äâåìâåìú


Rejection: This text is wrong. How can we say that "for a Mes" in our Mishnah refers to a spine or skull? Our Mishnah explicitly teaches "for a spine and for a skull!"

ìëê éù ìâøåñ [àìà] ìøåá áðéðå åìøåá îðéðå (ìé÷åèé âøñàåú) ãìà úðéà áîúðé' áôéøåù


Conclusion: The text should say "rather, for the majority of the stature or the majority of the number", which was not taught explicitly in our Mishnah.

åîäàé èòîà ðîé ðéçà àîàé ìà îùðé øáà àîúðé' ãàäìåú ëãîùðé äëà òì äîú ã÷úðé äúí ìøåá áðéðå àå ìøåá îðéðå îùåí ãáîúðé' ãáàäìåú ÷úðé áäãéà òì øåá áðéï àå òì øåá îðéï ãîèîà áàäì


Support: This is why Rava did not answer for the Mishnah in Ohalos like he answered here, that "for a Mes" that was taught means for the majority of the stature or the majority of the number, because the Mishnah in Ohalos explicitly teaches that the majority of the stature or the majority of the number has Tum'as Ohel!

äìëê ìéëà ìôøåùé äúí òì äîú àìà ëø' éåçðï


Therefore, we can explain there "for a Mes" only like R. Yochanan (for a Nefel whose limbs were not tied with sinews).

åà"ë ìø' éåçðï úðà åùééø áîúðé' øåá áðéðå åøåá îðéðå àé ñ"ì ãðæéø îâìç òìééäå.


Consequence: According to R. Yochanan, our Mishnah omitted the majority of the stature or the majority of the number, if he holds that a Nazir shaves for them.


TOSFOS DH b'Chamah Tahor

úåñôåú ã"ä áçîä èäåø

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the proof and the rejection.)

ãëùðéîåç áçîä äåà îñøéç îçåí äùîù åàéðå øàåé ìàëéìú àãí åìëê äåà èäåø


Explanation: When it melted in the sun, it spoils from the heat of the sun. It is not proper for a person to eat it. Therefore, it is Tahor;

åàé ñ"ã éù ðöì ìáäîä åä"ä ìðáìú òåó èäåø àôéìå áçîä ðîé ìéèîà ãàëúé äåà øàåé ìëìá


If you will say that Netzel applies to an animal, and the same applies to Nivlas Of Tahor, even in the sun it should be Tamei, for it is still proper for a dog!


Note: This is unlike our text of the Gemara, which said "if you will say until [it is not proper] for a dog. That text is difficult, for the question was only according to this opinion!

àìà ù"î ãàéï ðöì åìëê äåà èäåø àáì áàåø îéäà ëéåï ùäîçäå áéãéí òãéó îðöì ãìà äåé àìà ëùðø÷á åðîçä îòöîå


Rather, [we conclude that] Netzel does not apply [to an animal]. Therefore, it is Tahor. However, through a fire, since he overtly melted it, this is better than Netzel, which is only when it spoiled and melted by itself.

åîùðé àéîú ÷à îîçå ìáúø ã÷à îñøç åáúø ãàñøç îëç äçîä îáàéù ìîàã ãä"ì ëòôøà ãàó ìëìá àéðå øàåé


Explanation (cont.): We reject this. When did he melt it? After it already spoiled. After it spoiled from the strength of the sun, it is very putrid. It is like earth. It is not proper even for a dog!

åìà ãîé ìðöì ãáäîä ùðîçä áìà çîä åøàåé àëúé ìëìá.


This is unlike Netzel of an animal that melted without the sun, and it is still proper for a dog.


TOSFOS DH Chutz Min Devash ha'Zifim

úåñôåú ã"ä çåõ îï ãáù äæéôéí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses what these are, and why pouring is a connection.)

áôø÷ áúøà ãñåèä (ãó îç:) îôøù øáé éåçðï îàé æéôéí ãáù ùîæééôéï àåúå ìôé ùäåà òá éåúø îãàé åîùéîéï áå îéí åàéðå ðéëø


Explanation: In Sotah (48b), R. Yochanan explains that "Zifim" is honey that they falsify. Because it is exceedingly thick, they put water in it, and [the addition] is not recognized;

øùá"ì àåîø òì ùí î÷åîå ùðàîø æéó åèìí åáòìåú


Reish Lakish says, it is called "Zifim" due to its place - "Zif va'Telem uv'Alos."

åöôéçéú ëîå ëöôéçéú áãáù ëìåîø ùøåãä àåúå îï äëååøú îòåøá òí äùòåä


Explanation #1: "U'Tzefichis" is like "Tzefichis bi'Devash", i.e. it is removed from the hive together with the wax.

åáòøåê ôéøù òéñä ùîèåâðú áãáù


Explanation #2 (Aruch): It is a dough fried in honey.

áàìå ðöå÷ èîà ãîúåê ùäåà òá [äøáä] çùéá àåëì åëàéìå äòìéåï åäúçúåï îòåøáéï éçã æä áæä åìëê äðöå÷ äåé çéáåø.


Explanation: Regarding these, Nitzuk (pouring, can make what is on top) Tamei. Because it is very thick, it is considered a food, and it is as if the top and bottom are mixed together with each other, and they are connected.



TOSFOS DH Yesh Nitzuk l'Ochlin

úåñôåú ã"ä éù ðöå÷ ìàåëìéï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the two sides of the question.)

ëâåï äîçä ùåîï åòéøäå ìúåê àåëìéï èîàéí åìøáðï ÷îéáòéà ìéä îé àîøé' àéðåï îùåí ãàéú áäå øéøé


Explanation: E.g. he melted lard and poured it into Tamei food. We ask according to Rabanan. Do we say that these [mentioned above are connected] because they have Riri?

ôéøåù ãáù äæéôéí åäöôéçéú àîøå çëîéí ãäåå çéáåø îùåí ãàéú áäå øéøé ëìåîø ùäï ñåìãéí ìàçåøéäí


Possibility #1: I.e. Devash ha'Zifim and Tzefichis, Chachamim said that they are connected because they have Riri, i.e. they coil back.

åàò"â ãôìéâé àî÷ôä ùì âøéñéï ãàéú ìäå øéøé äðé øéøé (äâäú áøëú øàù) ìà çùéá ìú"÷


Even though they argue about bean porridge, which has Riri, those Riri are not significant according to the first Tana;

åá"ù ñáøé àò"â ãìéú ìäå ëåìé äàé øéøé çùéáé ìçáø äòìéåï ìúçúåï


Beis Shamai hold that even though it does not have so much Riri, it is significant to connect the top to the bottom.

åùàø àåëìéï ìéú áäå øéøé åäìëê ìà ùééê áäå ðöå÷


Other foods do not have Riri. Therefore, [connection through] Nitzuk does not apply to them.

àå ãìîà èòîà ãú"÷ îùåí ãñîéëéï îùåí ùäí òáéí åùàø àåëìéí ðîé ñîéëéï


Possibility #2: Or, perhaps the first Tana's reason is because they are Semichim, i.e. because they are thick. Also other foods are thick

àáì ìá"ù ìà ÷à îéáòéà ìéä ãîã÷àîø îôðé ùäï ñåìãéï ìàçåøéäï àí ëï èòîééäå îùåí øéøé.


Observation: There is no question according to Beis Shamai. Since they said "because they coil back", if so their reason is due to Riri.


TOSFOS DH Ta Shma Chelev ha'Mes she'Hu Shalem

úåñôåú ã"ä ú"ù çìá äîú ùäåà ùìí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the two sides of the question.)

ôé' ëæéú ùìí åäúéëå èîà çéúëå ëîå äúéëå (äâäú áàø îùä) ùäîçäå áàåø èîà ëãîòé÷øà


Explanation: A full k'Zayis [of Chelev of a Mes], if he melted it, it is Tamei. "Chitcho" is like Heticho, i.e. he melted it through fire. It is Tamei like initially. (Be'er Moshe - Tosfos' text of the Gemara said "Chitcho" (he cut it). Tosfos explains that this is like Heticho (he melted it).)

ãîòé÷øà äéä áå ëæéú ùìí åòãééï éùðå ëåìå áéçã ëãîôøù áñîåê


Initially, it was a full k'Zayis, and it is still all together, like it explains below.

àå îùåí ãðöå÷ äåé çéáåø äìëê àôéìå ëé äúéëå àé àôùø (äâäú îäø"á øðùáåøâ) ùìà äéä îçåáø áéçã (äâäú áøëú øàù) ò"é ðöå÷


Possibility #1: This is because Nitzuk is a connection. Therefore, even if he melted it, it is impossible that it is not connected through Nitzuk.

åàé îùåí ùìà ðôøã îòåìí æä îæä ëãîôøù áùéðåééà,


Possibility #2: Or, it is because they were never separate, like it explains in the answer.


TOSFOS DH Ta Shma (part 2)

úåñôåú ã"ä ú"ù (çì÷ á)

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses when human connection is not a connection.)

äéä îôåøø


Citation of Gemara: It was shredded.

, ôéøåøéï ùì çìá äîú ùìà äéä îòé÷øà æéú ùìí àò"â ãäúéëï áàåø åðòùä äëì çúéëä àçú èäåø


Explanation: [There were] morsels of Chelev of a Mes. Initially, there was not a full k'Zayis. Even if he melted it through fire and made it all one piece, it is Tahor;

ëãîñééí áúåñô' ãàäìåú ôø÷ øáéòé îôðé ùçéáåø àãí àéðå çéáåø å÷åãí ùäúéëå ìà äéä ëæéú îçåáø éçã


This is like the Tosefta in Ohalos (4:3) concludes, because human connection is not a connection, and before he melted it, there was not a k'Zayis connected together.

åìà äéä îèîà äðåâò áî÷öú [àå] àôéìå äðåâò áëåìå ìîàï ãìéú ìéä ðåâò åçåæø åðåâò


It was not Metamei one who touched part of it, or even one who touched all of it, according to the opinion that does not hold that touching [a partial Shi'ur of Tum'ah] and returning to touch [enough to complete the Shi'ur, joins to be Metamei];

ìëê ëé äúéëå ðîé ìà çùéá æéú ùìí ëéåï ùçéáåø æä áà ò"é àãí


Therefore, also after he melted it, it is not considered a full k'Zayis, since this connection came through man.

åàò"â ãøáéòéú ãí äáàä îùðé îúéí îèîà ìîàï ãàéú ìéä [éù àí ìî÷øà ãëúéá òì ëì ðôùåú îú] (ñðäãøéï ãó ã.)


Implied question #1: A Revi'is of blood that comes from two Mesim is Metamei according to the opinion that Yesh Em l'Mikra (the way tradition teaches to pronounce a word is primary), for it says "Al Kol Nafshos Mes" (Sanhedrin 4a)!

åëï ùðé çöàé æéúéí îùðé îúéí ãèîà áîñ' àäìåú (áúåñôúà ô"ã)


Implied question #2: Similarly, two half-k'Zeisim from two Mesim are Metamei, in Ohalos (4:5)!

é"ì ãäééðå ãå÷à ìòðéï àäì ìôé ùøàåé ìäàäéì òì ùðé äçöàéï éçã àáì áðâéòä ìà îèîà


Answer: This is only regarding Tum'as Ohel, for it is proper to tower above two halves together. However, it is not Metamei through touching.

åäà ãàîøé' áô' [ùìéùé] ãàäìåú [î"â] äðåâò áùðé çöàé æéúéí îï äðáìä èîà


Implied question: It says in Ohalos (3:3) that one who touches two half k'Zeisim of a Neveilah is Tamei!

é"ì ãäúí îééøé ùéù áùø îøåãã áéðéäï äîçáøí éçã


Answer: There, we discuss when there is flattened flesh between them that connects them together.

åëé äàé âååðà îùðé áôø÷ äòåø åäøåèá (çåìéï ãó ÷ëã:)


Support: We answer like this in Chulin (124b).

åà"ú úôùåè îäëà ãçéáåøé àãí àéðå çéáåø


Question: We should resolve from here that human connection is not a connection!

åé"ì äééðå ãå÷à áèåîàú îú ùäèåîàä áàä îîðå ìöøôå ìëæéú ìèîà àçøéí åàôùø ìäéåú ùëï ä÷áìä


Answer: This is only regarding Tum'as Mes, that the Tum'ah comes from it. [Human connection is not a connection] to join it to a k'Zayis to be Metamei others. Perhaps this is a tradition;

àáì ìöøó äàåëìéï ì÷áì èåîàä áëáéöä îòìîà äúí çéáåø àãí äåé çéáåø ëé äê ãëì äàåëìéï îöèøôéï ìëáéöä.


However, to join foods to receive Tum'ah from elsewhere through the Shi'ur of k'Beitzah, there human connection is a connection, like this teaching (Me'ilah 4:5) that all foods join to a k'Beitzah.


TOSFOS DH Kegon Bahadi d'Mirtach Lei Salik Amud...

úåñôåú ã"ä ëâåï áäãé ãîøúç ìéä ñìé÷ òîåã...

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that it congealed at the mouth of the Kli.)

ëùðúï ò"â äàù åäøúéç òìä ëæéú ìôåîà ãîðà ááú àçú îëç äàù å÷éøù ãäùúà àéúéä ëåìéä âáé äããé


Explanation: When he put it on the fire and boiled it, a k'Zayis rose to the mouth of the Kli at once, due to the power of the fire, and congealed. Now it is all together.

åö"ì ã÷éøù àôåîà ãîðà ãàéìå ìà ÷øù àìà çæø åðôì ìî÷åîå àéï ðåôì éçã àìà ãøê ðöå÷


Observation: We must say that it congealed at the mouth of the Kli. If it did not congeal, even if it fell back to its place, it does not fall at once, rather, through Nitzuk;

ùàéï ëç äàù îñééò ìéôåì ëîå ùîòìäå åëé ñìé÷ ñìé÷ ááú àçú åëé ðôéì ðôéì ãøê ðöå÷.


The power of the fire does not help it to fall, the way it raised it. It rises at once, but falls through Nitzuk.