[100a - 52 lines; 100b - 39 lines]
1)[line 1]ëùí ùôéä öø ëê ëåìä öøäK'SHEM SHE'PIHA TZAR, KACH KULAH TZARAH- just as its entrance is narrow, so is all of it is narrow
2)[line 8]ìà ááìééí äí àìà àìëñðãøééí äíLO BAVLIYIM HEM, ELA ALECHSANDERIYIM HEM- they were not Babylonians, but they were Alexandrians (people who came from Alexandria, Egypt)
3)[line 14]úðåç ãòúê ùäðçú ãòúéTANU'ACH DA'ATCHA SHE'HINACHTA DA'ATI- may your mind be at ease, at rest, since you put my mind at ease
4)[line 15]ñéãø àú äìçíSIDER ES HA'LECHEM (LECHEM HA'PANIM)
See Background to Menachos 87:41.
5)[line 23]éðéçðä ìùáú äáàäYANICHENAH LA'SHABAS HA'BA'AH- he should leave the bread and frankincense on the Shulchan for the coming Shabbos (the second one)
6)[line 24]äîîåðäHA'MEMUNEH- (a) the assistant (Segan) Kohen Gadol (RASHI to Yoma 15b); (b) the Kohen in charge of the lottery (who was not the Segan) (TOSFOS DH Amar Lahem)
7)[line 25]áø÷àé"BARKAI!"- "It is light!" (i.e. day has broken)
8)[line 28]åãéîåV'DIMU- and it appeared as if
9)[line 31]ìáéú äèáéìäL'VEIS HA'TEVILAH- [they took the Kohen Gadol down] to the room with a Mikvah (this is the Lishkas Beis ha'Moked; see Background to Yoma 15:38)
10)[line 32]ëì äîéñê àú øâìéå èòåï èáéìäKOL HA'MEISACH ES RAGLAV TA'UN TEVILAH- any Kohen who defecates (lit. who covers his feet) requires immersion in a Mikvah
11)[line 34]÷éãåù éãéí åøâìéíKIDUSH YADAYIM V'RAGLAYIM
(a)It is a Mitzvas Aseh for the Kohanim to wash their hands and feet whenever they enter the Heichal of the Beis ha'Mikdash or when they do any Avodah (Divine service), as it states in Shemos 30:19-21, "v'Rachatzu Aharon u'Vanav Mimenu..." (Sanhedrin 83b).
(b)A Kohen places his right hand on his right foot and his left hand on his left foot, and bends over. Another Kohen sprinkles water from the Kiyor on his hands and feet (or, if he is alone, he places his hands and feet under the faucet of the Kiyor). Kidush Yadayim v'Raglayim is an Avodah, and therefore must be performed while standing. If a Kohen transgresses intentionally, and performs an Avodah without washing his hands and feet, he is Chayav Misah b'Yedei Shamayim and the Avodah is invalid (SEFER HA'CHINUCH #106).
(c)A Kohen has to wash his hands and feet only once every day, as long as he makes sure that they did not become Teme'im or dirty, and as long as he has not left the Azarah. There is a disagreement as to whether a Kohen who did Avodah all night is required to wash his hands and feet again in the morning.
12)[line 37]ãìà àôùø ìàäãåøàD'LO EFSHAR L'AHADURA- it is not possible to return it [to its former state, since the animal is dead]
13)[line 39]å÷îéõ áéîîàV'KAMITZ BI'YEMAMA- and you should perform the Kemitzah during the day
14)[line 52]ìéìä àéï îçåñø æîïLAILAH EIN MECHUSAR ZEMAN
(a)Many services in the Beis ha'Mikdash are valid only if they are performed at specific times or during certain periods of time. Most Avodos relating to Korbanos, for example, must be performed during daytime hours. The Lechem ha'Panim are limited to an even more specific time slot; they must be placed on the Golden Shulchan in the Heichal specifically during the daytime hours of Shabbos. Should an Avodah be performed before the time at which it is valid, it is termed "Mechusar Zeman" — "lacking time" — and it is invalid.
(b)The slaughter of an animal Korban — as well as the Melikah performed upon sacrificial birds and the Kometz removed from a Korban Minchah, which are the equivalent to the slaughter of an animal Korban — must be performed during the day. If a Kohen performs one of these Avodos at night, it is Mechusar Zeman, and therefore Pasul. Since such Avodah is invalid, it would appear to follow that the Kometz of a Korban Minchah placed in a Kli Shares (sanctified vessel) should not receive any Kedushah.
(c)There is an opinion, however, which maintains that "Lailah Ein Mechusar Zeman". Although normally an Avodah performed at the wrong time is worthless, an exception to this rule is the night prior to the day upon an Avodah may be performed. Although the Avodah is not Kesheirah — as it is not yet day — the Avodah sanctifies any object of Kodesh involved with the Avodah to the degree that is Pesulah. Therefore, a Kometz removed from a Korban Minchah may not be returned to the rest of the Minchah in order to re-separate it properly, since it already has gained the status of a Kometz (which must be burned upon the Mizbe'ach) — albeit an invalid one. No option remains but to burn the Korban Minchah in the Beis ha'Sereifah, the place in the Azarah where Kodshim that became invalidated are burned.
15)[line 1]ãáé ùîùé ëé îèé ìéìéàKI MATI LELYA D'VEI SHIMSHEI- when the first Friday evening arrives
16)[line 2]áù÷ãí åñéì÷BESHE'KADAM V'SILEK- when the bread was removed from the Shulchan before [the first] Shabbos night
17)[line 4]ëéåï ãñéãøå ùìà ëîöåúå ðòùä ëîé ùñãøå ä÷åóKEIVAN D'SIDRO SHE'LO K'MITZVASO K'MI SHE'SIDRO HA'KOF- since he arranged it not according to its requirement (on the wrong day), it is as if a monkey arranged it
18)[line 16]äñâïHA'SEGAN- the deputy Kohen Gadol, who has been prepared to officiate in place of the Kohen Gadol, should he become unfit to do the Avodah (RASHI to Sotah 40b). According to the Girsa in Yoma 39a, he always stays at the Kohen Gadol's right-hand side.
19)[line 18]ìà úéîà îãàåøééúà îéçæà çæåLO TEIMA MID'ORAISA MICHZA CHAZU- do not say that according to Torah Law they (Nedarim and Nedavos) are certainly fit [to be offered on the festival]
20)[line 31]÷ãåùú ãîéí ðéðäåKEDUSHAS DAMIM NINHU- they have [only] monetary sanctity. (They are not fit to be used in their present state in the Beis ha'Mikdash, but their value is consecrated to Hekdesh. Such items are sold, and the proceeds go toward any day-to-day needs of Hekdesh.
21)[line 37]÷ãåùú äâåóKEDUSHAS HA'GUF- [that which holds] intrinsic Kedushah, such as an animal fit to be offered upon the Mizbe'ach, or a utensil fit to be used in the performance of the Avodah in the Beis ha'Mikdash (RAMBAM Hilchos Me'ilah 6:5)
22)[last line]äðé ðîé ìéôøå÷HANI NAMI LI'PARUK- these too should be redeemed