[41a - 47 lines; 41b - 37 lines]

1)[line 1]ãøê òøàéDERECH ARA'I- occasionally

2)[line 5]àéï òøàé áëìàéíEIN ARA'I B'CHIL'AYIM- (lit. the Halachah of Ara'i does not pertain to Kil'ayim) even though an adult does not occasionally wear the garment that contains Sha'atnez (because it is much too small, for example) it is still prohibited to wear, because of Kil'ayim

3)[line 9]çãà îëìì ãçáéøúä àéúîøCHADA MI'CHELAL D'CHAVEIRTAH ITMAR- it is from one of them that we derive his other ruling (see TOSFOS DH Chada and SHITAH MEKUBETZES #2)

4)[line 9]èìéú ëôåìäTALIS KEFULAH- (lit. a double Talis) a cloak or wrap that was very long and its owner folded it (RASHI; see Insights)

5)[line 11]åúôøäV'TAFRAH- and he sewed it [together]

6)[line 12]ãð÷èä áñéëéD'NAKTAH B'SICHEI- (a) he fastened it with pins (O.F. broches - pins); (b) he basted the seam (O.F. bastir - to baste) (but see the Gemara Daf 37b, line 40, "Hai Man d'Chaitei l'Gelimei...")

7)[line 13]àé÷ìòIKLA- chanced upon, happened to come to

8)[line 14]çæééä ãäåä îéëñéCHAZYEI D'HAVAH MICHSEI- he observed that he was wearing (lit. covered by)

9)[line 14]åøîé ìéä çåèé òéìåé ëôéìàV'RAMI LEI CHUTEI ILAVEI KEFEILA- and he put in strings [of Tzitzis] at the corner that was created by the fold (i.e. in the middle of the Talis)

10)[line 15]àéôùéèàIFSHITA- he spread it out

11)[line 15]åàúà çåèàV'ASA CHUTA- and one of the fringes of Tzitzis (lit. strings) came

12)[line 15]å÷í ìäãé øéùéäV'KAM LA'HADEI REISHEI- and ended up on his (Rava bar Rav Nachman's) head [when he unfolded it]

13)[line 16]ëðóKANAF- corner

14)[line 17]ùãééäSHADYEI- he threw it off

15)[line 17]àéëñé âìéîà àçøéúéICHSI GELIMA ACHARISI- he covered himself with another cloak

16)[line 18]çåáú âáøà / çåáú èìéúCHOVAS GAVRA / CHOVAS TALIS

There is an argument among the Amora'im as to whether a Jew is obligated to attach Tzitzis to a four-cornered garment only if he wears it ("Chovase Gavra," it is the obligation of the person) or whether he is obligated to attach Tzitzis to any four-cornered garment that he owns, even if he does not wear it ("Chovas Talis" or "Chovas Mana," the obligation of [the person with regard to] the garment)

17)[line 19]æéì øîé ìäZIL RAMI LAH- go and attach Tzitzis to it [in the proper place, at the corners]

18)[line 21]ãîçîøé àðôùééäåD'MACHMEREI A'NAFSHAIHU- who are very stringent with themselves [and attach the Tzitzis even before the garment is finished, which does not necessarily prove that they rule that Tzitzis is a Chovas Mana

19)[line 22]åôìéâà ãîìàëàU'FELIGA D'MAL'ACHA- and [the ruling of Rabah bar Rav Huna, that Tzitzis is a Chovas Mana,] argues with the ruling of the angel [who appeared to and instructed Rav Katina in the performance of the Mitzvah of Tzitzis]

20)[line 22]àùëçé'ASHKECHEI- he found [the Amora by the name of Rav Katina]

21)[line 23]ãîéëñé ñãéðàD'MICHSI SADINA- that he was wearing (lit. covered by) a linen cloak [without Tzitzis]

22a)[line 24]ñãéðà á÷ééèàSADINA B'KAITA- [if you wear] a linen cloak in the summer

b)[line 24]åñøáìà áñéúåàV'SARBELA B'SISVA- and a woolen coat (O.F. mantel) [that has only two corners; the other corners of which are rounded off] in the winter

23)[line 26]òðùéúå àòùä?ANSHISU A'ASEH?- Will I be punished for lacking to fulfill a Mitzvas Aseh to which I have caused myself not to be obligated?

24)[line 27]øéúçàRISCHA- fierce anger

25)[line 31]ãáú çéåáàD'VAS CHIYUVA- about which one is obligated [to attach Tzitzis]

26)[line 33]èöã÷é ìîéôèø ðôùê îöéöéúTATZDEKI L'MIFTAR NAFSHECH MI'TZITZIS- [you are using any] tactic that you can to relieve yourself from fulfilling the Mitzvah of Tzitzis

27)[line 35]ëìé ÷åôñàKLEI KUFSA- [four-cornered] garments that are stored away in a box

28)[line 36]áæ÷ï ùòùàä ìëáåãåB'ZAKEN SHE'ASA'AH LI'CHEVODO- an old made who made it (burial shrouds) for his honor

29)[line 38]ìàå ìàéëñåééLAV L'ICHSUYEI AVIDA- it is not made for wearing (lit. covering) [its owner during his lifetime]

30)[line 38]áääéà ùòúàBEHA'HI SHA'ATA- at that time (when he dies)

31)[line 39]åãàé øîéðï ìéäVADAI RAMINAN LEI- we certainly attach them (Tzitzis) to it

32a)[line 39]"ìÉòÅâ ìÈøÈùÑ, çÅøÅó òÉùÒÅäåÌ ...""LO'EG LA'RASH, CHEREF OSEHU..."- "One who mocks the destitute, blasphemes his Maker..." (Mishlei 17:5)

b)[line 39]"ìÉòÅâ ìÈøÈùÑ, çÅøÅó òÉùÒÅäåÌ ..."LO'EG LA'RASH CHEREF OSEHU

There are certain actions that are prohibited because of the verse "Lo'eg la'Rash Cheref Osehu" - "One who mocks the destitute, blasphemes his Maker..." (Mishlei 17:5). Most of the prohibitions deal with not pointing out to a person (or a corpse) that he is destitute of Mitzvos. For example, it is prohibited to walk in a cemetery with one's Tzitzis uncovered (SHULCHAN ARUCH OC 23:1, 3). Our Gemara brings another example of attaching Tzitzis to shrouds. (There is actually a Machlokes Tana'im in the matter, and the Poskim disagree as to whether shrouds require Tzitzis or not - see YOSEF DA'AS She'elos u'Teshuvos l'Sikum 41:4 for the differing opinions and current practices.)

33)[line 41]ùð÷øòä çåõ ìùìùSHE'NIKRE'AH CHUTZ L'SHALOSH- that was torn outside of the three by three Etzba'os of the corner of the Tzitzis

34)[line 41]éúôåøYISPOR- he may sew it up

35)[line 45]àîä òì àîäAMAH AL AMAH- one by one Amah


36)[line 1]îåôñ÷úMUFSEKES- snapped (i.e. l'Chatchilah all of the strings should be whole)

37)[line 2]îúéøéï îáâã ìáâãMATIRIN MI'BEGED L'VEGED- it is permissible to remove Tzitzis from one Talis and place them on another (usually from an old Talis to a new Talis - RASHI to Shabbos 22a)

38)[line 2]ãéìîà ãàé áìàéDILMA D'IY VALA'I- [we have no proof from here that Matirin mi'Beged l'Veged since] perhaps [the first garment from which the Tzitzis were taken] was worn out, [and no disrespectful act was performed]

39)[line 3]ëì îéðé öáòåðéïKOL MINEI TZIV'ONIN- all types of colors

40)[line 4]èìéú àéï ôåèø áä àìà îéðäTALIS EIN POTER BAH ELA MINAH- the only color of strings that may be used along with the Techeles strings are strings of the same color as the garment (RASHI; see Insights)

41)[line 6]åã''àV'DAVAR ACHER- and another color (besides Techeles, since we follow the majority of garments, that need two colors, since most garments are not Techeles)

42)[line 8]áú àøáòä çåèéïBAS ARBA'AH CHUTIN- (a) that has four strings [on each corner, two of Techeles and two of Kala Ilan] (where we are not worried that the Kala Ilan strings will be taken to attach to another garment, since this garment has only the required number of strings attached to it) (RASHI, 1st explanation); (b) that has four strings (and the Torah requires two differing colors for the strings. Hence Kala Ilan, which is similar to the color of Techeles is not valid and will not be used when there are only four strings - RASHI, 2nd explanation)

43)[line 10]ãìîà ãàé òáãDILMA D'IY AVAD- [we have no proof from here that Matirin mi'Beged l'Veged since] perhaps this is a case of b'Di'eved, where a person detached strings of Kala Ilan from the Talis to another one, but that does not mean that it is permitted to do so.

44)[line 12]îãìé÷éï îðø ìðøMADLIKIN MI'NER L'NER

Shmuel rules that it is permitted to light one Chanukah light from another. Rav prohibits this. One reason given for Rav's opinion is because of Bizui Mitzvah (disrespect for the Mitzvah,) since the person transfers the flame with a stick that is not part of the Mitzvah. The second reason given is Akchushei Mitzvah (diminishing the Mitzvah), by taking away some of the oil. It also appears as if he is taking away some of the light. (Gemara Shabbos 22a and RASHI there)


(a)A Davar she'Eino Miskavein is an act which is done for a certain purpose (which can be accomplished without transgressing an Isur Torah), but which may result in an Isur Torah being inadvertently performed. Rebbi Yehudah prohibits performing such an action, since it may result in an Isur Torah. Rebbi Shimon disagrees, claiming that even though an Isur Torah may result from this action, since the Isur Torah will come about without intent, the action is permitted.

(b)The laws of a Davar she'Eino Miskaven (that it is permitted according to Rebbi Shimon or forbidden according to Rebbi Yehudah) apply only when it is not inevitable that an Isur Torah will occur as a result of one's action. However, when an Isur Torah will definitely occur as a result of one's action, it is known as a Pesik Reshei and is forbidden. For example, if a person cut the head off of a chicken on Shabbos and states that he had no intention to kill the animal but he merely wanted its blood to feed to his dogs, it is considered as though he had full intention to kill the animal since it was an inevitable outcome of his act, and he is Chayav.

(c)A person must have specific intent to do a Melachah on Shabbos in order to be liable for punishment or to be required to bring a Korban. Therefore, if a person drags a bench and a furrow does result, even Rebbi Yehudah will agree that the person who dragged it is not obligated to bring a Korban, since the furrow was created accidentally. Rebbi Yehudah and Rebbi Shimon argue only as to whether it is permitted in the first place to perform an action that may result in a Melachah.

46)[line 16]ëì îéìé ãîøKOL MILEI D'MAR- all of the Halachic decisions of Rabah

47)[line 16]ìáø îäðé úìúL'VAR ME'HANEI TELAS- except for these three

48)[line 21]çøéõCHERITZ- furrow, groove

49)[line 21]îñø ìéä ì÷öøàMASAR LEI L'KATZRA- gave it (a garment with Taitzis) to a Nochri clothes-washer

50)[line 22]òáéã ìä ñéñàAVID LEI SISA- folded in the Tzitzis like a ball of thread (O.F. lemosel)

51)[line 22]çééè ìäå îéçèCHAYIT LEHU MEICHAT- sewed in [an extra hem and hid the Tzitzis in it]

52)[line 25]îùåìùúMESHULESHES- [broken into] thirds, that is, how long should the Gedil be so that the Anaf should be twice as long?

53)[line 26]àçú îàøáò áèôç ùì ëì àãíACHAS ME'ARBA B'TEFACH SHEL KOL ADAM- one quarter of a Tefach of an ordinary person

54a)[line 28]ã' áâåãìARBA B'GUDAL- four times the width of a thumb, approximately equal to 3.8, 4 or 4.8 cm, depending upon the differing Halachic opinions

b)[line 28]ùéú á÷èðäSHIS B'KETANAH- six times the width of the smallest [finger]

c)[line 28]çîù áúéìúàCHAMESH B'SILTA- five times the width of the middle finger

55)[line 29]ã' áúåê ã' åîùåìùú ã'ARBA'AH B'SOCH ARBA U'MESHULESHES ARBA- four [strings] within four [Etzba'os] and the third should be (i.e. the Gedil should measure) four [Etzba'os]

56)[line 34]éåöàYOTZEI- [hanging and] sticking out [at the corner]

57)[line 35]òìééúALIYAS- loft, second story apartment