úåñ' ã"ä äøé ùîåú îåçì÷éí
(Summary: Tosfos reconciles this with the Sugya earlier.)
åàó òì âá ãìòéì âáé òøéåú öøéê ÷øà "àùä" 'ìçééá òì ëì àùä åàùä' -àó òì âá ãâåôéï îåçì÷éï...
Implied Question: Even though the Gemara earlier, in connection with Arayos, despite the fact that are different bodies, the Gemara required the Pasuk "Ishah" to be Mechayav the sinner on each woman ...
î"î äåä ôùéèà ìéä ãìøáé ò÷éáà áâåôéï îåçì÷éï çééá òì ëì àçú åàçú.
Answer: It nevertheless takes for granted that, according to Rebbi Akiva, when they are different bodies, he is Chayav on each one.
úåñ' ã"ä òøåú àçåúå âìä
(Summary: Tosfos explains why the Gemara cites the D'rashah of Rebbi Yitzchak and not that of ollllol
ä÷ùä øáéðå áøåê, àîàé ìà îééúé ëøú ãëúéá áàçåúå ãîöøëé øáðï ìäëé, åîééúé ìãøáé éöç÷?
Question: Rabeinu Baruch asks why the Gemara does not cite Kareis that is written by "Achoso" from which the Rabanan Darshen this, and prefers to cite the D'rashah of Rebbi Yitzchak (See Mayim Kedoshim).
åéù ìåîø, ãîééúé äà ãôùåè éåúø .
Answer: It cites the one that is more straightforward.
åëäàé âååðà àùëçðà áñðäãøéï (ãó ìã:) åáîâéìä (ãó ë.).
Precedent: And we find the same idea in Sanhedrin (Daf 34b) and in Megilah (Daf 20a).
úåñ' ã"ä äîåç÷ àú äëøéùä
(Summary: Tosfos disagrees with Rashi's explanation.)
ôé' á÷åðèøñ 'ëåúù ä÷ôìåè åîéí ùæáéï îï äëøéùä ðåèôéï'.
Explanation #1: Rashi explains that he crushes the leek and the water that emerges from the the leek is dripping.
å÷ùä, ãà"ë îé ôéøåú ðéðäå, åîé ôéøåú àéðï îëùéøéï?
Question #1: In that case, it is 'fruit-juice', and fruit-juice is not Machshir?
åòåã ÷ùä, ã÷àîø 'äñåçè áùòøå àéðå áëé éåúï, åäéåöàéï îîðå äøé äåà áëé éåúï' -åôé' ä÷åðèøñ 'ñçè áùòøå àçø ùéöà îáéú äîøçõ' ...
Question #2: Moreover, when the Tana says that ha'Sochet be'Sa'aro, Eino be'Chi Yutan, ve'ha'Yotz'i nmimenu, harei Hu be'Chi Yutan', and Rashi explains that he squeezed out his hair after he left the bathhouse' (See Shitah Mekubetzes, 32) ...
åà"ë, ùáùòøå àîàé àéðå áëé éåúï- åäìà úçìúå ìøöåï äéä... ?
Question #2 (cont.): In that case, why is the water from his hair not be'Chi Yutan' - seeing as he initially wants it? ...
åàîøéðï (îëùéøéï ô"à î"à) 'ëì îù÷ä ùúçìúå ìøöåï, àó òì ôé ùàéï ñåôå ìøöåï ,'îëùéøéï.
Source: And the Mishnah says in Machshirin (1:1) declares liquid that one initially wants a Machshir, even if in the end he does not want it.
ìëê ôø"é ãîééøé ùéøãå äâùîéí òìéäí, åìà äéä ìøöåï òã ùéöàå îäí.
Explanation #2: Therefore the Ri explains that it speaks where rain fell on them, and he did not want it until it emerged from them (i.e. from the leek and the hair).
úåñ' ã"ä åäéåöàéï îîðå ìàçø ùéöàå äøé æä áëé éåúï
(Summary: Tosfos explains the difference between this case and 'she'Lo Yilakeh ha'Kosel'.)
àó òì âá ãùìà éì÷ä äëåúì àéðå áëé éåúï...
Implied Question: Even though if he does it to keep the Kosel clean, it is not be'Chi Yutan (See Shitah Mekubetzes 34) ...
äúí îùåí ãìà ðéçà ìéä ãàúå áòåìí ...
Answer: That is because he would rather that the rain did not come into the world in the first place ...
åäëà (ðîé) àó òì âá ãìà ðéçà ìéä îòé÷øà, îëì î÷åí ëéåï ùäåà òöîå ãåç÷ï ìäåöéà îäí äîéí, àçùáéðäå.
Answer (cont.): Whereas here, even though he did not initially want the water, seeing as he himself squeezes it in order to exude the water, he renders it Chachuv.
úåñ' ã"ä îöã äòìéåï ìöã äúçúåï èäåøéï
(Summary: Tosfos disagrees with Rashi's explanation.)
ôéøù á÷åðèøñ îùåí ùñåôä ìéáìò ááâã.
Explanation #1: Rashi explains because it will ultimately become absorbed in the garment.
å÷ùä, ùäøé áîñëú ðãä ôø÷ äàùä (ãó ñá: åùí) ÷àîø 'çøñéï ùáìòå îù÷éí èîàéí åðôìå ìàåéø äúðåø, ëé äåñ÷ äúðåø, èîà...
Question: In Maseches Nidah in Perek ha'Ishah (Daf 62b & 63a) the Gemara rules that 'Earthenware that absorbed Tamei liquid which falls into an oven, when the oven is heated up, it is Tamei ...
îôðé ùäîù÷éï éåöàéï?'
Reason: Because the liquid emerges ...
åàò"ô ùìàçø äéñ÷, éçæøå åéáìòå äçøñéï?
Question (cont.): Despite the fact that the earthenware will later re-absorb it?
àìà éù ìôøù îùåí ãäåé ùìà ìøöåï ë"æ ùäí òì áâãéå ëîå áîù÷éï ùáëøéùä.
Explanation #2: We therefore need to explain that it is because he does not want it as long as it is on his clothes, like the liquid in the leek.
úåñ' ã"ä åàú äîäðä ëðäðä
(Summary: Tosfos explains why it says this and not 'ha'Neheneh ke'Ochel'.)
åäåà äãéï ãîöé ìîéîø 'äðäðä ëàåëì' -îä ùàéï ëï áðåúø ...
Implied Question: The Tana could just as well have said that they made 'the one who benefits like the one who eats' - which is not the case by Nosar ...
àìà àâá ãð÷è 'îàëéì ëàåëì' ÷àîø 'îäðä ëðäðä.'
Answer: Only since he said 'Ma'achil ke'Ochel', he continues 'Mehaneh ke'Neheneh'.