
WHY KUSIM ARE PESULIM (Yerushalmi Perek 1 Halachah 4 Daf 7a)

כותים משום מה הן פסולין.


Question: Why are Kusim Pesulim (forbidden to marry Yisraelim)?

אמר ר' יוחנן משום גירי אריות.


Answer #1 (R. Yochanan): It is because they are Gerei Arayos (they converted only because lions were eating them).

וקשיא אילו מי שלא נתגייר לשום שמים וחזר ונתגייר לשום שמים שמא אין מקבלין אותו.


Question: If someone did not convert l'Shem Shamayim, and afterwards he returned and converted l'Shem Shamayim, perhaps we do not accept him?!

ר' יוחנן בשם ר' אלעזר משום נכרי ועבד הבא על בת ישראל הוולד ממזר.


Answer #2 (R. Yochanan citing R. Elazar): It is because if a Nochri or slave who had Bi'ah with a Bas Yisrael, the child is a Mamzer. (Their initial conversion was invalid, so they were still Nochrim. Some of them married Benos Yisrael, and the children were Mamzerim.)


Note: Surely R. Yochanan cites the Tana R. Elazar (ben Shamu'a), and not the Amora R. Elazar ben Pedas, his Talmid. R. Yochanan often cites Tana'im, e.g. R. Shimon and R. Shimon ben Yehotzadak. (PF)

והאמר ר' עקיבה גירי צדק הן.


Question: R. Akiva holds that [from the beginning] they were proper converts! They did not intend to guard all the Mitzvos.)

על שם שהן מייבמין את הארוסות ומוציאין את הנשואות.


Answer #3: It is because they do Yibum with Arusos (Yevamos who fell from Eirusin), and exempt Nesu'os (they expound "Lo Sihyeh Eshes ha'Mes ha'Chutzah l'Ish Zar" to exempt Nesu'os).

והא רבנין אמרין אין ממזר ביבמה.


Question: Rabanan say that there is no Mamzer from a Yevamah [l'Shuk]!


Note: Mamzerim can result from their mistake. If they exempted a Yevamah Nesu'ah, and David was Mekadesh her, and then the Yavam died, and Levi was Mekadesh her, they hold that she is still David's wife, and really, she is Levi's wife! However, it is unreasonable to disqualify all Kusim due to such a rare case. (She thinks that she is David's wife. Why would she accept Kidushin from Levi?!) We could have said Rabanan forbid due to a Nochri who had Bi'ah..., and R. Akiva forbids due to exempting Nesu'os; the Gemara had a better answer.

על שם שאינן בקיאין בדיקדוקי גיטין.


Answer #4: It is because they are not expert in details of laws of Gitin. (Often she remarries based on a Pasul Get.)

הא רבן גמליאל מכשיר בגיטיהן.


Question: R. Gamliel is Machshir their Gitin! (He holds that they are expert in details of laws of Gitin.)

ר' יעקב בר אידי בשם רבי יוחנן על שנתערבו בהם כהני במות.


Answer #5 (R. Yakov bar Idi citing R. Yochanan): It is because Kohanim of the Bamos mixed with them;

[מלכים א יב לא] ויעש כהנים מקצת העם. אמר ר' אילא מן הקוצים שבעם ומן הפסולת שבעם.


(R. Ila): "Va'Ya'as Kohanim mi'Ketzos ha'Am" - from the Kotzim (thorns) in the nation, and from the Pesulim in the nation.


Note: This connotes that Kotzim and Pesulim are different matters. Perhaps Kotzim alludes to lowly people, and Pesulim refers to lineage (Mamzerim). We know to expound Pesulim only due to 'mi'Ketzos.' (PF)


DOCUMENTS WITH KUSI OR NOCHRI WITNESSES (Yerushalmi Perek 1 Halachah 4 Daf 7a)

אמר ר' [צ"ל יעקב בר - רמב"ן י:ב] אחא קול יוצא בארכיים.


(R. Yakov bar Acha): [Our Mishnah is Machshir documents that enter Nochri courts, except for Gitei Nashim or Shichrurei Avadim,] because there is publicity to [what is done in] the courts. (If it were Pasul, people would know not to rely on it.)

מעתה אפילו שניהן כותים


Question: If so, even if both [witnesses] are Kusim (the Get should be Kosher)!

(שהיה הוא אומר) [צ"ל שנייה היא - רמב"ן] שאינן בקיאין בדקדוקי גיטין.


Answer: [Gitin] are different, for they are not expert in details of laws of Gitin. (We explained this like RAMBAN.)

והא ר' שמעון מכשיר בגיטיהן.


Question: R. Shimon is Machshir [their Gitin. They must be expert in details of laws of Gitin!]

ר' בא בשם רבי זעירא אתייא דרבי שמעון כרבי אלעזר כמה דרבי לעזר אמר אף על פי שאין עליו עדים כשר. כן ר' שמעון אמר אף על פי שאין עליו עדים כשר.


Answer (R. Ba citing R. Ze'ira): R. Shimon holds like R. Elazar. Just like R. Lazar says that even if there are no witnesses on [a Get], it is Kosher [through Edei Mesirah], so R. Shimon says that even if there are no witnesses on it, it is Kosher.

מעתה אפי' נעשה בהדיוט.


Question: If so, [he should be Machshir] even if it was done through commoners!

הוי צורכא לההוא דמר רבי יעקב בר אחא קול יוצא [דף ז עמוד ב] בארכיים.


Answer: We must answer like R. Yakov bar Acha said - there is publicity to [what is done in] the courts [but not to what commoners do].

שטר יוצא בבית שאן והיו עדיו עדי גוים.


There was a document in Beis She'an. The witnesses were Nochrim.

רבי יוסי אומר איתפלגון ר' יוחנן וריש לקיש חד אמר פסול. וחד אמר כשר.


(R. Yosi): R. Yochanan and Reish Lakish argued about it. One disqualified, and one was Machshir.

ר' אבהו מפרש ר' יוחנן אמר פסול. וריש לקיש אמר כשר.


R. Acha explains that R. Yochanan disqualified, and Reish Lakish was Machshir.

ומה טעמא דריש לקיש


Question: What is Reish Lakish's reason?

שלא להפסיד לישראל ממון.


Answer #1: It is to avoid a monetary loss to Yisrael [the lender].

ואפילו דלית מפסיד לדין מפסיד לדין.


Question: Even if there is no loss to [the lender], there is a loss to [the borrower]!

אמר ר' יודן אלא כדי שלא לנעול את הדלת לפני בני אדם שלמחר הוא מבקש ללות והוא אינו מוצא:


Answer #2 (R. Yudan): It is lest we lock the door in front of people. [If we disqualify such documents,] tomorrow (i.e. in the future) he will seek to borrow, and he will not find [someone to lend, if Yisrael witnesses are not available].