
BIKURIM FROM A SOLD FIELD (Yerushalmi Bikurim Perek 1 Halachah 6 Daf 4b)

îúðé' ä÷åðä ùðé àéìðåú áúåê ùì çáéøå îáéà åàéðå ÷åøà


(Mishnah): One who buys two trees in his friend's [land], he brings and does not recite;

øáé îàéø àåîø îáéà å÷åøà.


R. Meir says, he brings and recites.

éáù (äîòééï åð÷öõ äàéìï) [ö"ì äàéìï àå ð÷öõ - øàá"ã äìëåú èåîàú àåëìéï á:ã] äàéìï îáéà åàéðå ÷åøà.


If the tree (RA'AVAD) dried or was cut, he brings and does not recite;

øáé éäåãä àåîø îáéà å÷åøà.


R. Yehudah says, he brings and recites.

[ãó ç òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] îï äçâ åòã äçðåëä îáéà åàéðå ÷åøà


From Sukos until Chanukah, he brings and does not recite;

øáé éäåãä áï áúéøä àåîø îáéà å÷åøà:


R. Yehudah ben Beseira says, he brings and recites.

âî' øáé éåñé áï çðéðà áòé ÷ðä àéìï àçã ìà ÷ðä ÷ø÷ò ùðéí ìà ÷ðä ÷ø÷ò àçã àéðå îáéà ëì òé÷ø ùðéí îáéà åàéðå ÷åøà.


(Gemara - R. Yosi ben Chaninah) Question: If one bought one tree, he did not acquire land. If he bought two, he did not acquire land. [If one] bought one, he does not bring [Bikurim] at all. [If he bought] two, he brings and does not recite?! (Why is it different?)

àîø ìéä øáé ìòæø îéìéï ãöøéëéï ìøáðéï ááéú ååòãà àú ùàì.


Remark (R. Lazar): Matters that Rabanan in the Beis Midrash were unsure about, you ask [me]?!

ãøáé éäåãä òáã àú äàéìï ë÷ùéï.


R. Yehudah considers a tree like straw (something of little importance attached to the grain. The Peros are due to primarily to the land, so even if the tree was cut, he brings and recites.)

úîï úðéðï áéøê òì ôéøåú äàéìï áåøé ôøé äàãîä éöà.


(Mishnah): If one blessed Borei Peri ha'Adamah on tree fruits, he was Yotzei.

øáé çæ÷éä áùí øáé éò÷á áø àçà ãøáé éåãä äéà ãøáé éåãä àîø òáã àú äàéìï ë÷ùéï.


(R. Chizkiyah citing R. Yakov bar Acha): This is like R. Yehudah, for R. Yehudah considers a tree like straw (he attributes the Peros to the land).

àîø øáé éåñé ãáøé äëì äéà. ôéøåú äàéìï áëìì ôéøåú äàãîä åàéï ôéøåú äàãîä áëìì ôéøåú äàéìï.


(R. Yosi): It is like everyone. Tree fruits are included in Peros ha'Aretz, but Peros ha'Aretz are not included in Peros ha'Ilan.

øáé áåï áø ëäðà áòé ÷åîé øáé àéìà [ãó ä òîåã à] îëø ìå ùãä á÷îúä äìå÷ç îäå ùéáéà îîðä áéëåøéí.


Question (R. Bun bar Kahana, to R. Ila): If one sold a field with its Kamah (standing crop), may the buyer bring Bikurim from it? (SEFER NIR - after he harvests it, the land returns to the seller. If he sold it permanently, Mishnah 9 says that if he bought a tree and its land, he brings and recites!)

àîø ìéä ìîä (ìàå) [ö"ì ìà - ø"ù ñéøéìéå]


Answer (R. Ila): Why not?

òã ëãåï ìçä àôéìå éáéùä.


Question (R. Bun bar Kahana): Until now, we discuss only moist (it still needs the ground). Is it even if it is dry?

à"ì àôéìå éáéùä


Answer (R. Ila): It is even dry.

(àôéìå ÷öåøä îòúä) [ö"ì îòúä àôéìå ÷öåøä - äâø"à] àôéìå çéèéï


Question: If so, even harvested [grain], even wheat [from which the chaff was removed]!

[ãó ç òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] ëê àðå àåîøéí äìå÷ç îï äùå÷ îáéà áëåøéï.


Answer: Do we say that one who buys from the market, he brings Bikurim?! (It is only if he buys when it is attached.)

ôùéèà äãà îéìúà îëø ìå ôéøåú åùééø ìå ÷ø÷ò [ö"ì äìå÷ç àéðå îäáéà ùàéï ìå ÷ø÷ò - äâø"à] äîåëø àéðå éëåì ìäáéà ùàéï ìå ôéøåú.


The following is obvious - if one sold to him Peros and left land for himself, the buyer does not bring, for he does not have land. The seller cannot bring, for he does not have Peros. (We explained this like GRA.)

çæø åì÷çï îîðå ðéùîòéðä îï äãà


If [the seller] returned and bought [the Peros] from him - we learn from the following (Mishnah);

ðúï ìä ÷ãùéí äøé àìå îåúøéï ééðåú ùîðéï åñìúåú ëì ãáø ùëéåöà áå ÷øá ìâáé äîæáç àñåø.


If one gave to [a Zonah for her wage] Kodshim (animal Korbanos), they are permitted [to offer them]. Wine, oil, Soles or anything that like it is offered on the Mizbe'ach, it is forbidden.

(àéï áëìì àìà) [ö"ì åúðé òìä - ùòøé úåøú àøõ éùøàì] ôøëéìé òðáéí åòèøåú ùì ùéáìéï.


[A Tosefta] taught about this ('anything that like it is offered on the Mizbe'ach' includes) clusters of grapes and sheaves of grain. (He gave to her Bikurim; from these species is offered on the Mizbe'ach, i.e. Nesachim and Menachos.)

îä ðï ÷ééîéï


Question: What is the case?

àí ëùðúï ìä áàúððä ëê àðå àåîøéí äìå÷ç îï äùå÷ îáéà áéëåøéí.


If he gave [them] to her for her Esnan (wage, and only due to this, she cannot bring them), do we say that one who buys from the market, he brings Bikurim?!

àìà ëé ðï ÷ééîéï áùäéå äâôðéí îùìä åîëøä ìå ôéøåúéäï åçæø åðúðí ìä áàúððä


Answer: Rather, the case is, the vines were hers, and she sold to him their Peros, and he returned and gave them to her for her Esnan.

îôðé ùäéä àúðï äà ìà äéä àúðï (îáéà) [ðøàä ùö"ì îáéàä] äãà àîøä çæø åì÷çï îîðå îáéà.


Inference: Because it was an Esnan (she cannot bring them), but if it were not an Esnan, she would bring [them]! This teaches that if [the seller] returned and bought them from him, he brings.


WHEN MAY ONE BRING BIKURIM AFTER SUKOS? (Yerushalmi Bikurim Perek 1 Halachah 6 Daf 5a)

çáøééà áùí øéá"ì äôøéùï ÷åãí ìçâ åòáø òìéäï äçâ îáéà åàéðå ÷åøà.


(Talmidim citing R. Yehoshua ben Levi): If he separated [Bikurim] before Sukos, and Sukos passed (before he brought them), he brings and does not recite;

äôøéùï ÷åãí ìçðåëä åòáø òìéäï çðåëä (åðø÷áå) [ö"ì éø÷áå - äøáä îôøùéí] ìàçø çðåëä ìà ÷ãùå.


If he separated before Chanukah, and Chanukah passed, they rot. [If he separated] after Chanukah, they did not get Kedushah.

[ãó è òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] åìéú ìéä (ìøáé æòéøà ëäãà ãçáøééà. ñáø øáé) [ö"ì ìçáøééà äãà ãø' - äâø"à] æòéøà ùëì äáëåøéí ùðøàå ìéúåø á÷øééä àéðï ðéúåøéï àìà á÷øééä (åìéú ìçáøééà ëï - äâø"à îåç÷å)


Question: Do the Talmidim argue with R. Ze'ira, who taught [above] that any Bikurim that were proper to be permitted through reciting, they are permitted only through reciting]?!

àéú ìäåï ëùäôøéùï ÷åãí ìçâ ìäáéàï àçø äçâ.


Answer: They hold [like him]. The case is, he separated before Sukos with intent to bring them after Sukos (They were never proper for Keri'ah).

åäúðéðï àéï îáéàéï áëåøéí ìà îï äçãù òì äéùï åìà îï äéùï òì äçãù.


Question (Mishnah): We do not bring Bikurim from new [Peros] on (to exempt) old, and not from old on new.


Note: There is a Chiyuv to bring Bikurim from one's land. There is no Isur on Peros before bringing Bikurim. How to they 'exempt' others? The Mishnah means that if one has old and new, i.e. from different years, he must bring from both. Bringing new Peros does not exempt him from his obligation to bring old, and vice-versa.

îä ðï ÷ééîéï


Question: What is the case?

àí áôéøåú ùäáéàå ùìéù ìôðé øàù äùðä òì äôéøåú ùäáéàå ùìéù ìàçø øàù äùðä


Suggestion: [He wants to bring] Peros that Hevi'u Shelish (reached a third of their growth) before Rosh Hashanah on Peros that Hevi'u Shelish after Rosh Hashanah. (This refers to wheat and barley; their Rosh Hashanah is Tishrei 1, and their year (old or new) depends on Hava'as Shelish.)

îëéåï ùìà äáéàå ùìéù ìôðé øàù äùðä ãáø áøåø ùìà äùøéùå ÷åãí ìòåîø åäï àñåøéï òã ùéáåà äòåîø åéúéøï.


Rejection: Since they did not grow a third before Rosh Hashanah, clearly they did not take root before the Omer. They are forbidden until the Omer will come and permit them! (The Omer is in Nisan, which is after Chanukah. We said that one may not bring then!)

àìà ëé àðï ÷ééîéï áôéøåú ùçðèå ÷åãí è"å áùáè òì ôéøåú ùçðèå ìàçø è"å áùáè


Answer: Rather, we discuss [other] Peros that had Chanatah (budding) before Tu bi'Shevat on Peros that had Chanatah after Tu bi'Shevat. (Their 'Rosh Hashanah' is Tu bi'Shevat, and their year depends on Chanatah.)

îëéåï ùäåà îçãù òì äéùï äà îï äçãù òì äçãù îáéà.


Inference: [He may not bring] because it is new on old, but new on new he may bring.

åñáøéðï îéîø ìàçø çðåëä àðï ÷ééîéï


Assumption: We discuss [after Tu bi'Shevat, which is] after Chanukah!

àîø ø' çéððà áæîðï:


Answer (R. Chinena): [He designated them on the tree] in their time (and brings them after Shevu'os. It can even discuss wheat and barley - GRA.)