[8a - 48 lines; 8b - 40 lines]

1)[line 3]ùëï îöéðå áñéìå÷ áæéëéïSHE'KEN MATZINU B'SILUK BAZICHIN- for so we find with the removal of the bowls of Levonah (see Background to Menachos 7:21) of the Lechem ha'Panim. (The Avodah of removing the Bazichin is equivalent to the Avodah of Kemitzah, and yet it is done inside the Heichal.)

2)[line 6]òã ùìà ôø÷ä ðôøñ ìçîäAD SHE'LO PARKAH NIFRAS LACHMAH- before it was removed [from the Shulchan], the bread of the Lechem ha'Panim broke

3)[line 10]ëéåï ùäâéò æîðä ìôø÷KEIVAN SHE'HIGI'A ZEMANAH L'FAREK- [the Levonah is burned] once the time to remove the bread has arrived (which is when the sixth hour of the day has passed)

4)[line 11]úéäåé ëîðçä ùçñøä ÷åãí ÷îéöäTEHEVEI K'MINCHAH SHE'CHASRAH KODEM KEMITZAH- it should be like an ordinary Minchah that became deficient before Kemitzah was done (and is totally invalid). According to Rebbi Elazar, if the Lechem ha'Panim becomes deficient before Kemitzah, its Levonah is still offered. From here we see that Rebbi Elazar does not derive the laws of one Minchah from the laws of another.

5)[line 12]îðçä ìà áøéø áøéøä ÷åîõ ãéãéäMINCHAH LO BARIR BEREIRAH KOMETZ DIDEI- the Minchah, its Kometz is not determined; i.e. the portion that will be separated as the Kometz is still mixed together with the rest of the Minchah

6)[line 22]îðçä îçöéúäMINCHAH MACHATZISAH- had the Torah said "Minchah... Machatzis," this would have taught that half an Isaron should be brought in the morning and offered, and similarly in the afternoon

7)[line 30]îáé ëúéìMI'BEI KASIL- from Bei Kasil, the name of a place

8)[line 35]îçáéúéïME'CHAVITIN- learn it from Chavitin (see Background to Menachos 7:35)

9)[line 38]îìàéí"MELE'IM"- with regard to vessels in which a Korban Minchah is sanctified, the Torah states that they sanctify their contents only when they are filled with the complete quantity that is required (see Bamidbar 7:13, 19)


See Background to Menachos 5:13.

11)[line 48]ùëï îöéðå áìáåðä äáàä áæéëéïSHE'KEN MATZINU BI'LEVONAH HA'BA'AH B'VAZICHIN- for so we find with the Levonah that comes in the bowls (see Background to Menachos 7:21); i.e. the Levonah is sanctified on its own in the bowls, and even though it is part of the Lechem ha'Panim, the loaves are not sanctified with it


12)[line 2]òùøåï ìîä ðîùçISARON LAMAH NIMSHACH- why was the Isaron vessel anointed? (The purpose of anointing a vessel was to give it the ability to effect sanctification, but the Isaron vessel was used only to measure flour and not to sanctify any object.)

13)[line 11]ùðéäí îìàéí"SHENEIHEM MELE'IM SOLES BELULAH VA'SHEMEN L'MINCHAH"- "[One silver bowl... one silver basin...] both of them filled with fine flour mixed with oil for a Minchah." (Bamidbar 4:13) - The silver bowls and basins in the Mishkan were designated for holding liquids. Nevertheless, they sanctified the flour, which is a solid. Shmuel proves from there that vessels designated for liquids can sanctify solids.

14)[line 13]ìéáù ùáäL'YAVESH SHE'BAH- [the verse is necessary only] for the dry particles within the Minchah. It was impossible for the flour and oil that comprised the Korban Minchah to be mixed perfectly. There inevitably would be pockets of dry flour that remained untouched by the oil. Nevertheless, the basins sanctified the entire offering, including the dry flour.

15)[line 17]îðçä ìâáé ãí ëéáù ãîéMINCHAH L'GABEI DAM K'YAVESH DAMI- a Korban Minchah is considered a solid when compared to blood [since blood is completely a liquid, while the Minchah is dough-like]

16)[line 20]å÷îõ îùí"V'KAMATZ MI'SHAM"- "[And he shall bring it to the sons of Aharon, the Kohanim;] and he shall take from there his handful [of its flour, and of its oil, with all its frankincense; and the Kohen shall burn the memorial part of it upon the altar, to be a pleasing fire-offering to HaSh-m.]" (Vayikra 2:2) - The term "from there" refers to the place where the owner is standing.

17)[line 23]äåà îåúéá ìä åäåà îôø÷ ìäHU MOSIV LAH V'HU MEFAREK LAH- he asked the question and he himself answered it

18)[line 28]òåìä èòåðä öôåïOLAH TE'UNAH TZAFON- a Korban Olah needs to be slaughtered in the northern area of the Azarah (see Vayikra 1:11, RASHI)

19)[line 38]ùàí ä÷éôå òåáãé ëåëáéí àú äòæøäSHE'IM HEKIFU OVDEI KOCHAVIM ES HA'AZARAH- that if Nochrim surrounded (and were shooting projectiles into) the Azarah, [what is the source to permit Kohanim to enter the Heichal to eat Kodshei Kodashim in safety?]