[37a - 47 lines; 37b - 27 lines]
*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Mishnah, Gemara and Rosh.
[1] Mishnah 37a [line 20]:
The words "Halach Kelapei Ma'arav" äìê ëìôé îòøá
should be "Halach Al Pnei Ma'arav" äìê òì ôðé îòøá (Ezras Kohanim, quoting the Mishnah)
[2] Mishnah [line 22]:
Should be corrected as suggested by the Shitah Mekubetzes #1
[3] Mishnah [line 26]:
The words "uv'Roshan Pispesin Mavdil ba'Aliyah" åáøàùï ôñôñéï îáãéì áòìéä
should be "v'Roshei Pispesin Mavdilin ba'Aliyah" åøàùé ôñôñéï îáãéìéï áòìéä (Ezras Kohanim, quoting the Mishnah)
[4] Mishnah 37b [line 8]:
Should be corrected as suggested by the Shitah Mekubetes #3
1)[line 10]îñéáäMESIBAH- VS #39, TY #65. A ramp extended upwards from the floor at the northeast of the Sanctuary to the roof at the northwest, running level across the roof to the southwest, and upwards on the south to the entrance of the Sanctuary Aliyah (attic). (The attic was rarely entered. Once in seven years, when it was necessary to inspect or repair the walls of the Kodesh ha'Kodashim, artisans would be lowered in boxes from openings in the attic floor. These boxes were open in front to allow the artisans (Kohanim, if possible) to make their repairs without viewing the rest of the Kodesh ha'Kodashim. (King Yoash was hidden here (by his aunt, Yehosheva bas Yoram) as a child, saving him from the murderous intents of Queen Asalyah (Melachim II 11:1-3).)
2)[line 11]øåáãROVED- (a) and the ceiling of the compartment of the ground floor, which was the floor of the compartment of the next floor (RASHI, RABEINU SHEMAYAH); (b) a balcony of wooden planks or stones that rested upon beams that stuck out of the wall of the Heichal at the height of the ceiling of the Ta'im (RAMBAM, BARTENURA)
3)[line 13]"äéöéò äúçúåðä çîù áàîä øçáä åäúéëðä ùù áàîä øçáä åäùìéùéú ùáò áàîä øçáä [ëé îâøòåú ðúï ìáéú ñáéá çåöä ìáìúé àçæ á÷éøåú äáéú]""HA'YATZI'A HA'TACHTONAH CHAMESH BA'AMAH ROCHBAH VEHA'TICHONAH SHESH BA'AMAH ROCHBAH, VEHA'SHELISHIS SHEVA BA'AMAH ROCHBA, [KI MIGRA'OS NASAN LA'BAYIS SAVIV CHUTZAH, L'VILTI ACHOZ B'KIROS HA'BAYIS.]"- "The lowest [chamber of the] Yatzi'a was five Amos wide, and the middle was six Amos wide, and the third was seven Amos wide; [for outside around the wall of the house (i.e. the Beis ha'Mikdash) he made recesses, that the beams should not penetrate into the walls of the house." (Melachim I 6:6)
4)[line 23]òìéäALIYAH- (lit. attic) an upper story, above the Kodesh and the Kodesh ha'Kodashim
5)[line 28]ìåìéïLULIN- and openings in the ceiling
6)[line 29]äéå îùìùìéïHAYU MESHALSHELIN- they would lower
7)[line 30]ëãé ùìà éæåðå òéðéäíKEDEI SHE'LO YAZUNU EINEIHEM- so that their eyes should not feast
8)[line 31]ääéëì îàä òì îàä òì øåí îàäHA'HEICHAL ME'AH AL ME'AH AL RUM ME'AH- and the [total length] Beis ha'Mikdash (consisting of the Ulam, the Heichal and the Kodesh ha'Kodashim) was one hundred Amos long, one hundred Amos wide (this is only the width of the Ulam; the Heichal was seventy Amos wide) and one hundred Amos high.
9)[line 32]äàåèíHA'OTEM- (lit. the sealed, completely filled area) (a) the foundations of the wall of the Heichal, that were six Amos deep (RAMBAM); (b) the beginning of the structure of the Heichal, that was a six-Amah-thick floor (ROSH, RABEINU SHEMAYAH)
10)[line 33]ëéåøKIYUR- decorations
11)[line 33]áéú ãéìôäBEIS DILFAH- (a) the upper beams that connect the walls to the ceiling (ROSH); (b) the space in between the double ceiling (RAMBAM)
12)[line 34]ú÷øäTIKRAH- the ceiling
13)[line 34]îòæéáäMA'AZIVAH- mortar poured on the beams of the ceiling
14)[line 36]îò÷äMA'AKEH- a guardrail
15)[line 37]ëìä òåøáKALEI OREV- (a) the "Amah Kalei Orev" consisted of devices for preventing ravens from landing ("Kalei Orev" - lit. "eliminate ravens"). Plates of metal that measured one square Amah into which one-Amah-long nails were inserted were built onto the roof of the Heichal (RASHI to Erchin 6a); (b) the roof of the Heichal was sloped such that its peak was only one Amah wide ("Amah Kalah" - lit. "ended in one Amah"). Bits of metal and nails were affixed there to prevent ravens from landing (RASHI to Moed Katan 9a).
16)[line 40]àîä èø÷ñéïAMAH TERAKSIN- VS #47, TY #73. The one-Amah space between the Kodesh and the Kodesh ha'Kodashim, which, in the Second Beis ha'Mikdash, contained two Paroches curtains, one at the end of the Kodesh and one at the beginning of the Kodesh ha'Kodashim (in the First Beis ha'Mikdash the Amah Tracksin was a wall with and opening to the Kodesh ha'Kodashim)
17)[line 43]áéú äåøãú äîéíBEIS HORADAS HA'MAYIM- VS #39, TY #66. A corridor, three Amos wide, that extended along the south wall to carry off rain water from the roof of the Sanctuary, which slanted in that direction
18)[line 44]áéú äçìéôåúBEIS HA'CHALIFOS- VS #38, TY #59. At the far ends of the Ulam were two rooms, 15 Amos by 11 Amos, where the Shechitah knives of each Mishmar were kept.
19)[line 45]"äåé àøéàì àøéàì ÷øéú çðä ãåã""HOI ARIEL ARIEL KIRYAS CHANAH DAVID"- "Woe to Ariel, to Ariel, the city where David encamped!" (Yeshayahu 29:1)
20)[line 3]î÷åí ãøéñú øâìé éùøàìMEKOM DERISAS RAGLEI YISRAEL- VS #18, TY #22. Ezras Yisrael, the area of eleven Amos by 135 Amos between the eastern wall of the Azarah and the Ezras Kohanim. Non-Kohanim did not enter the Ezras Kohanim unless it was necessary (see Kelim 1:8).
21)[line 4]î÷åí ãøéñú ëäðéíMEKOM DERISAS RAGLEI HA'KOHANIM- VS #29. Ezras Kohanim, the area of eleven Amos by 135 Amos between the Ezras Yisrael and the Mizbe'ach
22)[line 5]äîæáçHA'MIZBE'ACH- see Background to Midos 35:29
23)[line 5]áéï äàåìí åìîæáçBEIN HA'ULAM VELA'MIZBE'ACH- the space of twenty-two Amos between the Mizbe'ach and the Ulam
24)[line 7](äçéì) [ääéëì](HA'CHEIL) [HA'HEICHAL]- VS #41 (the number is missing from the picture). The Sanctuary to which our Mishnah refers consisted of the Ulam, the Heichal and the Kodesh ha'Kodashim; its total length was one hundred Amos. On the outside it reached a height of one hundred Amos.
25)[line 7]àçåøé áéú äëôåøúACHOREI BEIS HA'KAPORES- VS #50, TY #38. (lit. behind the room that held the Kapores, i.e. the Kodesh ha'Kodashim) the eleven Amos in between the back wall of the Beis ha'Mikdash and the western wall of the Azarah
26)[line 9]äèáòåúHA'TABA'OS- VS #26, TY #46. Twenty-four rings set into the floor of the Azarah to the north of the Mizbe'ach for use during Shechitah; the animal's neck would be held firmly by the ring which opened and closed on a hinge
27)[line 10]ùìçðåúSHULCHANOS- VS #25, TY #45. Eight marble tables on which parts of the Korbanos were rinsed
28)[line 10]ððñéïNANASIN- VS #24, TY #44. Eight short posts with hooks used for skinning Korbanos
29)[line 13]ìùëú äîìçLISHKAS HA'MELACH- VS #21, TY #30. The room where salt was kept (see note #1 to figure #21 in the Vilna Shas diagram and Introduction to the Beis ha'Mikdash 5:1)
30)[line 13]ìùëú äôøåäLISHKAS HA'PARVAH- VS #23, TY #31. The room where hides of the offerings were preserved. There was a Mikvah on its roof that was used by the Kohen Gadol on Yom ha'Kipurim. Parvah (see Footnote #3 to Yoma Chart #4) designed this room with an ingenious system for bringing water to the roof.
31)[line 13]ìùëú äîãéçéïLISHKAS HA'MADICHIN- VS #22, TY #32. The Rinsing Chamber, where the Keres was cleaned
32)[line 17]ìùëú äòõLISHKAS HA'ETZ- VS #11, TY #12. The storage chamber where wood for the Mizbe'ach and fireplace was stored
33)[line 17]ìùëú äâåìäLISHKAS HA'GOLAH- VS #60, TY #29. The room where fresh water was drawn from a well; this Lishkah was named for the people from the Golah (exile) who had dug the well (BARTENURA). According to RABEINU YEHONASAN (at the end of Eruvin), the name of this Lishkah is Lishkas ha'Gulah because of the large bowl (Gulah) that was set near the well and that was filled with water every day.
34)[line 17]ìùëú äâæéúLISHKAS HA'GAZIS- VS #62 (the number is missing in the diagram; it should be right beneath #'s 60 and 61), TY #27. The Chamber of Hewn Stone was the seat of the Jewish Supreme Court, known as the Great Sanhedrin of 71 judges. The Lishkas ha'Gazis was partially built in the Azarah of the Beis ha'Mikdash. The Great Sanhedrin was the highest Halachic authority before which the most difficult cases were brought (Devarim 17:8)
35)[line 20]äâìâìHA'GALGAL- the pulley wheel
36)[line 21]ñðäãøéï âãåìä ùì éùøàìSANHEDRIN GEDOLAH SHEL YISRAEL- see above, entry #34
37)[line 21]ãðä àú äëäåðäDANAH ES HA'KEHUNAH- inspecting the validity, i.e. the lineage, of the Kohanim (and Leviyim)
38)[line 23]ìáðéíLAVANIM- (a) white [celebratory] garments (ROSH); (b) the white linen Bigdei Kehunah (TIFERES YISRAEL)
39)[line 23]éåí èåá äéå òåùéïYOM TOV HAYU OSIM- (a) the Sanhedrin made a holiday when all of the Kohanim that they checked turned out to be valid; (b) the Kohanim who were found valid that day made a holiday (TOSFOS YOM TOV, TIFERES YISRAEL)