How many Makkos are given to someone who Shechts an animal and its granddaughter and then the animal’s daughter?
120 – Oso V’es B’no forbids each of the three animals from being Shechted.
80 – There are two “Oso V’es B’no sets.”
40 – For only one action was doing to violate Oso V’es B’no.
Machlokes between Answers A and B.
Machlokes between Answers B and C.
What is the reason that R. Eliezer says that several Bi’os are separate actions, that obligate several Chata’os?
They are considered separate because they were practically done at separate times.
They are considered separate because they cannot be done at the same time.
They are separate because they are Gufin Mechulakin.
Machlokes between Answers A and B.
Machlokes between Answers B and C.
What didWhether Meduldeles by an animal is Metamei Eiver Min Hachai. R. Akiva ask Rabban Gamliel and R. Yehoshua?
If Gufin Mechulakin is more severe or less severe than Sheimos Mechulakin.
Regarding someone who Shechted an animal and then its granddaughter and then the daughter.
Whether Meduldeles by an animal is Metamei Eiver Min Hachai.
Answers A and B.
Answers A and C.
Where did Rav Yosef say the rule that shaking something away with all of one’s strength isn't Metamei a person?
When discussing a Mukah Shechin on Erev Pesach.
When discussing a Zav or Zavah whom it rained upon when they were walking.
When discussing someone squishing a leek.
When discussing someone squeezing out his hair.
When discussing someone squeezing out his clothing.
What was R. Shimon’s question on the version of R. Akiva’s question?
By Achilos there is Neheneh, which is a reason to be Mechayav on every one.
Zovei’ach is Gufin Mechulakin, and Achilah from one Zevach is not Gufin Mechulakin.
We see that Achilas Nosar he is Chayav on every one, so it stands to reason that Achilas Zevach is more comparable to it than it is to Shechutei Chutz, for both are Achilah.