A LANDOWNER WHO VOWED AGAINST KOHANIM AND LEVIIM (Yerushalmi Demai Perek 6 Halachah 2 Daf 26b)
îúðé' ôìéâà òì øáé éåñé áé øáé çðéðà ÷åðí ëäðéí åìåéí ðäðéï ìé éèìå áòì ëøçå
Question: The (following) Mishnah is unlike R. Yosi bei R. Chanina - If a person made a vow prohibiting Kohanim and Leviim from benefitting from his property, they may forcibly take the tithes. (The actual tithes aren't his and the Tovas Hana'ah does not have monetary value.)
ôúø ìä áàåîø àé àéôùé ìéúï îúðä ëì òé÷ø
Answer: It's when he said, "I will not give the gifts at all". (His declaration negated all rights he had concerning giving the tithes - even the Tovas Hana'ah.)
[ãó ðå òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] úãò ìê ùäåà ëï ãúðéðï ëäðéí àìå ìåéí àìå ðäðéï ìé éèìå àçøéí
Proof: The latter part of that Mishnah says - If he said, "I prohibit these Kohanim or these Leviim from benefitting from me", others should take the tithes. (It's clear that in the first part of the Mishnah, he prohibited all Kohanim.)
îúðé' ôìéâà òì ø' éåçðï (àîø)[àåîø] äåà éùøàì ìéùøàì äéìê ñìò (æä)[æå] åúï áëåø æä ìáï áúé ëäï
Question: The (following) Mishnah is unlike R. Yochanan - If a Yisrael says to a Yisrael, "Take this Selah coin and give this firstborn animal to my daughter's son (who is a Kohen)". (This shows that a Yisrael may accept payment to give away his right to choose the Kohen - since his right to choose has monetary value.)
ôúø ìä áøåöä ìéúðå ìùðéí ëäðéí åáï áúå àçã îäï åäåà àîø [ìå] äéìê ñìò æå åúï (ëåìï)[ëåìå] ìáï áúå ëäï
Answer: He anyway had intended to divide between two Kohanim (the aforementioned one being one of them), so he paid him to give all of it to his daughter's son.
áòåï ÷åîé øáé æòéøà áäãà ëäï ìéùøàì îä ãøéá"ç àîø ìà àâéáåï
Question (asked to R. Zeira): The Baraisa speaks about a Yisrael who stipulated with a Yisrael, What if a Kohen stipulated with a Yisrael that, "Take this Sela and give this Bechor (firstborn animal) to my grandson" - would it be permitted according to R. Yosi bei R. Chanina (who says that Tovas Hana'ah has monetary value)? R. Zeira didn't answer.
ìà àâéáåï ø' çæ÷éä áùí ø' àçà àîø äëéï àîø ìåï òì ãòúéä ãø"é áï çðéðà ëäï ìéùøàì ìîä äåà àñåø ìà îôðé îøàéú äòéï àåó øáé éåçðï àéú ìéä éùøàì ìéùøàì àñåø îôðé îøàéú òéï
Answer (R. Chizkiyah citing R. Acha): R. Zeira said that according to R. Yosi bei R. Chanina, why may a Kohen not stipulate to a Yisrael? Isn't it because of Maris HaAyin (conspicuous behavior - as it appears as if he is selling Maaser)? And similarly, R. Yochanan also reasons that a Yisrael with a Yisrael is prohibited, because of Maris HaAyin.
à"ø [éåñé] áé øáé áåï çéìåì ÷ãùéí éù ëàï åúîø îôðé îøàéú òéï òåã îï äãà ãúðé äëäðéí åäìåéí äîñééòéï ááéú äâøðåú àéï ìäï ìà úøåîä åìà îòùø åàí ðúï äøé æä çìåì ùðàîø (åé÷øà ëá) åìà éçììå àú ÷ãùé áðé éùøàì åäï îçììéï àåúï
Question (R. Yosi bei R. Bun): When the Kohen says this to the Yisrael, Kodshim is being profaned (which is a Torah prohibition); and you say that it's prohibited because of Maris HaAyin? As the Baraisa teaches - Kohanim and Leviim who help at the granary (in order to receive Terumos and Maaseros from the produce owner) may not receive Terumah or Maaser and if he gave them, he has profaned them, as the pasuk states (Vayikra 22:15), "And they shall not profane the Holy items of the Bnei Yisrael..."?
[ãó ðå òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] éåúø îéëï àîøå úøåîúï àéðä úøåîä åîòùøåúï àéðï îòùø åä÷ãéùï àéðï ä÷ãù åòìéäï äëúåá àåîø øàùéä áùçã éùôåèå åëäðéä áîçéø éåøå äî÷åí îáéà òìéäï â' ôåøòðåú ää"ã (îéëä â) ìëï áâììëí öéåï ùãä úçøù åâå'
And Chazal said even more than that - 'Their Terumah and Maaseros do not take effect and their consecration to Hekdesh is invalid' - about such people the pasuk states (Michah 3:11), "Its heads judge for bribes, and its Kohanim instruct for a price etc.". And because of such people, Hash-m brings three punishments - (Pasuk 12), "Therefore, because of you, Tzion shall be plowed as a field (Yerushalayim shall become heaps, and the Temple Mount like the high places of a forest)."
îúðé' ôìéâà òì øáé éåçðï äî÷ãù áúøåîåú åáîòùøåú åáîúðåú åáîé çèàú åáàôø çèàú äøé æå î÷ãåùú àò"ô éùøàì
Question: There's a Mishnah (in Maseches Kidushin) that disagrees with R. Yochanan - If a person betroths a woman using Terumos, Maaseros, Kohanims' gifts, waters of the Red Heifer or the ashes of the Red Heifer, she is betrothed, even if the groom is a Yisrael...? (The Mishnah seems to be allowing Terumah that is meant for a Kohen to be used, and he is betrothing her with the value of the Tovas Hana'ah.)
ôúø ìä áúøåîä ùðôìä ìå îàáé àîå ëäï
Answer: It's referring to a Yisrael who inherited Terumah from his maternal grandfather, who was a Kohen.
ëäï ùîëø ùãä ìéùøàì åàîø ìå òì îðú ùéäéå äîòùøåú ùìé äîòùø ùìå îäå ùéîëøä ìëäï
Question: If a Kohen sold a field to a Yisrael and said to him, "...on condition that the Maaseros are mine" - the Maaseros are his. But is the Kohen permitted to sell the Maaseros of the produce that will grow in the future?
ðéùîòéðä îï äãà ãø' àáäå áùí ø"ù áï ì÷éù äîåëø îòùøåú ùãäå ìçáéøå ìà òùä ëìåí òåáøé áäîúå ìçáéøå ìà òùä ëìåí àåéø çåøáúå ìçáéøå ìà òùä ëìåí àìà îåëø ìå ùãä åîùééø ìå îòùøåúéä îåëø ìå ùôçä åîùééø ìå ååìãä îåëø ìå áäîä åîùééø ìå òåáøä îåëø ìå çåøáä åîùééø ìå àåéøà
Answer: Let's learn from R. Abahu who cited from R. Shimon ben Lakish that one who sells the Maaseros of his field, or the fetuses of his animal, or the airspace of his ruin, he's done nothing. Rather, he should sell him his field and withhold its Maaseros or his maidservant and withhold her fetus, or his animal and withhold its fetus, or his ruin and withhold the airspace.
[ãó ëæ òîåã à] åäéàê àôùø ìàãí ìîëåø àåéø çåøáúå ìçáéøå
Question: How is possible for a person to sell the airspace of his ruin?
úéôúø áàåîø ìå úìåù îï äçøáä äæå ùúé÷ðä ìê àåéøä åëà ÷ø÷ò ìôðéå ùäåà àåîø ìå úìåù îï ä÷ø÷ò äæä ùú÷ðä àçã îòùøä ùáå
Answer: If he tells the buyer, "Acquire a piece of land of this ruin so that you can acquire the airspace". Similarly, (if he wants to sell the future Maaseros of his field) he should tell him, "Go and acquire a small piece of the land so that you can acquire 1/10th of its (future) produce".
ëäï ùîëø ùãä ìéùøàì åàîø ìå òì îðú ùéäéå äîòùøåú ùìé äîòùøåú ùìå îú àéï ìáðéå áîòùøåú [ãó ðæ òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] ìé åìáðé ìé åìéåøùé éù ìå áîòùøåú åìáðéå áîòùøåú åìéåøùéå áîòùøåú
If a Kohen sold a field to a Yisrael and said to him, "...on condition that the Maaseros should be mine" - the Maaseros are his. If he dies, his children don't receive the Maaseros. If he said, "the Maaseros should go to me and my children" or "to me and my inheritors", both he and his children or he and his inheritors receive the Maaseros.
øáé éåãï áø ùìåí áòà ÷åîé ãø' éåñé òã ëãåï áéåøùéï ùäï îãáø úåøä àôéìå áéåøùéï ùàéðï îãáø úåøä
Question (R. Yudan bar Shalom to R. Yosi): Until here, it's been referring to inheritors, even if they only inherit Rabbinically. What about those who do not even inherit Rabbinically?
ùéäå ëì äîòùøåú ùìå ëì æîï ùäåà ìôðéå éäå äîòùøåú ùìå ëì æîï ùäåà ìôðéå îëøä ìàç' àéï ìå áîòùøåú çæø åì÷ç îîðå úðé ø"ç àéï ìå áîòùøåú úðé ø' äåùòéà éù ìå áîòùøåú
When it said 'that all of the Maasoros are his", it means as long as the buyer still owns the land, but if he sold it then not? And if so, if the buyer from the Kohen sold it to someone and then bought it back - R. Chiya's Baraisa taught that the Kohen does not receive the Maaseros. But R. Hoshiya's Baraisa taught that he does receive Maaseros.
àúééï àéìéï ôìåâúà ëàéìéï ôìâåúà ãúðéðï úîï ùäîâøù àú äàùä åäçæéøä ò"î ëúåáúä äøàùåðä äçæéøä
This dispute is like the dispute of the Mishnah - as it taught - one who divorces and then remarries his wife, he is assumed to be relying on her original Kesubah.
úðà ø' çðà ÷åîé ø' ìà úøéï àîåøàéï çã àîø ìëúåáä àáì ìà ìúðàéï åçøðà àîø áéï ìëúåáä áéï ìúðàéï
Baraisa (R. Chana to R.Ila): Two Amoraim disagreed - one said that she has (rights to) her original Kesubah (money), but without its stipulation of Tosefes Kesubah (additional money promised to her). The other one said that she has both.
î"ã ìëúåáä àáì ìà ìúðàéï )éù)[àéï] ìå áîòùøåú åî"ã áéï ìëúåáä áéï ìúðàéï (àéï)[éù] ìå áîòùøåú
The first opinion (that she gets Kesubah but not her Tosefes Kesubah) says that if they buyer sold the land and bought it back, that the Kohen no longer gets the Maaseros (as the original stipulation has now gone). The second opinion (that she also gets her Tosefes Kesubah) says that if the buyer bought back the land, that the Kohen still receives the Maaseros).
åäúðé ÷éáì ùãä îëäðú äîòùøåú ùìä ðéùàú ìéùøàì çåì÷éï áîòùøåú ðúàøîì' àå ðúâøùä çæøä ìúçéìúä
Question (Baraisa): If a Yisrael received (in Kablanus) a field from the daughter of a Kohen, the Maaseros are hers. If she married a Yisrael (thereby losing her right to eat Terumah), the Maaseros must be distributed (as she cannot keep them). If she became widowed or divorced, she returns to her original status...? (This is a question according to R. Chiya (above (s)) that if a person bought back the field, he does not get the Maaseros.)
ëàï ùîëø ëàï ù÷éáì
Answer: In R' Chiya's Baraisa, the Kohen sold (the field); here the person merely received it in Kablanus (so she retains the connection to it).
[ãó ðæ òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] åäúðé øáé çééà îëøä
Question: But R. Chiya taught (in an alternative version) that she sold the field (and the Maaseros return to her after she is divorced)?
à"ø ùîåàì áø àáãéîà úîï éöàú îøùåú ùðéäí áøí äëà éöàú îøùåú îåëø åìà éöàú îøùåú ìå÷ç
Answer (R. Shmuel bar Avdima): There (the field) left both of their possession; but here, it left the seller's possession but not the buyer's possession.