STIPULATIONS OF RIGHTS TO MAASEROS (Yerushalmi Demai Perek 6 Halachah 2 Daf 27a)
ëäï ùîëø ùãä ìéùøàì åàîø ìå ò"î ùéäå äîòùøåú ùìå ã' àå ä' ùðéí éëåì äåà ìîçåú áéãå ùìà ìéèòä ëøí ùìà ìæåøòä àéñèéñ ùìà ìòùåúä ùãä ÷ðéí
If a Kohen sold a field to a Yisrael and told him, "It is on condition that the Maaseros are mine for four or five years", the Kohen may prevent him from planting a vineyard, from planting Istis (which is a plant that is exempt from Maaseros) and from making it a cane field (for the same reason).
ùìé ìòåìí àéðå éëåì ìîçåú áéãå ùìà ìéèòä ëøí ùìà ìæåøòä àéñèéñ ùìà ìòùåúä ùãä ÷ðéí
But if he stipulates, "...the Maaseros are mine forever", he cannot prevent him from doing those things.
àúà òåáãà ÷åîé ø' àçà áø ìà åçééáä îéúï ìéä çã îï òùøúé ã÷ðéà
A case came before R. Acha bar Ila (like the first case) and (after the buyer planted a cane field) R. Acha obligated him to give to seller 10% of the canes.
éùøàì ùîëø ùãä ìëäï åàîø ìå ò"î ùéäå äîòùøåú ùìé àøáò åçîù ùðéí îåúø ìòåìí àñåø ùàéï ëäï òåùä ëäï: ëäï ùîëø ùãä ìéùøàì åàîø ìå òì îðú ùéäå äîòùøåú ùìê ã' àå ä' ùðéí àñåø
If a Yisrael sold a field to a Kohen and said, "...on condition that the Maaseros for the next 4 or 5 years are mine", it's permitted. "...forever", it is prohibited, as it appears as if a Kohen has appointed a Kohen. If a Kohen sold a field to a Yisrael and said, "...on condition that the Masseros for the next 4 or 5 years are yours", it's prohibited.
[ãó ðç òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] äëà àú àîø îåúø åäëà àú àîø àñåø
Question: Why over here (Yisrael sold to Kohen) it said that it's permitted and here (Kohen sold to Yisrael) it said prohibited?
ëàï æéëäå áãáø ùäåà áøùåúå åëàï æéëäå áãáø ùàéðå áøùåúå:
Answer: Here (Yisrael to Kohen), the field is in the Kohen's possession (and the Maaseros are his), so he can give them to the Yisrael); here (Kohen to Yisrael), the Maaseros are not his, so he cannot turn the Yisrael into a Kohen'.