The reference numbers below that appear in parentheses (e.g., TY #43) represent vessels or parts of the structure of the Beis ha'Mikdash. The labeling follows that of the diagram of the Tiferes Yisrael. This diagram, which has been included in a separate mailing and can also be found on our site (at, is printed both in the Tiferes Yisrael Mishnayos (Midos Chapter 2 or following Midos) and in Rav P. Kahati's Mishnayos (page 290, at the beginning of Midos).

[36a - 56 lines; 36b - 25 lines]

*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************

We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Mishnah, Gemara and Rosh.

[1] Rosh 36b DH Hayu Kevu'im ã"ä äéå ÷áåòéí:

The words "Muzhavos v'Tzayaros v'Olos k'Ein Ataros" îåæäáåú åöééøåú åòåìåú ëòéï òèøåú

should be "Muzhavos u'Metzuyaros k'Min Ataros" îåæäáåú åîöåééøåú ëîéï òèøåú (Ezras Kohanim, quoting the Rosh)


1)[line 1]á÷øï îòøáéú ãøåîéú äéå ùðé á÷áéíB'KEREN MA'ARAVIS DEROMIS HAYU SHNEI NEKAVIM- and in the southwestern corner [of the Mizbe'ach, on the Yesod adjoining the Mizbe'ach] were two pipes

2)[line 2]ëîéï ùðé çåèîéïK'MIN SHNEI CHOTAMIN- like two nostrils

3)[line 7]ùáå éåøãéï ìùéú åîð÷éï àåúåSHE'BO YORDIN L'SHIS U'MENAKIN OSO- through which they (the Pirchei Kehunah) would go down to the Shisin (a hollow located under the foundation of the Mizbe'ach of the Beis ha'Mikdash, into which flowed the blood of the Korbanos and the libations of water and wine) to clean it because of the congealed wine and blood (as in Sukah 49a) (the Tana of our Mishnah rules that the Shisin did not go down to the Tehom, but they were finite — ROSH)

4)[line 9]øáåáäREVUVAH- a one-Amah square aperture in the western side of the Mizbe'ach

5)[line 10]çèàú äòåóCHATAS HA'OF

(a)The offering of the Chatas ha'Of (which is brought by a Zav, Zavah, Yoledes and Nazir Tamei, and by a Metzora who is poor, and by a poor person who was Nishba l'Sheker (see Background to Shevuos 2:1), or who transgressed Shevu'as ha'Edus (see Background to Kerisus 12:7), or was Metamei Mikdash v'Kodashav (see Background to Kerisus 2:10) consists of three procedures (see, for example, Vayikra 5:8-9): Melikah, Hazayah, and Mitzuy.

1.MELIKAH - Standing on the floor of the Azarah near the southwestern corner of the Mizbe'ach, the Kohen cuts the back of the neck of the bird with his right thumbnail. He makes sure to cut one Siman (either the trachea or the esophagus), but does not sever both Simanim ("v'Lo Yavdil" - Vayikra 5:8). (The Melikah of the Chatas anywhere on the Mizbe'ach does not invalidate it — Zevachim 63a.)

2.HAZAYAH - The Kohen sprinkles its blood on the Mizbe'ach (directly from the neck of the bird), below the Chut ha'Sikra (red line) that is located halfway up the Mizbe'ach.

3.MITZUY - The Kohen presses the cut neck of the bird to the Mizbe'ach and squeezes its remaining blood onto the Mizbe'ach.

(b)The Chatas ha'Of is eaten by the Kohanim, in the Azarah, on the day that it is offered and the following night. No part of it was burned on the Mizbe'ach ("Ein Mimenu la'Ishim").

6)[line 12]á÷òú áéú äëøíBIK'AS BEIS KEREM- from the location of the modern-day suburb of Yerushalayim called Ein Kerem, a place that contained rocks that did not need to be smoothed or chiseled

7)[line 12]áúåìäBESULAH- unturned earth

8)[line 16]îìáðéí àåúï ôòîéí áùðäMELABNIM OSAN PA'AMAYIM BA'SHANAH- and they whitewashed them twice a year

9)[line 19]îôäMAPAH- with a towel

10)[line 23]èáòåúTABA'OS- VS #26, TY #46. Twenty-four rings set into the floor of the Azarah to the north of the Mizbe'ach for use during Shechitah; the animal's neck would be held firmly by the ring which opened and closed on a hinge.

11)[line 26]áéú äîèáçéíBEIS HA'MITBECHAYIM- VS #24, TY #44-45. The Butchering Chamber, where the slaughtered animals were hung in order to be skinned and cut up

12)[line 27]ùîåðä òîåãéí ððñéïSHEMONAH AMUDIM NANASIN- VS #24, TY #44. Eight short posts with hooks used for skinning Korbanos.

13)[line 27]øáéòéí ùì àøæREVI'IM SHEL EREZ- square blocks of cedar wood

14)[line 28]àð÷ìéåú ùì áøæìUNKELIYOS SHEL BARZEL- iron hooks

15)[line 31]äëéåøHA'KIYOR- VS #31, TY #52. The Water Basin for washing hands and feet (Shemos 30:19-21). It had twelve faucets and was attached to a pulley that lowered it into a well of water.

16)[line 35]øåáãROVED- a wide step

17)[line 39]îìúøàåú / àîìúøàåúMALTERA'OS / AMALTERA'OS- cornices, horizontal strips of stone, wood or plaster crowning a building or entrance, usually molded and projecting. They served the purpose of (a) beauty (ROSH); (b) strength also, to hold up the sixty Amos of stones that made up the wall of the Ulam above the entryway. (Also, it is not clear that they used stones that were bigger than ten Amos, and the entryway of the Ulam needed a twenty-Amah long lintel) (EZRAS KOHANIM) (The method of using cornices of increasing length higher up the wall was an engineering masterpiece that spread the downward force of the stones out to the sides, making it possible for a one-hundred-Amah wall to stand and not collapse into the entryway — Rav Y. Landy)

18)[line 39]îéìà /îéìúM ILA / MILAS- (a) a type of cedar (ROSH); (b) a species of oak from which gall-nuts are collected. (Gall nuts (O.F. gales) are (i) an abnormal growth caused by insects; or (ii) the acorns, which are used as a tanning material) (RASHI to Eruvin 3a); (c) Ash wood (RAV P. KEHATI)

19)[line 43]ðãáêNIDBACH- and a row of stones

20)[line 44]ëìåðñåú ùì (àáï) [àøæ]KELUNSOS SHEL (EVEN) [EREZ]- (O.F. perches) beams of cedar

21)[line 45]ëãé ùìà éáòèKEDEI SHE'LO YIV'AT- so that it not collapse (lit. kick)

22)[line 48]äòèøåúHA'ATAROS- (a) the crowns in the windows of the Heichal (BARTENURA, RASHI to Zecharyah 6:14) or the Ulam (RABEINU SHEMAYAH); the Pirchei Kehunah would climb there for the sheer pleasure of seeing these crowns; (b) the windows of the Ulam that were shaped like crowns; the Pirchei Kehunah would climb there to see if they needed repair (ROSH)

23)[line 48]"åäòèøåú [úäéä] ìçìí åìèåáéä [åìéãòéä] åìçï áï öôðéä ìæëøåï áäéëì ä'""VEHA'ATAROS [TIHEYEH] L'CHELEM UL'TOVIYAH [VELI'YEDA'YAH] UL'CHEN BEN TZEFANYAH L'ZIKARON B'HEICHAL HASH-M."- "And the crowns shall remain, as a memorial to Chelem, and to Toviyah, and to Yeda'yah, and to Chen the son of Tzefanyah, in the temple of HaSh-m." (Zecharyah 6:14)

24)[line 51]îåãìä òì âáé ëìåðñåúMUDLEH AL GABEI KELUNSOS- propped up, hung from thin beams, poles (O.F. treille - a trellis)

25)[line 52]òìäALEH- a [golden] leaf

26)[line 53]âøâéøGARGIR- a [golden] berry, grape

27)[line 53]àùëåìESHKOL- a [golden] cluster [of grapes]

28)[last line]ìôðåúäLEFANOSAH- (lit. to take it out) to take off the donated gold



29)[line 1]äéëìHEICHAL- VS #41 (the number is missing from the picture). The Sanctuary, inside of which was the Menorah, the Shulchan of the Lechem ha'Panim, and the Mizbe'ach for the Ketores

30)[line 3]"ùúéí ãìúåú ìäéëì åì÷ãù""SHETAYIM DELASOS LA'HEICHAL VELA'KODESH"- "And the sanctuary and the Kodesh had two doors." (Yechezkel 41:23)

31)[line 7]èåç áæäáTU'ACH B'ZAHAV- overlaid with gold leaf

32)[line 9]àéöèøîéèàITZTERAMITA- shutters

33)[line 10]ð÷ôìåú ìàçåøéäïNIKPALOS L'ACHOREIHEN- and that fold [in half] backwards

34)[line 13]"åùúéí ãìúåú ìãìúåú ùúéí îåñáåú ãìúåú ùúéí ìãìú àçú åùúé ãìúåú ìàçøú""U'SHTAYIM DELASOS LA'DELASOS SHETAYIM MUSABOS DELASOS SHETAYIM L'DELES ECHAS U'SHTEI DELASOS LA'ACHERES."- "And the doors had two leaves each, two turning leaves; two leaves for the one door, and two leaves for the other door." (Yechezkel 41:24)

35)[line 15]ôùôùéíPISHPESHIN- small doors or gates contained in (or next to) a larger door or gate

36)[line 18]"åéàîø àìé ä' äùòø äæä ñâåø éäéä ìà éôúç åàéù ìà éáà áå ëé ä' àì÷é éùøàì áà áå åäéä ñâåø""VA'YOMER EILAI HASH-M, 'HA'SHA'AR HA'ZEH SAGUR YIHEYEH, LO YIPASE'ACH, V'ISH LO YAVO BO, KI HASH-M ELOKEI YISRAEL BA VO, V'HAYAH SAGUR.'" - "And HaSh-m said to me, 'This gate shall remain shut, it shall not be opened and no man shall enter it, for HaSh-m the G-d of Yisrael shall pass through it, so it shall remain closed.'" (Yechezkel 44:2) (THE GATE THAT REMAINS SHUT)

(a)The Mal'ach that took Yechezkel on a tour of an image of the third Beis ha'Mikdash had just shown him around the Azarah, and he now turned to the Heichal. The gate of the Heichal (which adjoined the Ulam) was flanked by two smaller gates (known as Pishpeshin; see previous entry), one on its north and one on its south.

(b)The gate mentioned in this verse is the southern one, through which the Shechinah is destined to pass. It is therefore not befitting for ordinary mortals to use it. Due to its importance, the Nasi (Mashi'ach) will use it whenever he wishes to eat the meat of the Kodshim Kalim (Shelamim) that he brings to the Beis ha'Mikdash. He shall enter the Pishpesh via the Ulam, and eat his Kodshim in the presence of HaSh-m, before taking leave the same way that he entered.

37)[line 22]îäúàMEHA'TA- from the compartment

38)[line 23]áúåê òåáéå ùì ëåúì äéä îäìêB'SOCH OVYO SHEL KOSEL HAYAH MEHALECH- he would walk [in a passageway] in the width of the wall (and emerge in between the two sets of doors)