MENACHOS 100 - Dedicated by Andy and Nancy Neff in memory of Lucy Rabin, Leah Miriam bat Yisroel. Beloved mother of Nancy Neff, Valerie, Doug and Andy Rabin, and wife of Sidney Rabin, Lucy Rabin passed away on 14 Sivan 5767.


UNTIL WHEN MAY ONE PLOW? (Yerushalmi Sheviis Perek 1 Halachah 1 Daf 1a)

[ãó à òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] îùðä òã àéîúé çåøùéï áùãä äàéìï òøá ùáéòéú


(Mishnah) Question: Until when may one plow a field of trees before Sheviis?

áéú ùîàé àåîøéí ëì æîï ùäåà éôä ìôøé åáéú äìì àåîøéí òã òöøú å÷øåáéí ãáøé àìå ìäéåú ëãáøé àìå:


Answer: Beis Shammai say - as long as it is beneficial to the (6th year) fruit. Beis Hillel say - until Shavuos. These two opinions are close (in time).

âîøà òã àéîúé çåøùéí ëå' ëúéá (ùîåú ëâ) ùùú éîéí úòùä îòùéê åáéåí äùáéòé úùáåú åëúéá áçøéù åá÷öéø úùáåú îä àðï ÷ééîéí


(Gemara): (The Mishnah taught that one may not plow before Sheviis. What is the source for this?) The pasuk states (Shemos 23:12), "You shall do you work for six days and on the seventh day you shall rest"; and the pasuk states (Shemos 34:21), "You shall rest from plowing and harvesting". What's the case?

àí ìòðéï ùáú áøàùéú åäìà ëáø ðàîø ùùú éîéí úòáåã åòùéú ëì îìàëúê åàí ìòðéï ùáúåú ùðéí åäìà ëáø ðàîø ùù ùðéí úæøò ùãê åùù ùðéí úæîåø ëøîê


If it's referring to Shabbos Bereishis (a reference to keeping Shabbos each week), another pasuk already states (Shemos 20:9), "Six days you shall work and do all of your creative work"? If it's referring to Sheviis, another pasuk already says (Vayikra 25:3), "Six years you shall sow your field and six years you shall prune your vineyard..."

àìà àí àéðå òðéï ìùáú áøàùéú åìà ìòðéï ùáúåú äùðéí úðéäå òðéï áàéñåø ùðé ôø÷éí äøàùåðéí áçøéù åá÷öéø úùáåú áçøéù ù÷öéøå àñåø åàéæä æä æä çøéù ùì òøá ùáéòéú ùäåà ðëðñ ìùáéòéú åá÷öéø ùçøéùå àñåø åàéæä æä æä ÷öéø ùì ùáéòéú ùäåà éåöà ìîåöàé ùáéòéú


If it isn't referring to Shabbos Bereishis, nor to Sheviis, it must be referring to the two times taught later on (fields of trees have a certain required time to stop and grain fields have another) - i.e. Tosefes Sheviis (adding on before and after Sheviis) - "You shall rest from plowing and harvesting" - means that you should rest from the plowing whose later harvesting is prohibited - which is plowing before Sheviis. And that harvesting refers to harvesting whose plowing had been prohibited - which is plowing on Motzei Sheviis. (The Chachamim applied the pasuk by setting the exact limits of the prohibition, as detailed later in the Maseches.)

[ãó à òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] åà"ë ìîä ðàîø çåøùéí òã øàù äùðä


Question: If so, why does a Tosefta say that one may plow until Rosh Hashana?

øáé ÷øåñôé áùí øáé éåçðï øáï âîìéàì åáéú ãéðå äúéøå áàéñåø ùðé ôø÷éí äøàùåðéí


Answer (R. Kruspai citing R. Yochanan): Rabban Gamliel and his Beis Din permitted the prohibition of the two times that the Chachamim set.

øáé éåçðï áòé ìà ëï úðéðï àéï á"ã éëåì ìáèì ãáøé á"ã çáéøå òã ùéäà âãåì îîðå áçëîä åáîðéï


Question (R. Yochanan): Wasn't it taught that a Beis Din cannot annul the ruling of another Beis Din unless they are greater than it in wisdom and number?

øáé ÷øåñôé áùí ø' éåçðï ùàí á÷ùå ìçøåù éçøåùå


Answer (R. Krospi citing R. Yochanan): The original Beis Din taught the law on condition that a later Beis Din could annul it and plow when needed.

åéò÷øå àåúï îï äîùðä


Question: If so, remove the prohibition from the Mishnah?

øáé ÷øéñôà áùí ø' éåçðï ùàí á÷ùå ìçæåø éçæåøå


Answer (R. Krispa citing R. Yochanan): So that if they would need to bring the law back, they would be able to do so.

äúéá ø' éåðä äøé ôøùú äîéìåàéí äøé ôøùú ãåø äîáåì äøé àéðï òúéãé ìçæåø îòúä éò÷øå àåúï îï äîùðä àìà ëãé ìäåãéòê åëà ëãé ìäåãéòê


Question (R. Yona): What about the Parsha of the Miluim (the inauguration of the Mishkan) and the Parsha of the Flood - they won't return, so why not remove them from the Mishnah? Rather, it is to inform you of what happened and so too with the original Sheviis prohibition.

àîø ø' îðà ëéé ãúðéðï úîï ùàí éàîø àãí ëê àðé î÷åáì éàîøå ìå ëãáøé ø' àéù ôìåðé ùîòú åëï ùàí éàîø àãí ùîòúé ùàñåø ìçøåù òã øàù äùðä éàîø ìå áàéñåø ùðé ôø÷éí äøàùåðéí ùîòú


Reason #2 (R. Mana): It's like the Mishnah (in Maseches Eduyos) - (If the Halacha follows the majority, why was the minority opinion mentioned?) So that if someone will say that he heard different to the Halacha, tell him that it was according the minority opinion (but the Halacha doesn't follow it). Similarly, if someone says that they heard that one may not plow all the way up until Rosh Hashana, tell him that he heard about the original prohibition of the two times set by the Chachamim (but the Halacha is not that way).

øáé àçà áùí øáé éåðúï áùòä ùàñøå ìî÷øà ñîëå åáùòä ùäúéøå ìî÷øà ñîëå áùòä ùàñøå ìî÷øà ñîëå áçøéù åá÷öéø úùáåú áçøéù ù÷öéøå àñåø åàé æä æä æä çøéù ùì òøá ùáéòéú ùäåà ðëðñ ìùáéòéú åá÷öéø ùçøéùå àñåø åàé æä æä æä ÷öéø ùì ùáéòéú ùäåà éåöà ìîåöàé ùáéòéú


(R. Acha citing R. Yonasan): (A further reason as to how Rabban Gamliel permitted the prohibition - answering R. Yochanan's earlier question (f)) When they prohibited Tosefes Sheviis, they relied on a pasuk and when they permitted it, they also relied on a pasuk - to prohibit they relied on (Shemos 34:21), "You shall rest from plowing and harvesting" - that refers to a plowing whose harvesting is prohibited, meaning of Erev Sheviis; and it refers to a harvesting whose plowing was prohibited, meaning of Motzai Sheviis.

[ãó á òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] åáùòä ùäúéøå ìî÷øà ñîëå ùùú éîéí úòáåã åòùéú ëì îìàëúê îä òøá ùáú áøàùéú àú îåúø ìòùåú îìàëä òã ùúù÷ò äçîä àó òøá ùáúåú ùðéí àú îåúø ìòùåú îìàëä òã ùúù÷ò äçîä


And when they permitted it, they relied on the pasuk (Shemos 20:9), "Six days you shall work and do all of your creative work". Just as before Shabbos Bereishis you may do work until sunset, so too before Sheviis, you may do work until sunset (at the onset of Rosh Hashana).

åìîä òã òöøú


Question: Why did Beis Hillel permit plowing until Shavuos?

òã ëàï äåà éôä ìôøé îëàï åàéìê äåà îðáì ôéøåúéå


Answer: Until then it's beneficial to the current crops, but after that it's damaging (so it is then becomes clear that he is plowing for the 7th year).

åäà úðéðï àçã àéìï ñø÷ åàçã àéìï îàëì


Rebuttal: But the (later) Mishnah taught that the law applies both to a non-fruit bearing and a fruit bearing tree...?

òã ëàï äåà îòáä àú (äëåøú)[ä÷åøú] îëàï åàéìê äåà îúéù àú ëåçå


Answer: Rather, Beis Hillel say that until Shavuos, plowing causes the trunk to thicken (which makes them suitable to cut for beams), but plowing after that weakens the tree's roots (so he can't be doing it for the 6th year).



Question: If it's damaging, why stop him from plowing after Shavuos?

îúåê ùäåà éåãò ùäåà îúéù ëçå ùì àéìï àó äåà àéðå îúëååéï ìòáåãú äàøõ


Answer: Since he knows this, he must be doing it to work the land for Sheviis.

åìîä ìà úðéúà î÷åìé á"ù åîçåîøé á"ä


Question: Why wasn't this Mishnah taught amongst the cases where Beis Shammai are lenient and Beis Hillel are stringent?

ôòîéí ùàéï äâùîéí îöåééï åàéï äìéçä îöåééä åäåà òúéã ìçøåù ÷åãí ìòöøú ëãáøé áéú ùîàé åáéú äìì àåîøéí òã äòöøú:


Answer: It isn't always that way - sometimes there is a shortage of rain and the earth is already dried out before Shavuos, so according to Beis Shammai, he must stop plowing then, since it won't benefit the 6th year; however, Beis Hillel would still allow plowing until Shavuos.