KERISUS 5 (25 Av) - Dedicated by Mrs. G. Kornfeld in honor of the Yahrzeit of her mother, Mrs. Gisela Turkel (Golda bas Chaim Yitzchak Ozer), on 25 Av. Mrs. Turkel was an exceptional woman with an iron will who loved and respected the study of Torah.

ORLAH CAN DEPEND ON INTENT (Yerushalmi Orlah Perek 1 Halachah 1 Daf 2a)

נטעו לסייג וחישב עליו למאכל בא במחשבה. למאכל וחישב עליו לסייג לא כל הימינו.


If one planted for a fence, and [later] intended for food, it comes [to be obligated] through intent. [If one planted] for food, and intended for a fence, he cannot [exempt from Orlah through intent].

נטעו שנה ראשונה לסייג מכאן ואילך (חישב עליו - ר' א.ז. מלצר מוחקו) למאכל מכיון שחישב עליו מחשבת חיוב (יהא - הגר''א מוחקו) חייב.


If one planted [with intent that] the first year it is for a fence, and from then and onwards it will be for food, since he intended an intent of Chiyuv, it is obligated (from the beginning).

והתנינן רבי יוסי אומר אפילו הפנימי למאכל [דף ב עמוד ב] והחיצון לסייג הפנימי חייב והחיצון פטור.


Question (Mishnah - R. Yosi): Even if he said 'the inner will be for food, and the outer for a fence', the inner are obligated and the outer are exempt. (Also when he intended initially for a fence, we should say that what grew in a state of exemption (the first year) is exempt, and afterwards it is obligated!)

תמן למאכל למאכל לעולם. לסייג לסייג לעולם. ברם הכא מכיון שעירב בו מחשבת חיוב יהא חייב


Answer: There [is different], for [what is] for food is always for food, [and what is] for a fence is always for a fence. However, here, since he mixed in intent for Chiyuv, it is obligated [from the beginning. We explained this like MAHARA FULDA.]

נטעו שלש שנים לסייג מיכן ואילך חישב עליו למאכל והוסיף תוספתו [צ''ל מהו - הגר''א]


Question: If one planted to be a fence for three years, and afterwards he intended for food, what is the law of additional growth?

רבי ירמיה אמר התוספת פטור


Answer #1 (R. Yirmeyah): The addition is exempt.

רבי בא אמר התוספת חייב


Answer #2 (R. Ba): The addition is obligated.

א''ר יוסי הדא דרבי ירמיה מתחמיא קשיא ולית היא אלא ניחא


(R. Yosi): R. Yirmeyah's opinion seems to be difficult [unlike Chachamim], but this is not so; really, it is fine;

כהדא דתני שדה שהביאה שליש לפני גוי ולקחה ישראל ר' עקיבה אומר [דף ד עמוד א (עוז והדר)] וחכ''א התוספת חייב.


This is like it was taught, a field that [its Peros] grew a third in front of a Nochri (while he owned it), and a Yisrael bought it, R. Akiva says, the addition is exempt [from Ma'aseros]. Chachamim say, the addition is obligated;

והכא עיקרו פטור ותוספתו (חייב) [צ''ל פטור - הגר''א]


[That is for Ma'aser, but] here (for Orlah) the initial growth is exempt, and the addition is exempt.

[צ''ל נטעו שלש שנים לסייג ואח''כ - הגר''א] חישב עליו למאכל א''ר יוחנן דברי רבי ישמעאל כל שאין לו ערלה אין לו רבעי.


If one planted the first three years for a fence, and from here and onwards intended for food, R. Yochanan says, R. Yishmael says that anything that has no Orlah, it has no Revai.

רבי יוחנן בעי עד שיהא לו שלש שנים ערלה.


Question (R. Yochanan): Must it have three years of Orlah [in order to have Revai, or is it enough if Orlah applied for part of the time? TAL TORAH - he can hold like above, that if he planted with intent for a fence for one year, and afterwards it will be for food, it is obligated from the beginning. If he planted with intent for a fence permanently, and later intended for food, it is obligated only from when he intended for food.]

א''ר יונה עיקר ערלה צריכה ליה אין עיקר ערלה פחות [משלש] שנים.


(R. Yonah): [R. Yochanan] asked about the primary law of Orlah - [perhaps] the primary law of Orlah cannot be less than three years (if it was exempt for part of them, it is totally exempt).

א''ר יוסי עיקר רבעי צריכה ליה כל שאין לו ערלה אין לו רבעי.


(R. Yosi): He asked about the primary law of Revai - [perhaps] anything that does not have [the full three years] of Orlah does not have Revai.