
TENDING TO CUCUMBERS, GOURDS AND IRRIGATED FIELDS (Yerushalmi Sheviis Perek 2 Halachah 2 Daf 3b)

îùðä îæáìéï åîòãøéï áîå÷ùàåú åáîåãìàåú òã ø"ä åëï ááéú äùìçéí (îæáìéï)[îéáìéï] åîôø÷éï åîàá÷éï åîòùðéï òã ø"ä


(Mishnah): One may apply fertilizer and hoe cucumbers and gourds until Rosh Hashana. And the same applies to a Beis HaShelachin (a field that relies solely on irrigation). One may perform the following actions until Rosh Hashana (and the Gemara will explain each term) - Mezablin, Mibalin, Mefarkin, Meavkin, Meashnin.

ø"ù àåîø àó ðåèì äåà àú äòìä îï äàùëåì áùáéòéú îñ÷ìéï òã ø"ä î÷øñîéï åîøæãéï åîôñìéï òã ø"ä


(R. Shimon): In Sheviis, one may even remove a leaf that is blocking a cluster's sunlight; and on Erev Sheviis until Rosh Hashana, one may do Sikul (remove stones from the field), Kirsum (prune), Zirud (remove branches that are making it overly dense) and Pisul (remove the refuse from the tree).

ø' éäåùò àåîø ëæéøåãä åëôéñåìä ùì çîéùéú ëï ùì ùùéú


(R. Yehoshua): Just as in the 5th year, one may remove branches and refuse, so too in the 6th year.

ø"ù àåîø ëì æîï ùàðé øùàé áòáåãú äàéìï àðé øùàé áôéñåìå:


(R. Shimon): As long as I may tend to the tree, I may remove its refuse.

âîøà îæáìéï åîòãøéï áî÷ùàåú îäå ìçøåù ìäí


(Gemara) Question: The Mishnah taught that one may fertilize and hoe cucumbers. But may one plow there?

[ãó è òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] úðé ëì æîï ùàú îåúø ìçøåù àú îåúø ìæáì åìòãø àí àéï àú îåúø ìçøåù àéï àú îåúø ìà ìæáì åìà ìòãø


When you may plow, you may fertilize and hoe. but when you are not permitted to plow, you are not permitted to fertilize or hoe.

àîø øáé éåñä åîúðéúà àîøä [ãó ã òîåã à] ëï îæáìéï åîòãøéï áî÷ùéåú åáîãìòåú òã ø"ä åëï áéú äùìçéï


(R. Yosa): We can learn this from our Mishnah itself - One may apply fertilizer and hoe cucumbers and gourds until Rosh Hashana; and the same applies to a Beis Shelachin.

åúðé òìä çåøùéí áéú äùìçéï òã ø"ä øáé àåîø òã ìôðé ø"ä ùìùä éîéí ëãé ùéæøò åéùøù åéèò åéùøù


Baraisa: One may plow a Beis HaShelachin until Rosh Hashana. Rebbi says until 3 days before it, so that it can be sown and take root, or a sapling planted and it take root.

åàéìï òåùä ùøùéí ìùìùä éîéí


Question: Can a tree take root in 3 days?

øáé àåîø òã ìôðé ø"ä â' çãùéí ëãé ùéæøò àåøæ åéùøéù åéèò àåøæ åéùøéù


Answer: Rather, Rebbi ruled that they may be planted until 3 months before Rosh Hashana. Rice is usually first planted densely and then later uprooted and planted again scattered around to take root again, which takes 3 months.

îòáéøéï àú äéáåìú îôø÷éï áòìéï. îàá÷éï òåùéï ìä àá÷. îòùðéï îúðéðï ìä


The Mishnah taught that one may fertilize, 'Mivalin' - one may remove warts from a tree; 'Mefarkin' - one may remove the dirt from leaves; 'Meavkin' - one may make dust against the creatures that damage; 'Meashnin' - one may fumigate under the vine.

úðé îëååðéï îöããéï îëååðéï ìä îöããéï


Baraisa: When a sapling is bent, it can be straightened.

çáøééà àîøé òåùéï ìä ãå÷øéï


(Chevraya): If a vine has a high trunk, it can be lowered using pointed canes.

øáé éåñä àåîø úåìä ìä àáï


(R. Yosi): One may put a stone on (its foliage to prevent it growing too tall).

úðé îååúøéï åîùîèéï ëéðé îúðéúà îååúøéï áâôðéí åîùîèéï á÷ðéí


Baraisa: 'If the vines or canes are too dense, one may thin them out'. This was also taught in another Baraisa.

î÷åí ùðäâå ìååúø åìùîè ÷åãí ìçâ îååúøéï åîùîèéï ÷åãí ìçâ ìàçø äçâ îååúøéï åîùîèéï ìàçø äçâ


In a place where these are done before Succos, they must be done before the Succos of Sheviis; if they are done after Succos, they may be done after Succos of Sheviis.

ø"ù àåîø åáìáã îï äá÷òä åìîòìä


(R. Shimon): When he cuts the branch, he may only cut it from the first 'knot' and above.

ø' éøîéä áùí ø' äåùòéä ðåèì àú ä÷áåöéï òîä.


(R. Yirmiyah citing R. Hoshiya): He may also take its refuse (unwanted leaves, roots etc. that are on the ground below it).

ø"ù àåîø àó ðåèì äåà àú äòìéí îï äàùëåì áùáéòéú


(R. Shimon): He may also remove leaves that are preventing its growth in Sheviis.

îçìôà ùéèúéä ãø"ù úðéðà úîï îîøñéï àú äàåøæ áùáéòéú ãáøé øáé ùîòåï àáì ìà îëñçéï åëà äåà àåîø àëéï


Question: The opinion of R. Shimon seems to have switched - there (end of this Perek) he said that one may excessively water rice in Sheviis, but one may not prune dry branches. But here , you may cut (i.e. prune) branches from a vine...?

[ãó è òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] ùðééà äåà äëà ùäåà ëîöéì îï äãìé÷ä:


Answer: Here, it is as if he's saving it from a fire i.e. he's saving it from damage.


REMOVING BRANCHES AND STONES (Yerushalmi Sheviis Perek 2 Halachah 2 Daf 4a)

îñ÷ìé' òã ø"ä ëå'. úîï úðéðï äîñ÷ì ðåèì àú äòìéåðåú åîðéç àú äðåâòåú áàøõ åëà àú àîø äëéï


Question: The Mishnah taught that one may remove stones until Rosh Hashana (but not in Sheviis itself). The Mishna teaches further on that one who removes his stones (even in Sheviis) should remove the upper ones and leave the ones that are touching the ground...?

à"ø éåðä ëàï áúìåù ëàï áîçåáø


Answer (R. Yona): There, the stones are not connected to the ground; here, they are connected to the ground and must be pulled up.

àîø ø' éåñé äåéðï ñáøéï îéîø ãø"ù ëøáé éäåùò á÷éøñåí ãàéðåï úøéï úðàéï îñ÷ìéï òã ø"ä î÷øñîéï åîæøãéï îôñìéï òã ø"ä ëøáðï øáé éäåùò àåîø ëæéøåãä åëôéñåìä ùì çîéùéú åëï ùì ùùéú


(R. Yosi): Originally we thought that in the Mishnah (see above Menachos 106-1(a) to (d)), since R. Yehoshua only mentioned Zirud and Pisul, he agrees with the Tana Kama that Kirsum is prohibited in Sheviis. And similarly, since R. Shimon only mentioned Pisul, he agrees with the Tana Kama - so R. Yehoshua said that Kirsum is permitted until Rosh Hashana and Zirud is even permitted in Sheviis itself. If so, there are actually only two opinions about Zirud - the Tana Kama held that it is permitted only until Rosh Hashana and R. Shimon permitted it even in Sheviis. But since the Mishnah said (in the words of R. Shimon), "...until Rosh Hashana, one do Sikul, Kirsum, Zirud and Pisul" - this is the opinion of the Tana Kama and R. Yehoshua disagrees and says that it's like the Zirud and Pisul of the 5th year - this shows that the opinions are as follows -

äåé úìúà úðàéï àéðåï îñ÷ìéï òã ø"ä î÷øñîéï åîæøãéï åîôñìéï òã ø"ä ëøáðï øáé éäåùò ëæéøåãä åëôéñåìä ùì çîéùéú åëï ùì ùùéú åàôéìå éåúø îëàï ø"ù àåîø ëì æîï ùàðé øùàé áòáåãú äàéìï øùàé àðé áôéñåìå òã äòöøú:


There are 3 opinions - Tana Kama says - until Rosh Hashana, one may remove stones, do Kirsum, Zirud and Pisul; R. Yehoshua says that it's like the Zirud and Pisul of the 5th year and it's even permitted during Sheviis; R. Shimon says, "As long as I may tend to the tree, I may remove its refuse" - meaning that even before Sheviis these things are only permitted until Shavuos.