[60a - 49 lines; 60b - 55 lines]
1)[line 6]כל חד וחד כי חורפיהKOL CHAD V'CHAD KI CHURFEI- each child according to his rate of development (intelligence)
2)[line 8]לא תציתינהו להני כללי דכייל יהודה אחיLO TATZISINHU L'HANEI KELALEI D'CHAYIL YEHUDAH ACHI- do not give heed to my brother Yehudah's categorizations
3)[line 12]אותבה בדרי דנשיOSVAH B'DAREI D'NASHEI- he sat her in a row of women
4)[line 13]וקמהדר ליה עלייהוVEKA'MEHADER LEI ALAIHU- and he passed the child among them
5)[line 14]הות קא מסוי לאפהHAVAS KA MASVI L'APAH- he (the child) looked her in the face
6)[line 14]כבשתנהי לעינה מיניהKEVASHTINHI L'EINAH MINEI- she turned her eyes away from him
7)[line 15]נטף עיניךNETAF EINECHA- lift up your eyes
8)[line 15]קום דרי בריךKUM DARI BERICH- get up and carry your child
9)[line 16]סומא מנא ידעSUMA MENA YADA?- how does a blind child know
10)[line 16]בריחא ובטעמאB'REICHA UV'TA'AMA- through sense of smell and taste
11)[line 18]כיונק שקץK'YONEK SHEKETZ- as if suckling an abomination
12)[line 22]מהלכי שתיםMEHALCHEI SHTAYIM- (lit. those who walk upon two legs) humans
13)[line 31]מצות פרישהMITZVAS PERISHAH- there is not even a Rabbinic Mitzvah to refrain
14)[line 32]הא דפרישHA D'FARISH- this is true when it has become detached
15)[line 33]וחלופא בדםV'CHILUFA B'DAM- and the opposite is true of blood, which is permissible as long as it has not become detached
16)[line 34]מוצצוMOTZETZO- he may suck it
17)[line 39]גונחGONE'ACH- (O.F. plaignant) moaning from heart pain
18)[line 40]מפרק כלאחר ידMEFAREK KEL'ACHAR YAD
(a)Mefarek is a Toldah of Dash (threshing). The Melachah of Dash consists of separating a natural product from its natural container (e.g. wheat from chaff). Milking, also, separates the milk from its natural container, the udder.
(b)Whenever a Melachah of Shabbos is done in an abnormal fashion, the transgressor is not liable to the d'Oraisa punishments. He is said to have done the Melachah kel'Achar Yad (lit. using the back of the hand).
19)[line 42]גליאGALYA- (a) Gallia or Galatia in Asia Minor; (b) France (Gaul)
20)[line 43]צינור שעלו בו קשקשיןTZINOR SHE'ALU BO KASKASIN- a drainpipe which became overgrown with weeds which inhibit the water from flowing freely
21)[line 43]ממעכן ברגלוMEMA'ACHAN B'RAGLO- he may stamp it (the weeds) down with his foot
22)[line 7]אכריעACHRI'A- I will clarify
23)[line 11]נעכרNE'EKAR- becomes clouded; turbid
24)[line 14]אריסיהARISEI- the sharecropper of
25)[line 24]רהט בתריהRAHAT BASREI- he ran after him
26)[line 25]פרסא בחלאPARSAH B'CHALA- the distance of one Parsah (a Persian mile, or four Mil) while running in the sand
27)[line 25]ולא אדרכיהV'LO ADRECHEI- he did not catch him
28)[line 27]ביעתא בכותחאBEI'ASA B'CHUSCHA- an egg in Kutach ha'Bavli [which is dairy]
29)[line 27]לא לישרי אינישLO LISHRI INISH- one should not rule to permit
30)[line 28]דמיחזי כאפקירותאD'MECHEZEI K'AFKIRUSA- it seems like Chutzpah
31)[line 29]דלא מסתייעא מילתאD'LO MISTAYA MILSA L'MAEIMRA- it will not succeed
32)[line 30]הוה גמירנא ליהHAVAH GAMIRNA LEI- used to teach it
33)[line 38]דלא הדר בהוD'LO HADREI BEHU- he will not renege
34)[line 38]ואתון לא תסברוה מהא דתניאV'ATUN LO SISBERUHA ME'HA D'TANYA?- and would you not have known that it is prohibited from the following Beraisa?
35)[line 39]רדופה לילך לבית אביהREDUFAH LEILECH L'VEIS AVIHA- she had a tendency to go to her father's house
36)[line 45]לאו אדעתיןLAV A'DA'ATIN- I did not know
37)[line 46]וחנקתיהV'CHANAKTEI- and she choked him to death
38)[line 48]פסקה קימעאPASKAH KIM'A- the Beis Din apportioned her a small amount of Mezonos
39)[line 49]ממציא ליה טפיMEMATZYA LEI TEFEI- she will make more available to him
40)[line 51]כשותKESHUS- hops (O.F. homlon)
41)[line 51]וחזיזV'CHAZIZ- and young blades of growing grain
42)[line 51]ואדמהV'ADAMAH- and dirt
43)[line 51]קראKARA- pumpkin
44)[line 51]וחבושאV'CHAVUSHA- and quince
45)[line 51]קראKORA- the white heart or terminal bud of a palm tree
46)[line 52]וכופראV'KUFRA- and a date in its early stage of development
47)[line 52]כמכאKAMCHA- a dip which is prepared by cooking whey with stale bread and salt)
48)[line 52]והרסנאV'HARSENA- and small fish that are cooked with flour in their own juice and oil
49)[line 52]מינייהו פסקי חלבאMINAIHU PASKEI CHALBA- some of the above stop the flow of milk
50)[line 52]מינייהו עכרי חלבאMINAIHU AKREI CHELBA- some of the above ruin the milk
51)[line 52]דמשמשא בי ריחיאD'MESHAMSHA BEI REICHAYA- that have relations in the millhouse
52)[line 53]בני נכפיBNEI NICHPEI- epileptic children
53)[line 53]דמשמשא על ארעאD'MESHAMSHA AL AR'A- that have relations on the ground
54)[line 53]בני שמוטיBNEI SHEMUTEI- long necked children
55)[line 53]רמא דחמראRAMA D'CHAMRA- the blood of a donkey
56)[line 53]בני גירדניBNEI GIRDENEI- one who's hair falls out
57)[line 53]חרדלאCHARDELA- mustard seed
58)[line 54]בני זלזלניBNEI ZALZELANEI- ravenous children
59)[line 54]תחליTACHALEI- cress
60)[line 54]בני דולפניBNEI DULFANEI- teary-eyed children
61)[line 54]מוניניMONINEI- small fish
62)[line 54]בני מציצי עינאB'NEI METZITZEI EINA- children whose eyes blink constantly
63)[line 54]גרגושתאGARGUSHTA- (O.F. arzille) clay
64)[last line]בני מכועריBNEI MECHU'AREI- ugly children
65)[last line]בני אוכמיBNEI UCHMEI- dark skinned children