[7a - 39 lines; 7b - 47 lines]

1)[line 1]åëé îäãø ìéä ì÷åîõ ìãåëúéäV'CHI MEHADER LEI LA'KOMETZ L'DUCHTEI- and when he returns the Kometz to its original place (i.e. the original vessel in which it was prepared)

2)[line 7]àáì î÷ãùéï ìôñìAVAL MEKADSHIN LI'PASEL- but they do sanctify [invalidated items] to the degree that they become disqualified; i.e. Rebbi Yochanan agrees that if a non-Kohen does Kemitzah and puts the Kometz into a Kli Shares with intent to sanctify it, the Kemitzah is considered to have been performed (but the Minchah is Pasul, because the Kemitzah was performed by a non-Kohen)

3)[line 8]ìáéñà âãåùäLEVISA GEDUSHAH- a heaped vessel (in which the flour of the Minchah is piled up above the rim, so that when the Kometz is returned it sits above the vessel's rim rather than within its walls, and thus it does not become sanctified)

4)[line 9]ìáéñà èôåôäLEVISA TEFUFAH- a vessel where the pile of flour is rounded and not sufficiently steep to rise above the level of the rim

5)[line 10]âåîàGUMA- [the removal of the Kometz left a] depression

6)[line 10]ëé îäãø ìâååéä ãîðà ÷à îäãø ìéäKI MEHADER L'GAVEI D'MANA KA MEHADER LEI- when he returns it (the Kometz), he returns it to the interior of the vessel

7)[line 11]îðç ìéä àãôðà ãîðàMANACH LEI A'DAFNA D'MANA- he places it on the side of the vessel

8)[line 12]åîðéã ìéä åðôì îîéìàU'MANID LEI V'NAFAL MEMEILA- and then he shakes it and it falls [into the vessel] on its own

9)[line 13]ãðòùä ëîé ùäçæéøå ä÷åóD'NA'ASEH KEMI SHE'HECHEZIRO HA'KOF- it is treated as though it had been put back inside the vessel by a monkey; i.e. since the flour falls below the vessel's rim on its own accord, its movement is not attributable to the Kohen's act and thus it fails to become sanctified

10)[line 16]÷à ðâòú ááòéà ãàéáòéà ìïKA NAGA'AT B'VA'AYA D'IBAYA LAN- you have touched upon a question that we asked

11)[line 17]ãøáé àáéîé úðé îðçåú áé øá çñãàD'REBBI AVIMI TANI MENACHOS BEI RAV CHISDA- Rebbi Avimi was learning Menachos in the Yeshiva of Rav Chisda

12)[line 19]÷åìôé èàáé áìòé îàáéîé òìä ãäà ùîòúàKULFEI TAVEI BAL'I ME'AVIMI ALAH D'HA SHEMA'ATA- I received (absorbed) many blows (or embarrassment) from Avimi for [forgetting] this lesson [that he taught me]

13)[line 20]áà ìäëøéæBA L'HACHRIZ (HACHRAZAH)

(a)Before Beis Din sells the property inherited by orphans to pay a debt of their father, they must first estimate the value of the property and then announce for thirty consecutive days or for a period of sixty days on Mondays and Thursdays that they are selling the property of orphans. They make the announcements in the morning and the evening at the time that workers are going to and coming back from work. The announcements in the morning are made so that a prospective buyer asks his worker to evaluate the property on his way to work; the announcements in the evening are made to remind the prospective buyer about the property so that he will ask his worker how much the property produces.

(b)At the time that the announcements are made, the distinguishing marks and the boundaries of the property are announced. Likewise, Beis Din announces the amount that the field produces, the estimated value, and the reason that it is being sold (whether to pay back a loan or to pay the Kesuvah of a widow. Some people prefer to pay a creditor because he will accept imperfect coins as payment, and some people prefer to pay a widow since she usually gets paid in small installments.)

(c)If Beis Din sold the property without a Hachrazah, the sale is invalid and the property has to be sold again with a Hachrazah. However, if Beis Din is selling the property in order to pay the head-tax of the orphans, to pay for the food of the widow or orphans, or to pay for the burial of the father or orphans, they do not make a Hachrazah, because there is no time to spare. (Erchin 21b, RAMBAM Hilchos Malveh v'Loveh 12:8, 10-11)

14)[line 21]àáéîé îñëúà àéúò÷øà àéúò÷ø ìéäAVIMI MASECHTA IS'AKRA IS'AKAR LEI- Avimi had forgotten Maseches Menachos

15)[line 24]ôâò áéä øá ðçîïPAGA BEI RAV NACHMAN- Rav Nachman met him (Avimi)

16)[line 30]åúäà öøéëä é"â ëúîéãVA'TEHEI ZERICHAH SHALOSH ESREH K'TAMID - and it should require thirteen [Kohanim] like the Tamid offering (KORBAN TAMID)

(a)The Korban Tamid, a communal offering (Korban Tzibur), consists of two male sheep that are less than one year old. One sheep is offered at dawn and the second sheep is offered in the afternoon, ideally 2 1/2 Halachic hours before sunset. One tenth of an Eifah (approximately 2.16, 2.49 or 4.32 liters, depending upon the differing Halachic opinions) of flour is brought with each sheep as a Minchah (meal offering), which is mixed with one quarter of a Hin (approximately 0.9, 1.04 or 1.8 liters) of hand pressed olive oil. One quarter of a Hin of wine for each sheep is brought as a wine libation (Bamidbar 28:5).

(b)The Korbenos Tamid are Korbenos Olah, and therefore are dismembered and offered in their entirety on the Mizbe'ach ha'Chitzon. The Mishnah (Tamid 31a-b) states that thirteen Kohanim are employed in the offering of the Korban Tamid (see Background to Yoma 14:28). Kohanim not included in this number would throw the limbs of the Tamid from the ramp leading up to the Mizbe'ach (the Kevesh) onto the bonfire atop the Mizbe'ach. Including as many Kohanim as possible in the offering of the Korban is a fulfillment of the verse, "b'Rov Am Hadras Melech" - "With a multitude of people is the glory of the King " (Mishlei 14:28).

17)[line 33]ñãø òáåãåú ð÷éèSEDER AVODOS NAKIT- the Tana of the Mishnah teaches the order of the Avodos

18)[line 34]ñãø ëäðéíSEDER KOHANIM- the order of the Kohanim; i.e. the Mishnah lists only the consecutive actions that a single Kohen does with the Minchah. It does not teach how many Kohanim were involved.

19)[line 36]ôå÷ çæé îä òáãéï ìâàåPUK CHAZI MAH AVDIN L'GAV- go out and see what they do inside [the Heichal]

20)[line 37]ùðéí áéãí ùðéí ñãøéíSHENAYIM B'YADAM SHENEI SEDARIM - two Kohanim, in their hands are the two stacks [of Lechem ha'Panim] (LECHEM HA'PANIM)

See Background to Menachos 2:1:II:e:3.

21)[line 38]áæéëéïBAZICHIN- ladles [of Levonah] . The Lechem ha'Panim (see previous entry) were arranged in two stacks, six loaves to each stack. Alongside each stack was placed a Kometz (handful) of Levonah in a scoop or ladle (Bazach). On Shabbos the Levonah was burned on the outer Mizbe'ach and the bread was eaten by the Kohanim.


22)[line 3]ìà ðçéú ìîðééðà ãëäðéíLO NACHIS L'MINYANA D'CHOHANIM- the Tana did not get involved with the number of Kohanim

23)[line 8]áñéìå÷ áæéëéïB'SILUK BAZICHIN- the removal of the bowls of Levonah from the Shulchan (see above, entry #21)

24)[line 9]áñéãåø áæéëéïB'SIDUR BAZICHIN- the arrangement of the bowls of Levonah on the Shulchan (see above, entry #21)

25)[line 12]÷åîõ ùçì÷å áùðé ëìéíKOMETZ SHE'CHALKO BI'SHNEI CHELIM- a Kometz that was divided between two vessels; i.e. after the Kemitzah was performed, instead of placing the entire Kometz into one Kli Shares, the Kohen divided the Kometz into two parts and placed each part in its own vessel

26)[line 16]ìà ÷éãù ÷éãù ôçåú îëãé äæàä áëìé æä åôçåú îëãé äæàä áëìé æäKIDESH PACHOS MI'CHEDEI HAZA'AH BI'CHELI ZEH U'FACHOS MI'CHEDEI HAZA'AH BI'CHELI ZEH LO KIDESH- if one consecrated less than the minimum sprinkling amount in one vessel and less than the minimum sprinkling amount in another vessel, he has not effected sanctification of the water, even if he subsequently combined the contents of the two vessels

27)[line 18]äìëúà äéàHILCHESA HI- it is a Halachah l'Moshe mi'Sinai

28)[line 20]ãëúéá åèáì áîéíDI'CHESIV "V'TAVAL BA'MAYIM"- for it is written, "He shall dip (the hyssop) into the water" (Bamidbar 19:18). By stating that he shall dip the hyssop into "the water" rather than into "water," the Torah implies that he must dip it into the very water mentioned in the previous verse, which means that the two waters are identical. Accordingly, just as the water mentioned in the second verse contains the amount needed for dipping (since that is the water actually used for the dipping procedure), the water mentioned in the first verse also must have the amount needed for dipping. (See RASHI to Zevachim 93b DH v'Taval b'Mayim.)

29)[line 23]åèáì åìà îñôéâV'TAVAL V'LO (MASPIG) [MESAPEG] B'DAM- and he shall dip [his finger in the blood] and not wipe up blood [from the sides or bottom of the utensil]

30)[line 25]îï äãí ùáòðéïMIN HA'DAM SHEBA'INYAN- from the blood with which we are dealing (the Kohen must dip his finger in the same utensil of blood each time he sprinkles it, wiping off the excess blood from his finger after every sprinkling)

31)[line 33]ùéøéí ùáàöáòSHIRAYIM SHEBA'ETZBA- the excess blood on his finger (after the Kohen has done one sprinkling, he cannot use the blood that remains on his finger for another sprinkling; rather, he must clean his finger and then dip it again into the vessel containing blood)

32)[line 35]äéä îæäHAYAH MAZEH - if the Kohen was sprinkling the blood


The blood of a valid Korban Chatas (specifically an animal Korban) that splattered on a garment from the utensil in which it was received (Kabalah) needs to be washed out with water in the Azarah, as stated in Vayikra 6:20 (RAMBAM Hilchos Ma'aseh ha'Korbanos 8:1).

33) [line 42] î÷ðç éãå áâåôå ùì ôøä MEKANE'ACH YADO B'GUFO SHEL PARAH - he must wipe his hand on the body of the cow

34)[line 45]áùôú îæø÷B'SEFAS MIZRAK- on the rim of the pan (see RASHI to Zevachim 25a DH v'Lo l'Socho)


(a)The Minchas Chavitin is brought by the Kohen Gadol every day. It consists of 1/10 of an Eifah (approximately 2.16, 2.49 or 4.32 liters, depending upon the differing Halachic opinions) of wheat flour made into twelve wafers or rolls. They are fried in olive oil in a flat pan after being boiled and baked (this is the ruling of the RAMBAM, but see Menachos 50b). Next, the rolls are folded without being broken (Pesisah). Levonah is added, and Hagashah and Haktarah are performed (see Background to Menachos 89:14:b:1).

(b)Half of the rolls are offered in the morning and half towards evening (Vayikra 6:13). They are completely burned on the Mizbe'ach. The Chavitin must be brought from the money of the Kohen Gadol, but he does not personally have to offer them on the Mizbe'ach. The amount of oil used for each of the Chavitin rolls is one Revi'is (approximately 75, 86.4 or 150 cc, depending upon the differing Halachic opinions), a total of three Lugin for the entire Minchah.

(c)An ordinary Kohen, on the day that he begins his service in the Beis ha'Mikdash, must bring a Korban Minchah that is the same as the Minchas Chavitin that the Kohen Gadol brings every day (Vayikra 6:13). His Korban is known as the Minchas Chinuch (RAMBAM Hilchos Ma'aseh ha'Korbanos 13:2-4).