
(a)According to Rav Simla'i, of the six hundred and thirteen Mitzvos Yisrael, how many La'avin are there and how many Asei'in? To what do they correspond?

(b)How is it hinted in the Pasuk in ve'Zos ha'Berachah ("Torah Tzivah lanu Moshe ... ") that there are six hundred and thirteen Mitzvos?

(c)How many principles did David Hamelech bring it down to (see Aruch la'Ner)?

(d)"Holech Tamim" (which means 'to follow Hash-m without any doubts') pertains to Avraham (about whom the Torah writes "His'halech Lefanai Veh'yei Tamim", and "Po'el Tzedek" to the deeds of Aba Chilkiyah (as related in Ta'anis, 23b). Which incident is Rebbi Simla'i referring to when he says that ...

1. ... "ve'Dover Emes bi'Levavo" refers to Rav Safra?

2. ... "Lo Ragal al Leshono" refers to Ya'akov Avinu?

(e)Then what made Ya'akov eventually condescend to go in to his father and lie?


(a)"Lo Asah le'Re'eihu Ra'ah" refers to someone who does not encroach on his fellow-Jew's business. What does "ve'Cherpah Lo Nasa al Kerovo" refer to?

(b)"Nivzeh be'Einav Nim'as" refers to Chizkiyahu Hamelech, and "Yir'ei Hash-m Yechabed" to King Yehoshafat. What did ...

1. ... Chizkiyahu Hamelech do after his father's Achaz died? What does "Nivzeh be'Einav Nim'as" then mean?

2. ... Yehoshafat used to do whenever he saw a Talmid-Chacham?

(c)"Nishba Lehara ve'Lo Yamir" refers to Rebbi Yochanan. What Shevu'ah did Rebbi Yochanan used to make?

(d)What does "Kaspo Lo Nasan be'Neshech" come to include?


(a)The last of the eleven principles (of David ha'Melech) is "ve'Shochad al Naki Lo Lakach". What does "al Naki" mean?

(b)And the example for this is Rebbi Yishmael b'Rebbi Yossi. What did he do?

(c)The Pasuk concludes "Oseh Eileh Lo Yimot". Why did that evoke tears on the part of Rabban Gamliel?

(d)His colleagues reassured him however, that since the Pasuk does not write "Oseh *Kol* Eileh", it means that even one of them will already have the desired effect of causing one not to be moved. How did they prove it from the Pasuk in Acharei-Mos (in connection with the Arayos) "Al Titam'u be'Chol Eileh"?


(a)Yeshayah brought the number of Mitzvos down further, to six main principles. "Holech Tzedakos" pertains once again, to Avraham Avinu. Which Pasuk in Vayeira did the Navi have in mind?

(b)To what does "ve'Dover Mesharim" refer?

(c)"Mo'eis be'Betza Ma'ashakos" pertains to Rebbi Yishmael ben Elisha, and "No'er Kapav mi'Temoch be'Shochad" (which is written even before it), to Rebbi Yishmael b'Rebbi Yossi (as we explained earlier). What did Rebbi Yishmael ben Elisha, who was the Kohen Gadol, do, to earn that title?


(a)"Otem Ozno mi'Shemo'a Damim" pertains to Rebbi Elazar b'Rebbi Shimon. To which incident in 'ha'Socher es ha'Po'alim' does this refer?

(b)How does Rebbi Chiya bar Aba explain "ve'Otzem Einav me'Re'os be'Ra"?

(c)What does the Navi say about all of these?


(a)Michah brought the brunt of the Mitzvos down to three principles, all contained in the Pasuk "Higid l'cha Adam Mah Tov u'Mah Hash-m Doresh me'Imach ... ". What did he mean by "Ki-im Asos Mishpat ve'Ahavas Chesed"?

(b)On what grounds do we connect "Vehatzne'a Leches im Elokecha" with the Mitzvos of Hotza'as ha'Meis and Hachnasas Kalah?

(c)Why would we then Darshen a 'Kal va'Chomer' with regard to other Mitzvos (such as Tzedakah)?

(d)On which two principles did Yeshayah (for the second time) base the Torah?


(a)On what grounds did Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak object to the suggestion that Michah brought down the number of basic Mitzvos to one principle, when he said "Koh Amar Hash-m le'Veis Yisrael, Dirshuni Vich'yu"?

(b)Why did the Nevi'im find it necessary to minimize the principles on which the Torah is based?

(c)On which single Mitzvah did Chavakuk finally base the entire Torah?


(a)What did Rebbi Yossi bar Chanina say about the four harsh decrees that Moshe issued against K'lal Yisrael?

(b)What did Moshe mean when he blessed Yisrael (in ve'Zos ha'Berachah) "Vayishkon Yisrael Badad Ein Ya'akov"?

(c)What did Amos say about that?

(d)How do we know that Hash-m agreed with him?


(a)What had Moshe said that Yirmiyah negated when he said "Am Seridei Charev, Haloch Lehargi'o Yisrael"?

(b)What did Moshe say in Ki Sisa about the sins of the fathers?

(c)What did Yechezkel then say to counter it?

(d)Which harsh decree of Moshe did Yeshayah negate when he said "Vehayah ba'Yom ha'hu Yitaka be'Shofar Gadol"?


(a)Rav was afraid of the Pasuk in Bechukosai "Va'avadtem ba'Goyim". What did Rav Papa comment on that?

(b)How did he prove his argument from the Pasuk in Tehilim "Ta'isi ke'Seh Oved"? How does the Pasuk end?

(c)And what did Mar Zutra comment on the suggestion that maybe it was the continuation of the Pasuk ("ve'Achlah osam Eretz Oyveichem") that Rav was afraid of?



(a)Why did ...

1. ... Rabban Gamliel, Rebbi Elazar ben Azaryah and Rebbi Yehoshua begin to weep when they heard sounds of rejoicing in Rome?

2. ... Rebbi Akiva laugh?

(b)On another occasion, when the same four Tana'im reached Har ha'Tzofim, why did they all rent their garments?

(c)What did they see that caused the same three Tana'im to weep once again when they reached the Har ha'Bayis?

(d)Again Rebbi Akiva began to laugh, but this time because of the Pasuk in Yeshayah "Ve'a'idah Li Eidim Ne'emanim es Uri'ah ha'Kohen ve'es Zecharyah ben Berechyah". What is the problem with the juxtaposition of these two Nevi'im?


(a)What is the gist of the prophesy of ...

1. ... Uri'ah ha'Kohen (in Michah)?

2. ... Zecharyah ben Berechyah?

(b)Then what was it that caused Rebbi Akiva to laugh?

(c)How did the other Tana'im react to Rebbi Akiva's explanation?

Hadran alach 'Eilu hein ha'Lokin', u'Selika lah Maseches Makos