MENACHOS 99 (14 Sivan ) - Dedicated by Doug Rabin in memory of his mother, Leah Miriam bat Yisroel (Lucy) Rabin, in honor of her Yahrzeit.

[99a - 40 lines; 99b - 63 lines]

1)[line 3]îùåê îï äëåúìMASHUCH MIN HA'KOSEL- removed from the wall

2)[line 6]ã÷àëéì ùåìçï ôìâà ãàîúà áãøåíDEKA'ACHIL SHULCHAN PALGA D'AMSA B'DAROM- that the Shulchan has entered (lit. eaten) the first one-half of an Amah in the southern part of the Heichal

3a)[line 8]ãîéãìé ìéä åîðç ìéä åîéúúé ìäå ìãéãäå ôåøúàD'MIDLEI LEI U'MANACH LEI U'MEISASEI LEHU L'DIDHU PURTA- that it is raised up [out of their rows] (i.e. placed closer to the Kodshei ha'Kodashim, although RASHI explains that the Heichal is sloped, and the Shulchan of Moshe is actually on a higher level than the other Shulchanos) and they are placed slightly below it (necessitating only two rows of Shulchanos distanced from the wall, instead of three)

b)[line 9]ëúìîéã äéåùá ìôðé øáåK'TALMID HA'YOSHEV LIFNEI RABO- like a student sitting before his teacher (The third diagram printed alongside the text of RASHI contains a printing error. The head Table should be drawn vertical, like the other Shulchanos, since they all were placed "l'Orko Shel Bayis" - Menachos 96a)

4)[line 22]ùðéí ùäéå áàåìíSHENAYIM SHE'HAYU BA'ULAM- two [tables] that were in the Ulam (Mishnah Daf 99b)

5)[line 26]ùîòìéï á÷åãù åìà îåøéãéïSHE'MA'ALIN BA'KODESH V'LO MORIDIN

(a)When a person or object receives a higher status of holiness, we do not lower its status at a later time. We may only raise it to a higher level.

(b)The Lechem ha'Panim were placed on a silver table when they entered the Ulam, from which they were removed and arranged upon the Shulchan in the Heichal. When they were removed from the Shulchan the following Shabbos, they were only permitted to be placed on the golden table in the Ulam.

6)[line 28]"åÇéÌÈ÷Æí îÉùÑÆä àÆú äÇîÌÄùÑÀëÌÈï... åÇéÌÈ÷Æí àÆú òÇîÌåÌãÈéå""VA'YAKEM MOSHE ES HA'MISHKAN... VA'YAKEM ES AMUDAV"- since the verse states, "And Moshe set up the Mishkan... and he raised up its pillars" (Shemos 40:18) - The Gemara shows that the verse goes out of its way to use two words "va'Yakem" to teach the principle of "Ein Moridin."

7)[line 31]"àÅú îÇçÀúÌåÉú äÇçÇèÌÈàÄéí äÈàÅìÌÆä áÌÀðÇôÀùÑÉúÈí, åÀòÈùÒåÌ àÉúÈí øÄ÷ÌËòÅé ôÇçÄéí öÄôÌåÌé ìÇîÌÄæÀáÌÅçÇ, ëÌÄé äÄ÷ÀøÄéáËí ìÄôÀðÅé ä' åÇéÌÄ÷ÀãÌÈùÑåÌ; åÀéÄäÀéåÌ ìÀàåÉú ìÄáÀðÅé éÄùÒÀøÈàÅì""ES MACHTOS HA'CHATA'IM HA'ELEH B'NAFSHOSAM, V'ASU OSAM RIKU'EI FACHIM TZIPUY LA'MIZBE'ACH, KI HIKRIVUM LIFNEI HASH-M VA'YIKDASHU; V'YIHEYU L'OS LI'VNEI YISRAEL"- "The fire-pans of these sinners [who sinned] against their souls, and they shall make them into sheets of plating metal as a covering for the Mizbe'ach, since they offered them before HaSh-m and they became holy, and they shall be a sign for Bnei Yisrael." (Bamidbar 17:3)

8)[line 39](ñéî"ï áéè"ì ñø"ç åùë"ç)(SIMAN BITEL SARACH V'SHACHACH)- this is a mnemonic device that stands for a word from the three following Sugyos stated by Reish Lakish, as follows:

1.Bitel refers to "Pe'amim she'Bitulah Shel Torah..." (last line)

2.Sarach refers to "Talmid Chacham she'Sarach Ein Mevazin Oso b'Farhesya..." (Daf 99b, line 3)

3.v'Shachach refers to "Kol [Talmid Chacham] she'Shachach Davar Echad mi'Talmudo..." (Daf 99b, line 6)


9)[line 1]áéèåìä ùì úåøäBITULAH SHEL TORAH- stopping in the middle of learning Torah

10)[line 5]"åÀëÈùÑÇìÀúÌÈ äÇéÌåÉí, åÀëÈùÑÇì âÌÇí ðÈáÄéà òÄîÌÀêÈ ìÈéÀìÈä...""V'CHASHALTA HA'YOM, V'CHASHAL GAM NAVI IMCHA LAILAH..."- "Therefore you shall fall in the day, and the prophet (this refers to a Talmid Chacham) also shall fall with you in the night..." (Hoshea 4:5).

11)[line 6]ëñäå ëìéìäKASEHU KA'LAILAH- cover it up (the fact that he went sour) like the night

12)[line 10]ëì î÷åí ùðàîø äùîø ôï åàì, àéðå àìà ìà úòùäKOL MAKOM SHE'NE'EMAR HISHAMER PEN V'AL EINO ELA LO SA'ASEH- every verse that contains one of the words, "Hishamer," "Pen" or "Al" is a negative commandment (as in the verse "Hishamer Lecha u'Shemor Nafshecha Me'od Pen Tishkach Es ha'Devarim")

13)[line 17]ú÷ôä òìéå îùðúåTAKFAH ALAV MISHNASO- [a person forgets something because] his learning was too hard for him

14)[line 19]ðùîä ðåöøä áàøáòéíNESHAMAH NOTZRAH B'ARBA'IM- the fetus acquires form forty days after conception (RASHI)

15)[line 23]öôåø ãøåøTZIPOR DEROR- a common bird (lit. free bird), swallow

16)[line 25]àéñø áãîéäISAR B'DAMEHA- one Isar, which is its value (one Isar is worth 6-8 Perutos (based on Kidushin 12a), where the modern-day equivalent of a Perutah is approximately one-half of a cent)

17)[line 27]ùééùSHAYISH- (lit. marble) silver, that is light-colored like marble, when compared with gold

18)[line 37]èôçå ùì æä ëðâã èôçå ùì æäTIFCHO SHEL ZEH KENEGED TIFCHO SHEL ZEH- that is, as the Kohanim are pushing in the new loaves of Lechem ha'Panim and removing the old ones, the loaves are within one Tefach of each other

19a)[line 42]çì éåí ëéôåøéí ìäéåú áùáúCHAL YOM HA'KIPURIM LIHEYOS B'SHABBOS- when Yom ha'Kipurim falls on Shabbos

b)[line 43]äçìåú îúçì÷åú ìòøáHA'CHALOS MISCHALKOS LA'EREV- the loaves of Lechem ha'Panim are divided among the Kohanim at night (on Motza'ei Shabbos / Yom ha'Kipurim)

20a)[line 43]çì ìäéåú áòøá ùáúCHAL LIHEYOS B'EREV SHABBOS- when Yom ha'Kipurim falls on Friday

b)[line 44]ùòéø ùì éåí äëôåøéí ðàëì ìòøá, åäááìééí àåëìéï àåúå ëùäåà çéSA'IR SHEL YOM HA'KIPURIM NE'ECHAL LA'EREV, VEHA'BAVLIM OCHLIN OSO KESHE'HU CHAI- the Chatas of the Musaf sacrifice of Yom ha'Kipurim is eaten at night (on Shabbos, when it is prohibited to cook) [by the] (lit. and the) Bavlim, who eat it raw (the Gemara - daf 100a) identify these "Bavlim" as Alexandrians

c)[line 46]îôðé ùãòúï éôäMIPNEI SHE'DA'ATAN YAFEH- since their disposition is good (they can tolerate everything)

21)[line 51]àôéìå ìà ùðä àãí àìà ôø÷ àçã ùçøéú åôø÷ àçã òøáéúAFILU LO SHANAH ADAM ELA PEREK ECHAD SHACHARIS U'PEREK ECHAD ARVIS- even if a person where only to learn one chapter in the morning and one chapter in the evening

22)[line 53]åãáø æä àñåø ìàåîøå áôðé òîé äàøõV'DAVAR ZEH ASUR L'OMRO BIFNEI AMEI HA'ARETZ- and it is prohibited to say this ruling before unlearned people (because they will be confident that they are fulfilling their obligation of learning by reading Keri'as Shema alone, and will not send their boys to learn Torah - RASHI)

23)[line 54]îöåä ìàåîøå áôðé òîé äàøõMITZVAH L'OMRO BIFNEI AMEI HA'ARETZ- it is incumbent upon us to say this ruling before unlearned people (because when he will be surprised to know that because of such a small effort he is able to gain such a large reward, he will say that this is true, all the more so, were he to learn all day long. As a result, he will surely send his boys to learn Torah. Alternatively, he will deduce from the fact that the Rabbis spend their entire days learning when they are able to fulfill their obligation by merely reading Keri'as Shema twice a day, that there surely must be a great reward involved - RASHI)

24)[line 55]ëì äúåøä ëåìäKOL HA'TORAH KULAH- (at the time, Kol ha'Torah included (at least) Mikra, Mishnah, Gemara, Halachos, Agados, Dikdukei Torah, Dikdukei Sofrim, Kalim v'Chomrim, Gezeiros Shavos, Tekufos, Gematriyos, Meshalos Kovsim, Meshalos Shua'lim, Sichas Mal'achei ha'Shares, Sichas Shedim, Sichas Dekalim, Ma'aseh Merkavah and all of the questions, answers and assumptions that Abaye and Rava were going to make in the future - see Sukah 28a, Bava Basra 134a)

25)[line 55]çëîú éåðéúCHOCHMAS YEVANIS- a sign language invented by the Greeks using non-verbal gestures

26)[line 61]"åÀàÇó äÂñÄéúÀêÈ îÄôÌÄé öÈø øÇçÇá ìÉà îåÌöÈ÷ úÌÇçÀúÌÆéäÈ; [åÀðÇçÇú ùÑËìÀçÈðÀêÈ îÈìÅà ãÈùÑÆï]""V'AF HASISCHA MI'PI TZAR RACHAV LO MUTZAK TACHTEHA; [V'NACHAS SHULCHANCHA MALEI DESHEN]"- "And He even saved you (with the trials and tribulations through which you went) from [falling into Gehinom, which has] a narrow opening and is broad and not narrow at its base; [and what is placed on your table (in the next world) will be full of fatness]" (Iyov 36:16) - HaSh-m saves people like Iyov from Gehinom by giving them suffering in this world; he saves the Talmidei Chachamim by enabling them to learn Torah.