[21a - 41 lines; 21b - 37 lines]

1)[line 6]úðà ëé øåëìà ìéçùéá åìéæéìTANA KI RUCHLA LEICHSIV V'LEIZIL?!- Should the Tana count out [all of the words "va'Ani" that refer to people who can accept Nezirus through Hatfasah] like a spice merchant?!

2a)[line 11]çã áçáøéä îéúôéñ?CHAD B'CHAVREI MITPIS?- Does each person [who says "va'Ani"] connect himself [through his words] to the previous person [who accepted Nezirus]?

b)[line 12]á÷îà îéúôñéB'KAMA MITPESEI?- Do they all connect themselves to the first person who said "Hareini Nazir"?

3)[line 13]ìàúôåñé åîéæìL'ATPUSEI U'MEIZAL- for more people to continue connecting themselves [and accepting Nezirus even after Kedei Dibur of the utterance of the first person]


4)[line 2]ëáãé ðæéøäKEVEDI NEZIRAH- my liver is a Nazir

5)[line 3]ãáø ùäðùîä úìåéä áåDAVAR SHEHA'NESHAMAH TELUYAH BO- a vital organ or limb without which a person cannot live

6)[line 5]îìâåæMI'LAGOZ- [and I should be prohibited] from cutting [it]

7)[line 7]îéò÷ø ò÷øMI'AKAR AKAR- [the husband] uproots the vow from the beginning

8)[line 7]îéâæ âééæMEIGAZ GAYIZ- the husband cuts off and annuls the Neder for the future (while leaving the Neder intact until the time of the Hafarah)

9)[line 19]àä÷îúåA'HAKAMASO (KIYUM NEDARIM - Endorsing Vows)

(a)A man has the right to annul certain vows of his wife and his daughter, as the Torah states in Bamidbar 30:6, 9, 13-14. He accomplishes this if on the day that he hears the vow he states "Mufar Lach" ("it is annulled") - see Background to Nazir 19:1.

(b)If the father or husband is "Mekayem" the vow even before the day is over (i.e. he upholds or endorses the vow; this is also referred to as "Kiyum" or "Hakamah"), by stating "[the vow] is endorsed," he can no longer be Mefer the vow. His wife or daughter must abide by her vow. (There is a disagreement among the Poskim as to whether the wife or daughter can remove the Neder through Hataras Nedarim after Hakamah, see Insights to Nedarim 69:1:a:1.)

(c)The Gemara Nedarim 69a states that just like a person can ask for Hatarah (Sho'el) for Nedarim, a father or husband who is Mekayem a Neder can ask for Hatarah of his Kiyum. This does not repeal the Neder; he must still do Hafarah. The Rishonim argue as to whether he can be Mefer only if it is still the same day that his daughter or wife made the Neder, or if it is enough that he is Mefer on the day of the She'elah on his Hakamah (see Insights to Nedarim 69:1).


There are five Chata'os that are put to death by locking them up without food until they die:

1.The offspring of a Chatas

2.The Temurah (see Background to Yoma 50:10) of a Chatas

3.A Chatas, the owner of which has died

4.A Chatas of a sheep or goat that became a year old (and is therefore invalid as a Korban Chatas), the owner of which brought a different Chatas to atone for his sins

5.A Chatas that was lost and was later found with a Mum, the owner of which brought a different Chatas to atone for his sins (Temurah 21b)

11)[line 30]ñåôâú àøáòéíSOFEGES ES HA'ARBA'IM- (lit. she receives forty lashes) The Torah writes "Arba'im Yakenu" - "the flogger will administer forty lashes," but Chazal learn that it actually means 39 lashes (Makos 22a)