
TOSFOS DH Yemei Chaluto Mi Lo Ba'i Tiglachas

úåñôåú ã"ä éîé çìåèå îé ìà áòé úâìçú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why a Metzora has only Tiglachas Tum'ah.)

áñåó éîé çìåèå ëãëúéá åëáñ äîèäø àú áâãéå åâìç àú ëì ùòøå


Explanation: He must shave at the end of Yemei Chaluto, like it says "v'Chibes ha'Mitaher Es Begadav v'Gilach Es Kol Se'aro";

àáì úâìçú ãèäøä ìéú áéä áîöåøò ãâí úâìçú ùðéä ùîâìç àçø éîé ñôøå îúåê èåîàä äåà îâìçä ùâí áéîé ñôøå îèîà àãí áîâò.


However, there is no Tiglachas Taharah of a Metzora. Also the second shaving after Yemei Sifro (the seven days he counts between shavings) is amidst Tum'ah, for also during Yemei Sifro, he is Metamei people through touching.


TOSFOS DH Lo Tiglachas Tum'ah d'Nezirus ka'Tani

úåñôåú ã"ä ìà úâìçú èåîàä ãðæéøåú ÷úðé

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the rejection of the support.)

ëìåîø ìòåìí àéîà ìê úâìçú ãèåîàä


Explanation: Really, I can say that [the Beraisa] discusses Tiglachas Tum'ah;

åã÷àîøú ãáéîé çìåèå ðîé àéëà úâìçú ãèåîàä ìà úâìçú ãðæéøåú ÷úðé ãðæéø á÷áø øàåé ùòøå ìúâìçú îçîú ðæéøåú


You said [to reject this] that there is Tiglachas Tum'ah also during Yemei Chaluto. [I answer that the Beraisa] discusses Tiglachas Nezirus. A Nazir in a cemetery, his hair is proper to be shaved due to Nezirus;

åáéîé çìåèå ìà áòé úâìçú ãèåîàä îçîú ðæéøåú àìà îçîú öøòúå åæä àéï ùééê ìðæéøåú ëìì äéìëê ìà éòìå ìå éîéå ìðæéøåúå.


During Yemei Chaluto, he does not need Tiglachas Tum'ah due to Nezirus, rather, due to his Tzara'as. This does not pertain to Nezirus at all. Therefore, his days do not count for his Nezirus.


TOSFOS DH b'Tahor she'Nitma ha'Kasuv Medaber

úåñôåú ã"ä áèäåø ùðèîà äëúåá îãáø

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that he began counting Nezirus in Taharah.)

ëìåîø ùäúçéì ìîðåú ðæéøåú áèäøä åàçøé ëï ðèîà ëãëúéá åäéîéí äøàùåðéí éôìå.


Explanation: [The verse discusses] one who began to count Nezirus in Taharah, and afterwards became Tamei, like it says "veha'Yamim ha'Rishonim Yiplu."


TOSFOS DH v'Liftor Es ha'Nazir b'Kever...

úåñôåú ã"ä åìôèåø àú äðæéø á÷áø...

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that he is exempt also from Asham.)

åäåà äãéï ãîîòè ìéä îàùí ãëúéá áääåà òðééðà


Explanation: Likewise, [Nazir b'Kever] is excluded from Asham, which is written there.

åäééðå ã÷àîø áîúðé' áðæéø á÷áø àéðå îáéà ÷øáï èåîàä ãîéòèéä ÷øà ëããøùéðï äëà.


Support: Our Mishnah says that Nazir b'Kever does not bring Korban Tum'ah, for the verse excludes him, like we expound here.


TOSFOS DH veha'Lo Devarim Kal va'Chomer

úåñôåú ã"ä åäìà ãáøéí ÷"å

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the Kal va'Chomer.)

ôéøåù àé ìà îéòèéä ÷øà åîä èäåø ùðèîà èòåï ëå' ëìåîø ùèåîàúå äæ÷é÷úå ìëê


Explanation: Had the verse not excluded [a Tamei who accepted Nezirus, we would learn from a Kal va'Chomer]. A Tahor who became Tamei must [shave and bring birds], i.e. his Tum'ah obligated him to do so;

ëì ùëï äéëà ãðèîà îúçéìúå ùèîà áéåúø ùäæ÷é÷úå èåîàúå ìëì


All the more so, when he was Tamei from the beginning, for he is more Tamei, his Tum'ah obligates him all this!

ú"ì åèîà øàù ðæøå îéåúø ãîöé ìîéîø åëé éîåú îú [òìéå] áôúò ôúàåí åâìç øàùå.


It says "v'Tamei Rosh Nozro." This is extra [to exclude one who was Tamei from the beginning], for it could have [omitted this, and] said 'v'Chi Yamus Mes Alav b'Fesa Pis'om v'Gilach Rosho.'


TOSFOS DH b'Yom Hava'as Korbanosav

úåñôåú ã"ä áéåí äáàú ÷øáðåúéå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos brings the verse from which we learn.)

ãëê ëúéá á÷øà åáéåí äùîéðé éáéà ùúé úåøéí åëå' åëôø òìéå îàùø çèà òì äðôù å÷ãù àú (ëï öøéê ìäâéä) øàùå áéåí ääåà


Explanation: It says "uva'Yom ha'Shmini Yavi Shtei Sorim... v'Chiper Alav me'Asher Chata Al ha'Nafesh v'Kidash Es Rosho ba'Yom ha'Hu";

ùîòéðï áéåí ùîéðé ùäåà äáàú ÷øáðåúéå ëãîôøù ì÷îï áñîåê.


This teaches that [he begins counting] on day eight, which is when he brings his Korbanos, like it explains below.


TOSFOS DH b'Yom Tiglachto

úåñôåú ã"ä áéåí úâìçúå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this is day seven.)

äëúåá îãáø ãäééðå áùáéòé áñîåê îôøù èòîà.


Explanation: The verse discusses [the day he shaves,] i.e. the seventh. Below, the Gemara explains the reason.


TOSFOS DH v'Ha d'Tanan

úåñôåú ã"ä åäà ãúðï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos tells where the Mishnah is.)

ô' ÷îà ãëøéúåú (ãó è.).


Reference: This is in the first Perek of Kerisus (9a).


TOSFOS DH mi'Shevi'i Hu d'Chaila

úåñôåú ã"ä îùáéòé äåà ãçééìà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why it is day seven.)

(äâäú áøëú øàù) ùîúçéì ìéîðåú ðæéøåú îùáéòé.


Explanation: [It is from day seven,] for he begins to count Nezirus on day seven.


TOSFOS DH u'Mishkachas Tum'os Harbeh

úåñôåú ã"ä åîùëçú èåîàåú äøáä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains how we find many Tum'os and only one Korban.)

ëâåï ùðèîà áéåí ùáéòé åçæø åðèîà áùáéòé ìñåó ùáéòé àçø ùäæä åùðä åèáì


Explanation: E.g. he became Tamei on day seven, and again became Tamei on day seven, i.e. at the end of seven days [from the previous Tum'ah] after he received Haza'ah [on day three, and] a second time [on day seven] and immersed;

ãîéã ëùäæä åèáì çì òìéå áàåúå éåí ðæéøåú èäøä ùéåí ùáéòé äåé îîðéï ùìùéí


Immediately after [the second] Haza'ah and Tevilah, Nezirus Taharah takes effect on him that day, for day seven counts towards 30;

ëé ðèîà áéåí ùáéòé ëéåï ãçì òìéä ðæéøåú èäøä ëáø çùéá ìéä èåîàä àçøéúé


When he became Tamei on day seven, since Nezirus Taharah already took effect on him, it is considered a new Tum'ah;

åìà äåä ëðèîà áùùé ãääéà åãàé èåîàä àøéëúà äéà ãàëúé ìà çì òìéä ðæéøåú èäøä


Distinction: This is unlike when he became Tamei on day six. Surely that is one long Tum'ah, since Nezirus Taharah did not yet take effect on him.

åîëì î÷åí ôåèø òöîå î÷øáï èåîàä àçø ëéåï ùðèîà áùáéòé åìà éöà ùòä àçú ìéåí ùøàåé äåà ìäáéà ÷øáðåú ãäééðå áéåí ùîéðé.


Observation: In any case, he exempts himself from another Korban Tum'ah, since he became Tamei on the seventh, and there was no time [before he became Tamei] on the day proper to bring his Korbanos, for that is on day eight.


TOSFOS DH d'Iy Rebbi

úåñôåú ã"ä ãàé øáé

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we cannot establish it like Rebbi.)

ãàîø ãàéðå îúçéì ìîðåú ðæéøåú èäøä òã éåí ùîéðé ëåìä èåîàä àøéëúà äéà ãìà ðøàä òãééï ìäúçéì ðæéøåú


Explanation: [It cannot be Rebbi, for] he says that he does not begin to count Nezirus Taharah until day eight. It is all a long Tum'ah, for he never had a chance to begin Nezirus;

åäåé ëàéìå ðèîà áùùé åàîàé ÷øé ìéä èåîàåú äøáä


It is as if he became Tamei on day six. Why does [the Tana] call it many Tum'os?

åàé ãðèîà áùîéðé ëå' ëéåï ãéöà ìùòä ùøàåé ìäáéà ÷øáðåúéå åäåé ëðèîà àçø äáàú ÷øáðåúéå ãåãàé öøéê ìäáéà ÷øáï èåîàä àçø.


If he became Tamei on day eight... since there was a time [before he became Tamei] proper to bring his Korbanos, it is as if he became Tamei after bringing his Korbanos. Surely, he must bring another Korban Tum'ah.


TOSFOS DH di'Chsiv me'Asher Chata Al ha'Nafesh

úåñôåú ã"ä ãëúéá îàùø çèà òì äðôù

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that we learn from the continuation of the verse.)

åëúéá áääåà ÷øà ìàìúø å÷ãù øàùå áéåí ääåà ôé' áéåí ùëéôø òìéå ãäééðå áùîéðé.


Explanation: It says in this verse immediately "v'Kidash Es Rosho ba'Yom ha'Hu", i.e. the day he atones for him, which is the eighth.


TOSFOS DH Im Ken Leima Kra v'Kidash Es Rosho"

úåñôåú ã"ä àí ëï ìéîà ÷øà å÷ãù àú øàùå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that we expound ba'Yom ha'Hu, for it is extra.)

åôùéèà ãàùîéðé ã÷ééîéðï áéä àééøé áéåí ääåà ìîä ìé àí àéðå òðéï ìùîéðé úðäå ìùáéòé ãàééúåø ìîùãé àùáéòé.


Explanation: It would be obvious that we refer to day eight, which the verse was discussing. Why does it say "ba'Yom ha'Hu"? Since we do not need it to teach about the eighth, we use it to teach about the seventh (that he begins Nezirus Taharah on the seventh).



TOSFOS DH v'Rebbi ba'Yom ha'Hu Lamah Li

úåñôåú ã"ä åøáé áéåí ääåà ìîä ìé

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why this is extra.)

ãîîéìà éãòéðï ãàùîéðé ÷àé.


Explanation: Automatically, we know that it refers to the eighth.


TOSFOS DH Af Al Pi she'Lo Hevi Korbanosav

úåñôåú ã"ä àò"ô ùìà äáéà ÷øáðåúéå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains how we expound this.)

ãôùèéä ã÷øà îùîò ãìà çééì òìéä ðæéøåú òã ùéëôø áòåìä åáçèàú ãëúéá á÷øà [÷åãí] å÷ãù øàùå


Explanation: The simple meaning of the verse connotes that Nezirus does not take effect on him until he atones with Olah and Chatas, which are written in the verse before "v'Kidesh Rosho";

åäùúà àúé éúåøà ãáéåí ääåà ìàùîåòéðï ãçééì òìéä ðæéøåú áéåí ùîéðé àò"ô ùìà äáéà ÷øáðåúéå.


Now, the extra words ba'Yom ha'Hu teach that Nezirus takes effect on him on day eight, even though he did not bring his Korbanos.


TOSFOS DH Lukmah k'Rebbi u'Kegon she'Nitma b'Leil Shemini

úåñôåú ã"ä ìå÷îä ëøáé åëâåï ùðèîà áìéì ùîéðé

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains how it follows that night is not Mechusar Zeman.)

ãçééì òìéä ðæéøåú ÷åãí äáàú ÷øáðåúéå åì"â [ãçæà]


Explanation: [If he became Tamei on the eighth night,] Nezirus takes effect on him before bringing his Korbanos. The text does not say "d'Chaza". (It says so in Kerisus 8a, regarding seeing emissions. It does not apply to Tum'ah.)

ôé' ëéåï [ãîøáéðï] ìøáé áéåí äùîéðé àò"ô ùìà äáéà ÷øáðåúéå à"ë âí áìéì ùîéðé çééì òìéä ðæéøåú åùééê ìéåí ùîéðé


I.e. since we include according to Rebbi on day eight, even though he did not bring his Korbanos, if so also on the eighth night Nezirus takes effect on him, and it pertains to day eight.

åîòúä ðå÷é ìîúðé' ëøáé ãðèîà áìéì ç' ãëéåï ãçééì òìéä ðæéøåú èåîàåú äøáä éù ëàï


Now we can establish our Mishnah like Rebbi, e.g. he became Tamei on night eight. Since Nezirus takes effect on him, this is considered many Tum'os;

åî"î ôåèø òöîå á÷øáï àçã ìôé ùìà éöà ùòä àçú äøàåéä ìäáéà ÷øáðåúéå ãàéï î÷øéáéï ÷øáðåú áìéìä îáéåí öååúå


In any case, he exempts himself through one Korban Tum'ah, since there was no time [before he became Tamei] proper to bring his Korbanos, since we do not offer Korbanos at night, due to "b'Yom Tzavoso."

îãìà îå÷é ìä äëé ðéîà ÷ñáø ìéìéà ìàå îçåñø æîï äåà


Inference: Since [Rav Chisda] did not establish our Mishnah like this, we should infer that he holds that night is not Mechusar Zman.

ôé' åìà ìòðéï ùéåëì ìä÷øéáå áìéìä àìà ãçùáéðï ìéä ëéöà ìùòä ùøàåé ìä÷øéá ÷øáðåúéå åìà éôèø á÷øáï èåîàä àçã.


This does not mean that he can offer Korbanos at night. Rather, it is considered that there was time proper to offer his Korbanos, and he is not exempt through one Korban Tum'ah.


TOSFOS DH Ha b'Ha Talya

úåñôåú ã"ä äà áäà úìéà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why the inference is rejected.)

åìà îöé àúéà ëøáé.


Explanation: Therefore, [whether or not we say that night is Mechusar Zeman,] we cannot establish it like Rebbi.


TOSFOS DH Hachi Garsinan

úåñôåú ã"ä ä"â

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why they depend on each other.)

àé àîøú ìéìä îçåñø æîï àéîú îééúé ÷øáï òã öôøà ðæéøåú ðîé ìà çééì òã öôøà


The text: If you will say that night is Mechusar Zeman, when is the time to bring the Korban? It is in the morning. Also Nezirus does not take effect until morning.

ãëôø å÷ãù ëúéá áùòä ùøàåéä ìäáéà ÷øáï çééì ðæéøåú èäøä


Source: It says "v'Chiper... v'Kidash - at a time proper to bring the Korban, Nezirus Taharah takes effect;

ëé ðèîà áìéìä ìà äåå èåîàåú äøáä àìà èåîàä àøéëúà


When he became Tamei at night, there were not many Tum'os, rather, a long Tum'ah.

åàé ÷ñáø ìéìä ìàå îçåñø æîï ìäçùá ëùòä ùøàåéä ìä÷øéá áìéìä ðæéøåú ðîé çééì îçîúä åîéçééá ÷øáï èåîàä òì ëì àçú åàçú.


If he holds that night is not Mechusar Zeman, and night is considered a time proper to offer, also Nezirus [Taharah] takes effect due to this, and he is liable a Korban for each one.


TOSFOS DH Eis Seforim d'Garsei Bei Gufa Nitma ba'Shevi'i v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä àéú ñôøéí ãâøñé áéä âåôà ðèîà áùáéòé ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos rejects this text.)

åìà âøñéðï ãáëåìä äù"ñ ìà âøñéðï âåôà àìà ëùäù"ñ äáéà îéîøà àå áøééúà úçéìä åîééúé àåúä àâá âøøà àæ çåæø åàåîø âåôà ìôøù äîéîøà àå äáøééúà


Rejection: This text is wrong. In the entire Gemara, it says "Gufa" only when the Gemara brings a teaching or Beraisa first by the way, then returns and says Gufa to explain the teaching or Beraisa;

àáì áøééúà æå (äâäú ø' áöìàì àùëðæé) ìà äáéà äù"ñ ëìì ìòéì àìà îìéùðà ãäù"ñ ìòéì ã÷àîø àéìéîà ùðèîà áùáéòé.


However, this Beraisa, the Gemara did not bring it at all above. Rather, it is from (i.e. the same as) the Gemara's words above. It said "if you will say that he became Tamei on day seven..."


TOSFOS DH Eino Mevi Ela Korban Echad

úåñôåú ã"ä àéðå îáéà àìà ÷øáï àçã

(SUMMARY: Tosfos distinguishes between Tum'ah at night and during the day.)

àò"â ãñ"ì ãçééì òìéä ðæéøåú èäøä îùáéòé ëéåï ãðèîà òã ùìà äàéø äùîéðé ùòä äøàåéä ìäáéà ÷øáðåúéå ðôèø á÷øáï àçã òì èåîàåú äøáä


Explanation: Even though he holds that Nezirus Taharah takes effect on him from day seven, since he became Tamei before dawn of the eighth, the time proper to bring his Korbanos, he is exempt through one Korban for many Tum'os;

àáì ëùðèîà áùîéðé åçæø åðèîà áç' ëéåï ùéöà ìùòä äøàåéä ìäáéà ÷øáðåúéå îáéà ÷øáï òì ëì àçã åàçã.


However, when he became Tamei on the eighth, and again became Tamei on the eighth, since there was a time proper to bring his Korbanos, he brings a Korban for each one.


TOSFOS DH Maschil u'Moneh Miyad Divrei R. Eliezer v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä îúçéì åîåðä îéã ãáøé ø' àìéòæø åëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos proves that really, he starts counting on the seventh.)

ìëàåøä äåä îùîò ãîúçéì îðéï ðæéøåú èäøä ùìå áùîéðé


Inference: This seems to connote that he starts to count his Nezirus Taharah on the eighth.

àìà àé àôùø ìåîø ëï ãàé ìà çééì òìéä ðæéøåú èäøä ùìå àìà áùîéðé à"ë ëé ðèîà áùîéðé ìà ñåúø àìà éåí àçã


Rejection: We cannot say so, for if Nezirus Taharah takes effect only on the eighth, if so, when he becomes Tamei on the eighth, he cancels only one day;

åìà äåä îúçééá ÷øáï èåîàä ìøáé àìéòæø [ëãúðï] áîúðé' ø"à àåîø ìà [áå] áéåí


He would not be obligated a Korban Tum'ah according to R. Eliezer, like our Mishnah taught "not if he became Tamei the same day" [because "veha'Yamim ha'Rishonim Yiplu" does not apply].

àìà îúçéì åîåðä îéã áùáéòé ãàæ çééì òìéä ðæéøåú èäøä îëé äæä åèáì (îëé äæä åèáì)


Explanation: Rather, he starts to count immediately on the seventh, for then Nezirus Taharah takes effect, once he received Haza'ah twice and immersed;

åëé ðèîà áùîéðé ñåúø á' éîéí åîúçééá ùôéø á÷øáï èåîàä (äâäú îäø"á øðùáåøâ) ìøáé àìéòæø.


When he became Tamei on day eight, he cancels two days, and is properly obligated a Korban Tum'ah according to R. Eliezer.


TOSFOS DH v'Chachamim Omerim Korban Echad Al ha'Kol...

úåñôåú ã"ä åçë"à ÷øáï àçã òì äëì...

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that Nezirus Taharah takes effect after bringing the Chatas.)

øáðï ñáéøà ìäå ãìà çééì ðæéøåú èäøä òìéä òã ùéáéà çèàúå


Explanation: Rabanan hold that Nezirus Taharah does not take effect on him until he brings his Chatas;

äáéà çèàúå åìà äáéà àùîå îåðä ðæéøåú èäøä [åèòîééäå] éìéó áñîåê.


If he brought his Chatas but did not bring his Asham, he counts Nezirus Taharah. Their reason we learn below.


TOSFOS DH Kach Ashamo Me'akavto

úåñôåú ã"ä ëê àùîå îòëáúå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that it is Me'akev Nezirus Taharah.)

ãìà çééì òìéä ðæéøåú èäøä òã ùéáéà âí àùîå åèòîéä îôøù áñîåê.


Explanation: Nezirus Taharah does not take effect on him until he brings also his Asham. [The Gemara] explains his reason below.


TOSFOS DH bi'Shlama l'R. Eliezer Amar Kra v'Kidash Es Rosho ba'Yom ha'Hu

úåñôåú ã"ä áùìîà ìø' àìéòæø àîø ÷øà å÷ãù øàùå áéåí ääåà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains what the Tana'im expound from ba'Yom ha'Hu.)

îéåúø áéåí ääåà ìøáåú áéåí äùáéòé ãîùáéòé çééì òìéä ðæéøåú èäøä ëãôøéùéú ìòéì ìø"à


Explanation: "Ba'Yom ha'Hu" is extra to include the seventh day, that from the seventh, Nezirus Taharah takes effect on him, like I explained above according to R. Eliezer.

åìùåï äù"ñ ã÷àîø àò"ô ùìà äáéà ÷øáðåúéå äåé ôéøåùå àò"ô ùìà äâéò éåí äøàåé (äâäú ø' áöìàì àùëðæé) ìäáéà ÷øáðåúéå ãäééðå éåí æ'


The words of the Gemara, which says that even though he did not bring his Korbanos. This means that even though did not come a day proper to bring his Korbanos, i.e. day seven;

åìà äåé ôéøåùå ëääåà ãìòéì ã÷àîø äù"ñ àìéáà ãøáé áéåí ääåà îéåúø ìåîø ìê àò"ô ùìà äáéà ÷øáðåúéå


Distinction: This does not mean like above, that the Gemara said according to Rebbi that "ba'Yom ha'Hu" is extra to teach even if he did not bring Korbanos;

ãääåà åãàé äåé ôéøåùå ìøáåú éåí ùîéðé ãå÷à îùäàéø äá÷ø àáì àìéáà ãø"à àúà [ìøáåú] àôéìå éåí äùáéòé ëãôé',


Surely, that means to include the eighth day, only after dawn. However, according to R. Eliezer it comes to include even the seventh day, like I explained.

åìøáðï ääåà àò"ô ùìà äáéà àùîå. àò"â ùëì àùîåú ùáúåøä îòëáåú äëà îøáéðï îääåà ãìà îòëá ìéä îìçåì òìéä ðæéøåú èäøä,


According to Rabanan it [ba'Yom ha'Hu] teaches even if he did not bring his Asham. Even though all Ashamos in the Torah are Me'akev, here we include that it is not Me'akev him from Nezirus Taharah taking effect on him;

àìà ìø' éùîòàì ääåà îàé àúà ìøáåéé àîø ìê àò"ô ùìà äáéà òåìúå.


However, according to R. Yishmael, what does it come to include? He can answer you, even if he did not bring his Olah.


TOSFOS DH v'Rabanan Olah Lo Ba'i Mi'uta d'Doron b'Alma Hu

úåñôåú ã"ä åøáðï òåìä ìà áòéà îéòåèà ããåøåï áòìîà äåà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses the argument about how to expound ha'Hu.)

åà"ú î"è ãøáé éùîòàì ùôéø ÷àîøé ìéä øáðï


Question: What is R. Yishmael's reason? Rabanan properly said [that Olah is a mere gift. We do not need a verse to teach that it is not Me'akev!]

åé"ì îùåí ãçèàú åòåìä ëúéáé áçã ÷øà åäãø ëúéá åëôø òìéå å÷ãù øàùå


Answer: Because Chatas and Olah are written in one verse, and then it says "v'Chiper Alav... v'Kidash Es Rosho";

ãñ"ã ãàò"â ãòåìä ãåøåï äåà ëéåï ãà÷ãîéä ÷øà ìå÷ãù øàùå ìà çééì òìéä ðæéøåú èäøä òã ãîééúé ìòåìä ðîé


One might have thought that even though Olah is a mere gift, since the Torah put it before v'Kidash Es Rosho, Nezirus Taharah does not take effect on him until he brings also the Olah;

÷à îùîò ìï ääåà ìåîø àò"ô ùìà äáéà òåìúå åîñúáøà ìàå÷îé ìòåìä åìà ìçèàú ãòé÷ø ëôøä áçèàú


"Ha'Hu" teaches that this is not so. It teaches that [Nezirus Taharah takes effect on him] even though he did not bring his Olah. It is reasonable to establish [ha'Hu] regarding Olah and not regarding Chatas, for the primary Kaparah depends on the Chatas.

åà"ú îðà ìéä ìäù"ñ ìòéì ìåîø áôùéèåú àìéáà ãøáé ãääåà (îôøù) îøáä àò"ô ùìà äáéà ÷øáðåúéå ôé' îùäàéø äùîéðé çééì òìéä ðæéøåú èäøä


Question: How did the Gemara know above to say simply according to Rebbi that ha'Hu includes even though he did not bring his Korbanos, i.e. from dawn of the eighth day Nezirus Taharah takes effect on him?

ãìîà ìà îøáä øáé àìà äáéà çèàúå åìà àùîå àå ëø' éùîòàì


Perhaps Rebbi includes only when he brought his Chatas but not his Asham, or like R. Yishmael (he brought both, but not his Olah! This Dibur continues on the coming Daf.)