ONE WHO WAS MAKDISH WHAT ANOTHER WILL EARN (Yerushalmi Perek 5 Halachah 5 Daf 34b)
מתני' המקדיש מעשה ידי אשתו הרי זו עושה ואוכלת
(Mishnah): If one was Makdish his wife's earnings, she works and eats [what she earns; it is not Hekdesh].
המותר רבי מאיר אומר הקדש
The excess (this will be explained) - R. Meir says, it is Hekdesh;
ר"י הסנדלר אומר חולין:
R. Yochanan ha'Sandlar says, it is Chulin.
גמ' ר' מאיר אומר הקדש בשלו ורבי יוחנן [דף לה עמוד א] הסנדלר אומר חולין בשלו
(Gemara): R. Meir says that the excess is like his (therefore, it is Hekdesh). R. Yochanan ha'Sandlar says that the excess is like hers (therefore, he cannot be Makdish it).
ר' שמעון בן לקיש אומר במותר מה' סלעים פליגין
(Reish Lakish): They argue about the excess above five Sela'im (the amount of thread she is obligated to spin for him - Mishnah 9).
תיפתר לה במעלה לה מזונות ואינו נותן לה מעה כסף לצרכיה
He explains our Mishnah in a case that he feeds her, but does not give to her Ma'ah Kesef (a sixth of a Dinar) for her [other] needs;
ותנינן אם אין נותנין לה מעה כסף לצרכיה מעשה ידיה שלה
(Mishnah): If he does not give to her Ma'ah Kesef for her needs, her earnings are hers. (MEICHAL HA'MAYIM - the Yerushalmi holds that her basic earnings correspond to Ma'ah Kesef , and excess earnings correspond to food. He was Makdish all her earnings. Since he only feeds her, only the excess is his. R. Yochanan ha'Sandlar holds that since part of his Hekdesh did not take effect (her basic earnings), it does not take effect at all.)
רבי יוחנן אמר במותר אחר מיתה פליגין
(R. Yochanan): They argue about the excess after [her] death.
דו אמר ליה בשאינו מעלה לה מזונות אבל אם מעלה לה מזונות דברי הכל קדשו
He explains our Mishnah in a case that he does not feed her [and does not give to her Ma'ah Kesef], but if he feeds her, all agree that it is Kadosh [in her lifetime. R. Meir holds that his Hekdesh takes effect when she dies, and what remains belongs to him. R. Yochanan ha'Sandlar holds that since his Hekdesh is Batel in her lifetime, it is Batel also after death.]
אמר רבי זעירא תני תמן מסייע ליה לרבי יוחנן במה דברים אמורים בשאינו מעלה לה מזונות אבל אם היה מעלה לה מזונות דברי הכל קדשו
Support (for R. Yochanan - R. Ze'ira - Beraisa): What is the case? It is when he does not he does not feed her, but if he feeds her, all agree that it is Kadosh.
ואין כל מה שיש לאשה משועבד לאיש לאכילת פירות
Question: Is not everything that a woman owns Meshubad to her husband to eat the Peros?! (R. Yochanan and Reish Lakish agree that he could be Makdish Davar she'Lo Ba l'Olam, just since he does not give to her Ma'ah Kesef or food, it is not his. In any case due to his Shibud, his Hekdesh should take effect on the excess!)
רבי שמואל בר רב יצחק אמר מעשה ידים ביניהון ר' מאיר אומר מעשה ידים ראויין לקדש משעה ראשונה ר' יוחנן הסנדלר אומר אין מעשה ידים ראוים לקדש משעה ראשונה
Answer (R. Shmuel bar Rav Yitzchak): [The Tana'im] argue about earnings. R. Meir holds that earnings are proper to become Kodesh from the beginning. R. Yochanan ha'Sandlar holds that earnings are not proper to become Kodesh from the beginning (it is Davar she'Lo Ba l'Olam).
מה שאירש מאבא היום מכור לך מה שאעלה במצודתי היום מכור לך דבריו קיימין
[If one said] 'what I will inherit from my father today is sold to you', or 'what will come up (be caught in) my trap today is sold to you', his words are fulfilled;
ר' אבהו בשם רבי יוחנן בלוה לתכריכי אביו והוא שיהא אביו חולה או מסוכן
(R. Avahu citing R. Yochanan): This refers to one who borrows for shrouds for his father, and his father was sick or dangerously sick. (It is a special enactment.)
רבי אבהו בשם רבי יוחנן [צ"ל משום כדי חייו - עלי תמר] [דף לה עמוד ב] והוא שתהא מצודה פרושה בפניו
(R. Avahu citing R. Yochanan): This is for his sustenance (he needs the buyer's money now, to buy food) and only if his trap was set in front of him. (He expects that something will be caught in it.)
ומר רבי אבהו בשם רבי יוחנן (אף - מיכל המים מוחקו) לקודש לא קדשו
(R. Avahu citing R. Yochanan): For Kodesh (if he was Makdish what he will inherit or what will be caught in his trap), it is not Kadosh.
למה מפני המחלוקת ר' מאיר ור' יוחנן הסנדלר
Question: What is the reason - is it due to the argument of R. Meir and R. Yochanan ha'Sandlar (the latter holds that one cannot be Makneh Davar she'Lo Ba l'Olam? R. Yochanan himself (and Reish Lakish) explained that both Tana'im hold that one can be Makdish Davar she'Lo Ba l'Olam!)
(אומר) [צ"ל אימר - קרבן העדה] שנייא היא הקדש מצודה שאינה מצויה
Answer: I can say that Hekdesh of [what will be caught in] a trap is different, for it is not common. (All agree that one cannot be Makdish it.)
א"ר יוסי לרבי יעקב בר אחא נהיר דהויתון אמרין את ורבי ירמיה בשם רבי שמעון בן לקיש מאן תני הקדש מצודה שאינה מצויה מחלוקת רבי מאיר ור' יוחנן הסנדלר הוי
Question (R. Yosi, to R. Yakov bar Acha): Do you remember, that you and R. Yirmeyah used to say in the name of Reish Lakish 'who is the Tana who says that Hekdesh of [what will be caught in] a trap, which is not common, R. Meir and R. Yochanan ha'Sandlar argue about this? (Above, Reish Lakish held that all agree that Adam Makneh Davar she'Lo Ba l'Olam!)
דעיון דעיון אית ליה לר"ש בן לקיש
Answer: There are different opinions according to Reish Lakish. (R. Yakov and R. Yirmeyah disagree with what was attributed above to Reish Lakish.)
רבי ירמיה בעא המקדיש מעשה ידי עבדו והיה צייד מהו
Question (R. Yirmeyah): One who was Makdish his slave's earnings, and he was a trapper, what is the law? (The case is, he was Makdish the slave's hands for his earnings. Since we said that it is not common for him to trap things, perhaps the Hekdesh does not take effect.)
נישמעינה מן הדא המקדיש את עבדו הוא קודש ומעשה ידיו חולין מעשה ידי עבדו הוא חולין ומעשה ידיו הקדש
Answer: We learn from the following (Beraisa). If one was Makdish his slave, he is Kadosh, and his earnings are Chulin. If he was Makdish his slave's earnings, he is Chulin, and his earnings are Hekdesh. (We explained this entire Sugya like MEICHAL HA'MAYIM.)
א"ר יוחנן הקוטע ידי עבדו של חבירו רבו נוטל נזקו צערו בושתו ופגמו והלה יצא ויתפרנס בצדקה
(R. Yochanan): One who cuts off the hand of another's slave (so now the slave can do only simple jobs, e.g. guarding crops), the master receives the [payments of] Nezek (temporary loss of earnings until he is well enough to do simple jobs; the Bavli calls this 'Sheves'), pain, embarrassment and Pegam (decrease in his market value, based on his lifelong loss in earning potential due to the loss of his hand. The Bavli calls this 'Nezek.' The slave) will go and be fed through Tzedakah. (The master can demand that he work for him, and not feed him.)
והא תני המקדיש את עבדו יוצא (הוא לפרנסה מהן מתוכן) [צ"ל מהן לפרנסתו - קרבן העדה] והשאר קודש
Question (Beraisa): If one was Makdish his slave, [the slave] takes from [his earnings] what is needed for his sustenance, and the rest is Kadosh.
אמר רבי בא בר ממל [דף לו עמוד א] לא על דעתו שימות (יותר מן העבדים) [צ"ל עבדו - קרבן העדה]
Answer (R. Ba bar Mamal): He was not [Makdish him] with intent that his slave die. (Surely he intended that the slave take from his earnings what is needed to survive; he was Makdish only his earnings above this.)
לא כן אמר רבי יוחנן הקוטע ידי עבדו של חבירו רבו נוטל נזקו צערו בושתו ופגמו והלה יצא ויתפרנס בצדקה
Question: Didn't R. Yochanan say that one who cuts off the hand of another's slave, his master receives Nezek, pain, embarrassment and Pegam, and he will go and be fed through Tzedakah? (Also here, all his earnings should be Hekdesh, and the slave will be fed through Tzedakah!)
רבנין דקסרין בשם רבי אחא מצווין ישראל לפרנס קיטעין אפילו עבדים
Answer (Rabanan of Kisarin citing R. Acha): Yisraelim are wont to sustain amputees\, even slaves. (However, they will not feed an intact slave.)
ר' יוחנן מן כל מה דהוה אכיל יהיב לעבדיה והוה קרי עלוהי [איוב לא טו] הלא בבטן עושני עשהו ויכוננו ברחם אחד:
R. Yochanan, from everything that he ate, he gave to his slave. He applied to him "ha'Lo va'Beten Oseni Asahu va'Ychunenu b'Rechem Echad" (Hash-m made both me and my slave in the womb - how can I treat myself greater than him?!)