
TUM'AH AFTER BRINGING A KORBAN (Yerushalmi Perek 6 Halachah 11 Daf 32a)

îúðé' îé ùðæø÷ òìéå àçã îï äãîéí åðéèîà øáé àìéòæø àåîø ñúø àú äëì


(Mishnah - R. Eliezer): If a Nazir became Tamei after the blood of one of his Korbanos was thrown on the Mizbe'ach, this cancels everything;

åçëîéí àåîøéí éáéà ùàø ÷øáðåúéå åéèäø


Chachamim say, he brings the other Korbanos and becomes Tahor.

àîøå ìå îòùä áîøéí äúãîåøéú ùðæø÷ òìéä àçã îï äãîéí åáàå åàîøå ìä òì áúä ùäéà îñåëðú åäìëä åîöàúä ùîúä åàîøå çëîéí úáéà ùàø ÷øáðåú åúèäø:


Chachamim: A case occurred with Miryam from Tarmod. After the blood of one of her Korbanos was thrown, they told her that her daughter was dangerously sick. She went and found her dead. The sages ruled that she brings the other Korbanos and becomes Tehorah.

âî' îçìôà ùéèúéä ãøáé àìéòæø


(Gemara) Question: R. Eliezer contradicts himself!

úîï äåà àîø ìà ñúø àìà ì' åëà äåà àîø àëï


There (Perek 3), he says that [Tum'ah after Melos] cancels only 30 [days], and here he says so (it cancels everything)!

øáé éåçðï àîø ñåúø ëì ÷øáðåúéå


(R. Yochanan): Here, R. Eliezer means that he cancels all his Korbanos.

ôùéèà ãà (áìà ðéèîà ëùø) [ö"ì ðéèîà áìà ðùø - äâ"ø îàéø ùîçä]


Obviously, if he became Tamei without his hair falling out [R. Eliezer says in our Mishnah that this cancels everything].

(ìà áãà ëùø) [ö"ì ðùø - äâ"ø îàéø ùîçä] åàçø ëê ðéèîà


Question: If his hair fell out and afterwards he became Tamei [what would R. Eliezer say? Now that he cannot shave, perhaps it does not cancel!]

àîø ø' çéððà [ãó ìá òîåã á] åìà øáé àìéòæø äéà åøáé àìéòæø ùîåúé äåà


Answer: Is this not R. Eliezer? R. Eliezer is from Beis Shamai;

ãúðé ðæéø åîéøè áéú ùîàé àåîøéí öøéê ìäòáéø úòø òì øàùå áéú äéìì àåîøéí àéï öøéê ìäòáéø úòø òì øàùå


(Beraisa): If a Nazir's hair fell out, Beis Shamai say, he must pass a razor over his head. Beis Hillel say, he need not pass a razor over his head. (Beis Shamai hold that he must pass a razor over his head whether or not he has hair. Therefore, even if his hair fell out, he must become 'shave' for Tum'ah, and seven days later 'shave' for Taharah, and bring all the Korbanos, even what he brought before he became Tamei. We explained this like OHR SOMAYACH Hilchos Nezirus 6:1.)

ëï äéà îúðéúà (éèø åéáéà ùàø ÷øáðå) [ö"ì åéèäø åéáéà ùàø ÷øáðåúéå - ÷øáï äòãä] ëï äéà îúðéúà úèäø åúáéà ùàø (÷øáðä) [ö"ì ÷øáðå:


Correction: Our Mishnah should say 'he becomes Tahor, and [afterwards] brings his other Korbanos.' Our Mishnah should say [that the sages ruled that Miryam] 'becomes Tehorah, and [afterwards] brings her other Korbanos.'

äãøï òìê ôø÷ ùìùä îéðéí àñåøéï

KEVURAS MES MITZVAH (Yerushalmi Perek 7 Halachah 1 Daf 32b)

îúðé' ëäï âãåì åðæéø àéðï îéèîàéï á÷øåáéäï


(Mishnah): A Kohen Gadol or a Nazir may not be Mitamei for a relative who died. (He is Mitamei for a Mes Mitzvah);

äéå îäìëéï áãøê åîöàå îú îöåä ø' àìéòæø àåîø éèîà ëäï âãåì åàì éèîà ðæéø


R. Eliezer says, if a Kohen Gadol and a Nazir found a Mes Mitzvah on the road, the Kohen Gadol should be Mitamei [to bury him], and the Nazir should not be Mitamei;

åçëîéí àåîøéí éèîà ðæéø åàì éèîà ëäï âãåì


Chachamim say, the Nazir should [bury him and] become Tamei, and the Kohen Gadol should not be Mitamei.

àîø ìäï øáé àìéòæø éèîà ëäï ùàéðå îáéà ÷øáï òì èåîàúå åàì éèîà ðæéø ùîáéà ÷øáï òì èåîàúå


R. Eliezer: The Kohen should be Mitamei, for he does not bring a Korban for his Tum'ah. The Nazir should not be Mitamei, for he brings a Korban for his Tum'ah!

àîøå ìå éèîà ðæéø ù÷ãåùúå ÷ãåùú ùòä åàì éèîà ëäï ù÷ãåùúå ÷ãåùú òåìí:


Chachamim: The Nazir should be Mitamei, for his Kedushah is not permanent. A Kohen's Kedushah is permanent!

âî' ëúéá [åé÷øà ëà éà] åòì ëì ðôùåú îú ìà éáåà îä àðï ÷ééîéï


(Gemara) Question: It says [about a Kohen Gadol] "v'Al Kol Nafshos Mes Lo Yavo" - what does the verse discuss?

àí ìàåñøå òì äøçå÷éí äøé äåà áëìì ëäï äãéåè


It need not forbid him to be Mitamei for strangers. He is in the category of a Kohen Hedyot [who may not be Mitamei for strangers, just he has additional stringencies]!

àìà àí àéðå òðééï ìøçå÷éí úðéäå òðééï ì÷øåáéí


Answer #1: Since it need not teach about strangers, use it to teach about relatives (he may not be Mitamei for relatives, unlike a Kohen Hedyot).

ëúéá åòì ëì ðôùåú åàú àîø àëï


Objection: It says "v'Al Kol Nafshos Mes... [l'Aviv ul'Imo..." - it explicitly forbids relatives], and you say so?!

à"ø çééä áø âîãà îéëï àéñåø àçø àéñåø áúåøä


Answer (R. Chiya bar Gamda): From here, we see that [sometimes] the Torah writes an Isur after an Isur (a verse puts a second Lav on something already forbidden).


Note: If so, we can say that the verse is a second Lav for strangers. (PF)

àìà ìäúéø îú îöåä


Answer #2 (to Question (d)): [The verse comes] to permit [a Kohen Gadol to be Mitamei for] a Mes Mitzvah. (It is better to expound a new law, than to say that it comes to add a second Lav.)

àéú ãáòé ðéùîòéðä îï äãà [ùí ã] ìà éèîà áòì áòîéå áòîéå àéðå îéèîà îéèîà äåà ìîú îöåä


Some want to learn [this Heter] from "Lo Yitama Ba'al b'Amav" - [for a Mes] amidst its nation (there are others to bury it) he may not be Mitamei, but he is Mitamei for a Mes Mitzvah.

àéú ãáòé îéùîòéðä îï äëà ìäçìå [ãó ìâ òîåã à] ìäçìå àéðå îéèîà àáì îéèîà äåà òì îú îöåä


Some want to learn from [the next word of the above verse] "Lehechalo" - to profane himself [without need, for there are others to bury it] he may not be Mitamei, but he is Mitamei for a Mes Mitzvah. (We explained this like PNEI MOSHE.)

àéú ãáòé îéùîòéðä îï äãà [ãáøéí ëà ëâ] ëé ÷ììú àìäéí úìåé àú ùäåà îåæäø òì ÷ììú äùí îåæäø äåà òì îú îöåä åùàéðå îåæäø òì ÷ììú äùí àéðå îåæäø òì îú îöåä


Some want to learn from "[Kavor Tikberenu...] Ki Kilelas Elokim Taluy" - one who is commanded not to curse Hash-m, you are commanded [to bury him if he is] a Mes Mitzvah. One who is not commanded not to curse Hash-m, you are not commanded [about such] a Mes Mitzvah.

äúéáåï äøé òëå"í


Objection: Nochrim [are commanded not to curse Hash-m, but Mes Mitzvah does not apply to them]!

àéìå ùîéúúï áúìééä éöà æä ùîéúúå áñééó


Answer: The verse discusses one whose execution [for blasphemy is stoning, and includes] hanging. This excludes [a Nochri], who is killed by the sword. (PNEI MOSHE)

÷áåø îöåú òùä îðééï àú îøáä ñééó ùðäøâ áå òõ ùðúìä áå ñåãø ùðçð÷ áå (îä - ÷øáï äòãä îåç÷å) ú"ì ú÷áøðå


Question: "Kavor" is a Mitzvas Aseh. What is the source to include [burying] the sword with which he was killed, the wood on which he was hanged, the scarf which he was choked? It says "Tikberenu".

éëåì é÷áøå (òöîå) [ö"ì òîå - ÷øáï äòãä]


Suggestion: Perhaps [the sword, wood or scarf] is buried with him!

ú"ì [ãáøéí ëà ëâ] ëé ÷áåø ú÷áøðå ÷áåøä ìå åìòöå åìàáðå äà ëéöã îòîé÷ ùìùä ëãé ùìà úòìí äîçøéùä


Rejection: "Ki Kavor Tikberenu" - there is burial for him, and [a separate burial] for his wood or rock. How does he do? He goes three [Tefachim] deep [into the ground], lest the plowshare bring them up.


Note: This implies that one may plow the area, i.e. they need not be buried in a cemetery. (PF)

ú÷áøðå ëåìå åìà î÷öúå ú÷áøðå îéëï ùàí ùééø îîðå ìà òùä ëìåí


"Tikberenu" - the entire [Mes], and not part of it. (PNEI MOSHE) "Tikberenu" teaches that if he left over (did not bury part), he did not do anything (he was not Yotzei).

(ùðàîø) [ö"ì îä ú"ì - ÷øáï äòãä, îäøà"ù] ëé ÷áåø ú÷áøðå îéëï ùàéðå ðòùä îú îöåä òã ùéäà øàùå åøåáå


Why does it say "Ki Kavor Tikberenu." This teaches that it is a Mes Mitzvah only if Rosho v'Rubo (his head and the majority of his body) is there.

úðé øáé éñà ÷åîé øáé éåçðï ëùí ùàãí îéèîà ìîú îöåä ëê àãí îéèîà òì àáø îú îöåä


(R. Yosi, in front of R. Yochanan): Just like a person is Mitamei for a Mes Mitzvah, so a person is Mitamei for a limb of a Mes Mitzvah.

àîø ìéä øáé éåçðï åéù (ëï) [ö"ì ëàï - ÷øáï äòãä, îäøà"ù] æå


Objection (R. Yochanan): Is there here [a Mes Mitzvah]?!

øáé éò÷á áø àçà áùí øáé æòéøä (áçåæø úéôúø) [ö"ì úéôúø áçåæø - ÷øáï äòãä, îäøà"ù]


Answer (R. Yakov bar Acha citing R. Ze'ira): The case is, [he already became Tamei for the rest of the body], and returns to be Mitamei [for a remaining limb].

úðé ø' éåñé àåîø àéï àãí îéèîà òì àáø îï äçé îàáéå àáì àãí îéèîà òì òöí ëùòåøä îàáéå


(Beraisa - R. Yosi): [A Kohen Hedyot] does not become Tamei for Ever Min ha'Chai of his father, but he is Mitamei for a bone ki'Se'orah (the size of a barley seed) from his father.

øáé éåãä àåîø ëùí ùàãí îéèîà òì òöí ëùòåøä îàáéå ëê îéèîà òì àáø îï äçé îàáéå


R. Yehudah says, just like one is Mitamei for a bone ki'Se'orah from his father, so he is Mitamei for Ever Min ha'Chai of his father.

îòùä áéåñé áï ôëññ ùòìú òì øâìå ðåîé åðëðñ äøåôà ìçåúëä àîø ìå ëùúðéç áå ëçåè äùòøä äåãéòðé çúëä åäðéç áä ëçåè äùòøä åäåãéòå


A case occurred with Yosi ben Pachsas. His foot was infected (e.g. gangrene); the doctor entered to cut it off. He told [the doctor] when you leave [it connected] like a hair's breadth, inform me! He cut it, left a hair's breadth, and informed him.

÷øà ìðçåðééä áðå àîø ìå ðçåðééä áðé òã ëàï äééúä çééá ìéèôì áé îéëï åàéìê öà ùàéï àãí îéèîà òì àáø îï äçé îàáéå


Yosi called Nechuniyah his son, and said 'my son - until now, you were obligated to deal with me. From now and onwards, leave, for one may not be Mitamei for Ever Min ha'Chai of his father.

åëùáà ãáø àöì çëîéí àîøå òì æä ðàîø [÷äìú æ èå] éù öãé÷ àåáã áöã÷å äöãé÷ àåáã åöã÷å òîå


When the matter came to Chachamim, they said about him "Yesh Tzadik Oved b'Tzidko" - the Tzadik suffers, and retains his righteousness.