WHEN ONE INTERRUPTS NEZIRUS (Yerushalmi Perek 2 Halachah 9 Daf 9a)
[ãó è òîåã à] îúðé' äøéðé ðæéø åðæéø ëùéäéä ìé áï äúçéì îåðä àú ùìå åàçø ëê ðåìã ìå áï îùìéí àú ùìå åàçø ëê îåðä àú ùì áðå
(Mishnah): [If one said] 'I am a Nazir, and I will be a Nazir when I have a son', and he started his Nezirus, and a son was born to him, he finishes his Nezirus, then counts [the Nezirus that he accepted for birth] of his son.
äøéðé ðæéø ëùéäà ìé áï åðæéø åäúçéì îåðä àú ùìå åàçø ëê ðåìã ìå áï îðéç àú ùìå åîåðä àú ùì áðå åàçø ëê îùìéí àú ùìå:
If he said 'I will be a Nazir when I have a son, and I am a Nazir', and he began his Nezirus, and a son was born to him, he interrupts his Nezirus, counts [the Nezirus] of his son, then completes his Nezirus.
âî' øáé éåñé áòà àîø äøéðé ðæéø ìùìùéí éåí àéìå åìùìùéí éåí àéìå
(Gemara - R. Yosi) Question: [If one said] 'I am a Nazir these 30 days, and [I accept another Nezirus in] these [same] 30 days' [what is the law]? (Do we say that he is already a Nazir, and Ein Isur Chal Al Isur?)
àîø øáé æòéøà ÷åîé øáé îðà åìà îúðéúà äéà îðéç àú ùìå åîåðä àú ùì áðå àìà àôéìå àùúå éåùáú òì äîùáø
Answer (R. Ze'ira, in front of R. Mana): Does our Mishnah (the Seifa) not teach this? He interrupts his Nezirus, counts [the Nezirus] of his son, then completes his Nezirus. [Is this not] even if his wife is on the birthing stool (she will give birth today, so he accepts two Neziriyos starting today)?!
àîø ìéä ðæéøåúå ìðæéøåú áðå ìà ãîéà
Rebuttal (R. Mana): His Nezirus is unlike Nezirus Beno. (It is not certain that the birth will be today. We explained this like OHR YAKOV. Alternatively, perhaps it is not certain that a son will be born. However, if he accepted Nezirus when a child will be born, we can learn from our Mishnah. Nefalim are a small minority; it is as if he Vadai accepted two Neziriyos starting today. - PF)
àìà àîø äøéðé ðæéø îëáø åðæéø ìàçø òùøéí éåí
Retraction: Rather, [we can learn from our Mishnah if one said] 'I am a Nazir now, and a Nazir after 20 days.' (The Reisha says that even for Nezirus Beno, he finishes his Nezirus, and then counts Nezirus Beno. All the more so he does not interrupt for Stam Nezirus!)
øáé ìòæø åøáé éåñé áø çðéðä úøéäåï àîøéï äùìéí ðæéøåúå ìòåìí àéï ðæéøåú áðå çìä òìéå (åòã ùúäà ÷øáï îâìç) [ö"ì òã ùéáéà ÷øáï åéâìç - àåø éò÷á] ðæéø ùðéèîà
(R. Lazar and R. Yosi bar Chanina): If he finished his Nezirus [before the birth of the son], Nezirus Beno does not take effect on him until he brings Korban [Nazir] and shaves. This refers only to a Nazir who became Tamei.
îçìôä ùéèúéä ãøáé éåñé áï çðéðä úîï äåà àîø èîà îú ùðæø [ãó è òîåã á] ùáéòé ùìå òåìä îï äîðééï ðæéø ùðéèîà àéï ùáéòé ùìå òåìä îï äîéðééï
Question: R. Yosi ben Chaninah contradicts himself! There, he says that if a Tamei Mes accepted Nezirus, his seventh day [on which he becomes Tahor] counts towards the number [of days he must observe Nezirus]. If a Nazir became Tamei, his seventh day does not count towards the number;
åëà ìà ëèîà îú ùðæø äåà
And here (after he finishes his Nezirus, he begins Nezirus Beno), is this not like a Tamei Mes who accepted Nezirus? (Since he did not yet start the Nezirus he is about to count, his seventh day should count!)
åìà èîú îú ùðæø ùáéòé ùìå òåìä îï äîðééï ùàéðå æ÷å÷ ìå ìäáéà ÷øáï èåîàä åìà ðæéø ùðéèîà àéï ùáéòé ùìå òåìä ìå îï äîðééï ùäåà æ÷å÷ ìäáéà ÷øáï èåîàä
Answer: No (they are different). A Tamei Mes who accepted Nezirus, his seventh day counts, because he need not bring Korban Tum'ah. This is unlike a Nazir who became Tamei. His seventh day does not count, for he must bring Korban Tum'ah;
åëà äåàéì åäåà æ÷å÷ ìäáéà ÷øáï (èåîàä) àéï äùáéòé ùìå òåìä îï äîéðééï
And here, since he must bring Korban Tum'ah, his seventh day does not count towards the number. (We explained this like OHR YAKOV.)
ùîòåï áø àáà áùí øáé éåçðï ðéèîà áðæéøåú áðå åäúøå áå îùåí ðæéøåúå ìå÷ä
(Shimon bar Aba citing R. Yochanan): If he became Tamei during Nezirus Beno, and they warned him due to his Nezirus, he is lashed (it is considered like one long Nezirus).
äôøéù ÷øáðåúéå ÷ãùå ìà çùéï ìäãà ãúðé øáé çééä [áîãáø å ëà] ÷øáðå ìä' òì ðæøå ùé÷ãåí ðæøå ì÷øáðå ìà ùé÷ãåí ÷øáðå ìðæøå
If he separated his Korbanos [for his Nezirus while conducting Nezirus Beno], they became Kadosh. We are not concerned for R. Chiyah's teaching "Korbano la'Shem Al Nizro" - his Nezirus must precede his Korban, and not that his Korban preceded his Nezirus (for it is like one long Nezirus. SEFER NIR - even though he will need to count 30 new days for his Nezirus after Nezirus Beno, so the first 20 days do not count, they are considered amidst his Nezirus.)
øáé éåãä áòà ÷åîé øáé éåñé åú÷ãí ðæéøåúå ìðæéøåú áðå ìà ëï àîø øáé àáäå áùí øáé éåçðï äøé æä òåìä ìàçø ùìùéí éåí îëøä áúåê ùìùéí éåí îëåøä åä÷ãéùä ÷ãùä
Question (R. Yehudah, to R. Yosi): His Nezirus should precede Nezirus Beno! Didn't R. Avahu say in the name of R. Yochanan, if one said 'this is an Olah after 30 days', and he sold it within 30 days, it is sold. If he was Makdish it [within 30 days, to be a different Korban], it is Kadosh!
àîø ìà [ö"ì àîø àìà - ÷øáï äòãä] áàåîø äøé æå ãéìîà áàåîø äøé òìé åäàåîø äøé àðé ëàåîø äøé òìé
Answer (R. Yosi): [R. Yochanan] said so only about one who says 'this [is an Olah].' Did he say so about one who said 'Harei Alai [Olah'?! He did not, for then he has Achrayus to bring an Olah.] One who says 'Harei Ani Nazir', he is like one who says Harei Alai.
úðé øáé çééä ðæéø ìàçø ë' éåí ðæéø îòëùéå ì÷' éåí ä"æ îåðä òùøéí éåí åîôñé÷ åçåæø åîåðä òåã ùìùéí éåí åçåæø åîåðä òåã ùîåðéí ëãé ìäùìéí ðæéøåúå äøàùåðä:
(R. Chiyah - Beraisa): [If one accepted Nezirus] 'after 30 days, and [I am] a Nazir from now for 100 days, he counts 20 days and interrupts. He returns to count 30 days (for the first Nezirus he accepted) and returns to count 80 days to complete the first Nezirus [that he started to observe].