WHY BESULOS MARRY ON WEDNESDAY (Yerushalmi Perek 1 Halachah 1 Daf 1a)
רבי לעזר מייתי לה טעם דמתני' שאם היה לו טענת בתולים היה משכים לבית דין
(R. Lazar): The reason for our Mishnah is, if he has Ta'anas Besulim, he will go promptly to Beis Din the next morning.
מתניתא מסייעא לרבי לעזר מן הסכנה והילך נהגו לשאת בשלישי ולא מיחו בידן חכמים בשני אין שומעין לו ואם מפני האונס מותר
Support (for R. Lazar - Beraisa): From the time of danger and onwards, the custom was to be married on Tuesday. Chachamim did not object. [If one wants to marry] on Monday, we do not heed him. If it is due to Ones, it is allowed.
מהו מפני האונס
Question: What is 'due to Ones'?
מפני הכשפים
Answer: It is due to witchcraft (Igeres Bas Machalas and her damaging angels go out on Tuesday night - Pesachim 112b).
מה בין שני לשלישי לא [דף א עמוד ב] דומה משתהא יום אחד למשתהא שני ימים
[If Wednesday were due to Brachah,] what is the difference between Monday and Tuesday?! (Neither day has a Brachah! However, according to R. Lazar this is fine.) One who waits one day (if he married on Tuesday night, and cannot come to Beis Din with Ta'anas Besulim until Thursday) is unlike one who waits two days (e.g. if he marries on Monday night).
Note: The Mishnah itself does not support R. Lazar, for Bar Kaparah agrees that men preferred to marry Besulos on Wednesday, and not Thursday, due to Ta'anas Besulim. However, he cannot explain why the Beraisa forbids Monday! We explained the Sugya like CHASAM SOFER.
וישתהא שני ימים
Question: He can wait two days! (Why is this a problem?)
שלא יערב עליו המקח
Answer: [We are concerned] lest he pleased with his acquisition (he will not come to Beis Din).
ויערב עליו המקח
Question: Let him he pleased with his acquisition! (If he consents that her Kesuvah is 200 even though she was Be'ulah, what is the problem?)
לית יכול דאמר רבי אילא בשם ר' אלעזר מצא הפתח פתוח אסור לקיימה משום ספק סוטה
Answer: He cannot [keep her], for R. Ila taught in the name of R. Elazar, if he found the opening open (there were no Besulim), it is forbidden to keep her, for she is a Safek Sotah (perhaps she was Mezanah after Eirusin).
וחש לומר שמא אנוסה היא
Question: We should be concerned lest she was raped (and she is permitted to her husband, unless he is a Kohen)!
קול יוצא לאנוסה
Answer: There is publicity to rape.
ואפי' תחוש לה משום אנוסה לא ספק אחד ספק אנוסה ספק (פתוחה) [צ"ל פתותה - דפוס ישן] מדבר תורה להחמיר
Question: Even if you are concerned lest she was raped - is there not one Safek? It is a Safek if she was raped, a Safek if she was enticed. Mid'Oraisa one must be stringent!
אמר רבי יוסי ואפילו תחוש לה משום אנוסה שתי ספיקות ספק אנוסה ספק (פתוחה) [צ"ל פתותה - דפוס ישן] ספק משנתארסה ספק עד שלא תארס שתי ספיקות מדבר תורה להקל
Answer (R. Yosi): If you would be concerned lest she was raped, there are two Sefekos - perhaps she was raped, perhaps she was enticed. It is a Safek [if this occurred] before after Eirusin or before Eirusin. For two Sefekos, mid'Oraisa we are lenient.