INTERRUPTING A LONG NEZIRUS (Yerushalmi Perek 2 Halachah 10 Daf 9b)
îúðé' äøéðé ðæéø ëùéäà ìé áï åðæéø îàä éåí ðåìã ìå òã ùáòéí éåí ìà éôñéã ëìåí
(Mishnah): If one said 'I will be a Nazir when I have a son. I am a Nazir 100 days', and he had a son within 70 days of saying this, he does not lose any of the days counted. (After finishing and shaving for Nezirus Beno, he completes the days remaining for his Nezirus.)
ìàçø ùáòéí ñåúø ùáòéí ùàéï úâìçú ôçåú îì' éåí:
If he had a son after 70 days, he cancels [the excess above] 70, since Tiglachas cannot be [on] less than 30 days [growth of hair. After completing Nezirus Beno, he must count another 30 days in order to shave for his Nezirus. Effectively, only 70 days before the birth counted for his Nezirus.]
âî' ôùéèà ùáñåó äéåí òåìä ìå ëëåìå úçéìú äéåí îäå ùéòìä ìå ëëåìå
(Gemara) Question: Obviously, the end of the day [on which his son was born, and he observed Nezirus Beno from then until the end of the day] counts like the entire day. Does the beginning of the day count like the entire day [for his own Nezirus]?
åìà îúðéúà [ãó é òîåã à] äéà ìàçø ùáòéí ñåúø ùáòéí ìà àôéìå î÷öú äãà àîøä ùúçéìú äéåí òåìä ìå ëëåìå
Answer: Do we not learn from our Mishnah? If he had a son after 70 days, he cancels [the excess above] 70. Is this not even [on day 71, and the excess above 70 is] part [of that day before the birth]?! This teaches that the beginning of the day counts like the entire day.
ðåìã áéåí ùîåðéí ñåúø òùøä ðåìã áéåí úùòéí ñåúø òùøéí
If [a son] was born on day 80, he cancels 10 days. If he was born on day 90, he cancels 20 days.
äùìéí (ðæéøåúå åáà ìäùìéí ðæéøåú áðå) [ö"ì ðæéøåú áðå åáà ìäùìéí ðæéøåúå - àåø ùîç] ðéèîà áúåê òùøä éîéí äøàùåðéí ñåúø äëì
[When a son was born on day 90, and] he finished Nezirus Beno and comes to complete his Nezirus, if he became Tamei within the first 10 days, he cancels everything [for his Nezirus, for it was within the 100 days that he counted for it];
áúåê ë' éîéí äàçøåðéí øáé áà áùí øá åøáé éåçðï úøéäåï àîøéï ñåúø ì' ø' ùîåàì àîø àéðå ñåúø àìà ùáò
[If he became Tamei] in the last 20 days [that he must observe after 100, in order to shave 30 days growth of hair], R. Ba citing Rav and R. Yochanan, both of them say that he cancels 30 [after Tiglachas Tum'ah, he must observe after 30, for Tiglachas Taharah.) R. Shmuel says, he cancels only seven.
ùîåàì áø áà áòà ÷åîé øáé éñà îéñáø ñáø øáé éåçðï ñúéøú úòø ëñúéøú îîù
Question (Shmuel bar Ba, in front of R. Yosa): Does R. Yochanan hold that Stiras Ta'ar (after completing the days he vowed, during extra days he must count in order to shave 30 days of hair) is proper Stirah?
à"ø æòéøà [ãó é òîåã á] àéï éñáåø øáé éåçðï ñúéøú úòø ëñúéøú îîù
Answer (R. Ze'ira): Yes! R. Yochanan holds that Stiras Ta'ar is like proper Stirah.
ìîä ìé ìîéîø ñåúø ìùìùéí éåí åéñúåø äëì
Question: [If he became Tamei in the last 20 days,] why does [R. Yochanan] say that he cancels 30? He should cancel everything!
à"ø àáéï áø çééä ÷åîé øáé æòéøà úéôúø (ùðåìã) [ö"ì ùðèîà - àåø ùîç] áéåí (ùàéðå øàåé) [ö"ì ùøàåé - àåø ùîç] ìäáéà ÷øáï
Answer (R. Avin bar Chiyah, in front of R. Ze'ira): [It is as if] he became Tamei on a day when it is proper to bring a Korban (i.e. day 101, after finishing the days he vowed. Below (3:4), Chachamim say that this cancels only 30 days.)
äâò òöîê (ùðåìã) [ö"ì ùðèîà - àåø ùîç] áìéìä äøé àéðå øàåé ìäáéà ÷øáï
Question: Exert yourself [and you will find the answer]! If he became Tamei at night, it is not proper to bring a Korban then!
øàåé äåà ìéìä äåà ùâøí
Answer: It is proper [to bring a Korban any time after 100], just night causes [that he cannot offer it now].
äâò òöîê äøé (ùðåìã) [ö"ì ùðèîà - àåø ùîç] áùáú äøé àéðå øàåé ìäáéà ÷øáï
Question: Exert yourself [and you will find the answer]! If he became Tamei on Shabbos, it is not proper to bring a Korban then!
øàåé ùáú äéà ùâøîä
Answer: It is proper, just Shabbos causes [that he cannot offer it now. We explained this like OHR SOMAYACH, Hilchos Nezirus 4:3.]
äùìéí ðæéøåúå åìà äñôé÷ ìâìç òã ùðåìã áùáú äøé àéðå øàåé ìäáéà ÷øáï
Question: If he finished his Nezirus and was not Megale'ach before [a son] was born on Shabbos, he is not proper to bring a Korban! (This should be as if he was born before he finished his Nezirus!)
Note: Perhaps this question and answer really belong after the coming teaching about one who finished his Nezirus and was not Megale'ach before the son was born. Perhaps it was taught here, to put it together with the other cases of 'it is proper, just Shabbos causes.' (PF)
øàåé ùáú äéà ùâøîä
Answer: It is proper [to bring a Korban then], just Shabbos causes (that we cannot offer it now).
äùìéí ðæéøåúå åìà äñôé÷ ìâìç òã ùðåìã äáï îâìç úâìçú àçú ìùúéäï
If he finished his Nezirus and was not Megale'ach before the son was born, he is Megale'ach once for both [Neziriyos].
äôøéù ÷øáðåúéå åìà äñôé÷ ìâìç òã ùðåìã äáï úîï àîøéï îâìç úâìçú àçú òì ùúéäï
If he separated his Korbanos and was not Megale'ach before the son was born - there (in Bavel), they say that he is Megale'ach once for both.
øáé éåçðï àîø îâìç åçåæø åîâìç
(R. Yochanan): He is Megale'ach, and returns and is Megale'ach again.
îúðéúà ôìéâà òì øáé éåçðï ùàìå àú ø"ù áï éåçé äøé ùäéä ðæéø åîöåøò îäå ùéâìç úâìçú àçú åúòìä ìå ìðæéøåúå åìöøòúå
Question (against R. Yochanan - Beraisa) Question: They asked R. Shimon ben Yochai - if one was a Nazir and Metzora, may he shave once and it will count for his Nezirus and his Tzara'as?
àîø ìäï àéìå æä îâìç ìäòáøú ùéòø [ö"ì åæä îâìç ìäòáøú ùéòø - ÷øáï äòãä] éôä äééúí àåîøéí àìà ùäðæéø îâìç ìäòáéø ùéòø åîöåøò îâìç ìâéãåì ùéòø
Answer (R. Shimon): If [a Nazir] shaved in order to remove the hair, and [a Metzora] shaved in order to remove the hair, you would say properly. However, a Nazir shaves to remove hair, and a Metzora shaves to grow hair (i.e. in order to shave again. Therefore, one shaving cannot count for both.)
àîøå ìå [ãó éà òîåã à] ìà úòìä ìå éîé âîøå (ìà - ÷øáï äòãä îåç÷å) úòìä ìå éîé ñôéøå ùðéäï îâìçéï ìäòáøú ùéòø
Question (to R. Shimon): The shaving of Yemei Gamro (when the Tzara'as went away) should not count [for Tiglachas Nazir, since it is to grow hair], but the shaving of Yemei Sifro (the second time a Metzora shaves, six days after the first shaving) should count [for Tiglachas Nazir], since both of them shave to remove hair!
(àîøå ìå) [ö"ì àîø ìäï - ÷øáï äòãä] àéìå æä îâìç ìôðé æøé÷ú ãîéí åæä îâìç ìôðé æøé÷ú ãîéí éôä äééú àåîø àìà ùäðæéø îâìç ìàçø æøé÷ú ãîéí åîöåøò îâìç ìôðé æøé÷ú ãîéí
Answer (R. Shimon): If [a Nazir] shaved before Zerikas Dam [of his Korbanos] and [a Metzora] shaved before Zerikas Dam, you would say properly. However, a Nazir shaves after Zerikas Dam hair, and a Metzora shaves before Zerikas Dam. (Therefore, one shaving cannot count for both.)
àîøå ìå (ìà úòìä ìå éîé âîøå ìà úòìä ìå éîé ñôéøå ùðéäï îâìçéï ìôðé æøé÷ú ãîéí) [ö"ì àó àðå àåîøéí ìà úòìä ìå èäåø úòìä ìå áèîà. - ÷øáï äòãä]
Question (to R. Shimon): Even we say that [Tiglachas Yemei Sifro] should not count for [Tiglachas Nazir] Tahor, but it should count for [Tiglachas Nazir] Tamei (both of them are before Zerikas Dam)!
àîø ìäï àéìå æä îâìç ìôðé áéàú äîéí åæä îâìç ìôðé áéàú äîéí éôä äééú àåîø àìà ùäðæéø îâìç ìàçø áéàú äîéí åäîöåøò îâìç ìôðé áéàú äîéí
Answer (R. Shimon): If [a Nazir Tamei] shaved before Tevilah and [a Metzora after Yemei Sifro] shaved before Tevilah, you would say properly. However, a Nazir shaves after Tevilah, and a Metzora shaves before Tevilah!
àîøå ìå ú÷ï äãáø ìà úòìä ìå éîé âîøå ìà úòìä ìå éîé ñôéøå ìà úòìä ìå ìèäø ìà úòìä ìå ìèîà äøé ùäéä ðæéø åîöåøò àáì àí äéä ðæéø åðæéø îâìç úâìçú àçú òì ùúéäí
Talmidim: Establish the matter as follows. [Tiglachas] Yemei Gamro does not count [for Tiglachas Nazir], and [Tiglachas] Yemei Sifro does not count, not for a [Nazir] Tahor and not for a Tamei - this is all for a Nazir Metzora. However, if he was a Nazir and a Nazir, one Tiglachas should count for both of them (they are the same)!
îä òáã ìä øáé éåçðï ôúø ìä
Question: How does R. Yochanan answer this?
çìå÷éí äï òì ø' ùîòåï áï éåçé:
Answer: He holds that [the other Tana'im] argue with R. Shimon ben Yochai.