[18a - 37 lines; 18b - 31 lines]

1)[line 5]öéôøéïTZIPORIN - Birds [part of the Korban brought by a Nazir who became Tamei] (NAZIR: KORBAN NAZIR TAMEI)

(a)If a Nazir becomes Tamei through contact with, or being in the same room as, a corpse, on the third and seventh days he must be sprinkled with water that has the ashes of the Parah Adumah in it to become Tahor. On the seventh day of his purification he shaves off the hair of his head.

(b)On the eighth day he brings the sacrifices of a Nazir who becomes Tamei and begins counting the days of Nezirus he accepted upon himself anew. The sacrifices he brings are two Torim (turtledoves) or two Bnei Yonah (young common doves), one as a Chatas and one as an Olah. He must also bring a yearling sheep as an Asham. (These Korbanos and this shaving are in addition to the Korbanos and shaving that he, and every Nazir, brings upon the completion of his Nezirus.)


2)[line 8]ìéìéà ìàå îçåñø æîï äåàLEILYA LAV MECHUSAR ZEMAN HU

(a)The Torah sets specific times to do some of the Avodos of the Korbanos. For example, the Lechem ha'Panim (see Background to Yoma 24:9a) must be placed on the Golden Table in the Beis ha'Mikdash specifically on Shabbos, etc. If these Korbanos were offered before their appointed times, they do not become sanctified since they are "Mechuserei Zeman," i.e. they need to have had more time elapse before they may be brought.

(b)Similarly, the slaughter and offering of all Korbanos, as well as the Kemitzah of the Korban Minchah (see Background to Yoma 29:9) is only Kosher during the daytime, and not at night. If a Kohen slaughters an animal or does Melikah on a bird (see Background to Yoma 29:8) at night, it is likewise considered Mechusar Zeman, and is Pasul. It follows, therefore, that the Tum'ah of the Nazir on the night of the eighth day of his purification should not require another set of Korbanos.

(c)However, according to the opinion that rules that Lailah Eino Mechusar Zeman ("nighttime does not invalidate a Korban with regard to the Pesul of Mechusar Zeman"), if the appointed time of the Korban is during the daytime, the previous night is called "Zemano," to the extent that the Avodah becomes sanctified as if it were performed during the day. Similarly, the Tum'ah of the Nazir who becomes Tamei on the night of the eighth day of his purification will require another set of Korbanos. With regard to whether the specific Avodah is Kesheirah or Pesulah, however, it is Pesulah since the Avodah was done at night and not during the day.

3)[line 27]ãåøåï áòìîàDORON B'ALMA HU- it is merely a gift