
(a)What joint obligation does our Mishnah place on a Balabos on whom the Yesomim rely to handle their affairs and an Apotropus (a guardian appointed by the Beis-Din to do so) share with regard to the crops that grow in the Yesomim's field?

(b)According to the Tana Kama, an Apotropus appointed by the Yesomim's father before his death, is obligated to swear. What does he swear?

(c)What about the Apotropus appointed by the Beis-Din?

(d)What does Aba Shaul say?


(a)We query our Mishnah from a Beraisa which discusses the Pasuk in Korach "Kein Tarimu Gam Atem". Which principle does the Tana learn from "Atem"?

(b)The Tana precludes Shutfin (partners) from Ma'asering their partner's portion without permission and Arisin (sharecroppers) from Ma'asering the portion of the owner. Which third person does he preclude?

(c)How does Rav Chisda reconcile this Beraisa with our Mishnah, which permits an Apotropus to Ma'aser on behalf of the Yesomim?

(d)What does the Beraisa 've'Hatanya ... ' say about this?


(a)One of the reasons the Tana forbids an Apotropus to Ma'aser the crops of the Yesomim, to sell their animals and slaves, houses and fields to put the money aside is because the money might get stolen. What is the other?

(b)What does he say about selling crops, wine, oil and flour?

(c)If the Apotropus is permitted to use their money to purchase a Sukah, a Lulav, Tzitzis, a Shofar and Sefarim on their behalf, why is he forbidden to give Tzedokoh?

(d)Is he permitted ...

1. ... to redeem captives on their behalf, or to spend their money to comfort a mourner?

2. ... to defend them in Beis-Din should a creditor claim from them, to absolve them from having to pay? What then, does the Tana mean when he forbids it 'la'Chov u'le'Zakos?


(a)Why is the Apotropus forbidden to sell a field belonging to the Yesomim that is situated far away in order to purchase one that is nearer, or a poor-quality field, to purchase a good-quality one?

(b)The Tana Kama also forbids him to sell a field in order to buy an Eved, though he permits the reverse. What does Raban Shimon ben Gamliel say?

(c)What is that?


(a)The Tana Kama forbids the Apotropus to set the Avadim free, even though this causes no loss to the Yesomim. What is the case?

(b)On what grounds does he forbid it?

(c)What would the Apotropus have to do in order to secure their freedom?

(d)On what condition is he permitted to do so?


(a)What does Rebbi say?

(b)The Tana Kama requires the Apotropus to present the Yesomim with an account of all his dealings. What does Raban Shimon ben Gamliel say?


(a)Why do Beis-Din not appoint as an Apotropus ...

1. ... a woman?

2. ... an Eved?

3. ... a Katan?

(b)What if the father appointed them?

(c)What did Rebbi Meir stop a certain Apotropus from doing?

(d)Why did he twice ignore a dream in which the angels pointed out to him that they were deliberately orchestrating the actions of the Apotropus (see Maharshal)?

(e)What did Rebbi Meir ...

1. ... do to prevent two men from quarreling every Erev Shabbos?

2. ... hear the Satan say as he (the Satan) left town?


(a)Rebbi Yehoshua ben Levi did not object when a certain Apotropus sold fields belonging to the Yesomim in order to purchase oxen, because he held like Rebbi Yosi. How did Rebbi Yosi refer to ...

1. ... his wife?

2. ... his ox?

(b)On what basis did Rav Nachman justify to the family of Yesomim a certain old woman's having sold the Yesomim's cow on their behalf, even though nobody had appointed her as an Apotropus?

(c)What did he answer when the family added that ...

1. ... the price of the ox had risen (in which case the sale had caused the Yesomim a loss and should therefore be declared void)?

2. ... the Yesomim had not yet received payment for the ox? What did Rav Chanila'i bar Idi Amar Shmuel say?


(a)What happened to the wine of Rabana Ukva the Yasom which purchasers acquired with Meshichah for four Zuzim per barrel? What did Rav Nachman rule?

(b)What would be the Din if, under the same circumstances, the price of wine went down, should the purchasers wish to retract?

(c)What will be the Din if the Yesomim made a Kinyan Meshichah to acquire fruit, the price of fruit went ...

1. ... up, and the seller wished to retract?

2. ... down, and the Yesomim wished to retract? Why does Rav Shisha Brei d'Rav Idi differentiate between the case above, where the Yesomim sold their fruit with only a Kinyan Meshichah, and this case, where they are purchasing fruit?



(a)If the Yesomim paid money for fruit, what will be the Din if the price of fruit ...

1. ... went down? May they retract?

2. ... went up? May the seller retract?

(b)What will be the Din if the purchaser paid money to the Yesomim for fruit, the fruit went ...

1. ... up in price, and the Yesomim wish to retract?

2. ... down in price, and the purchaser wishes to retract?

(c)Rav Ashi and Rav Kahana signed on the Shtar of the mother of Ze'iri the Yasom who was selling for Karga immediately. What is 'Karga'? What would have been the regular procedure? What is 'Achrazta'?

(d)In which other two cases does one sell the land of Yesomim without Achrazta?


(a)What did Rav Nachman reply to the family of the Yesomim, when they accused the Apotropus, Amram the painter, of ...

1. ... wearing the Yesomim's clothes?

2. ... eating good food, even though he was poor (conveying the impression that he was eating the Yesomim's food)?

3. ... causing damage to their property?

(b)Rav Nachman quoted this final statement as the opinion of Rav Huna Amar Rav. What does d'bei Rebbi Shilo say?

(c)Like whom is the Halachah?


(a)On what grounds does the Tana Kama ...

1. ... obligate an Apotropus whom the Yesomim's father appointed, to make a Shevu'ah on the one hand?

2. ... exempt an Apotropus whom Beis-Din appointed from making one, on the other?

(b)Aba Shaul holds the reverse. Why does he ...

1. ... obligate an Apotropus whom Beis-Din appointed, to make a Shevu'ah?

2. ... exempt an Apotropus whom the Yesomim's father appointed from making one?

(c)Rav Chanan bar Ami Amar Shmuel rules like Aba Shaul. The Tana of the Beraisa however, rules like Rebbi Eliezer ben Yakov. What does he quote him as saying?

(d)Rav Tachlifa bar Ma'arava quoted a Beraisa in front of Rebbi Avahu, which conforms with the opinion of the Tana Kama of our Mishnah. What does the Tana mean when he writes 'Apotropus she'Mineihu Avi Yesomim Yishava Mipnei she'Hu Nosei Sachar'? Who said that it speaks when he receives remuneration?


(a)Our Mishnah discusses Metamei, ha'Medamei and Menasech. What sort of damage is caused by ...

1. ... Metamei?

2. ... Medamei?

(b)What dual ruling does the Tana issue regarding all three?


(a)Rav interprets 'Menasech' literally (that he actually poured out his wine to Avodah-Zarah). What does Shmuel say?

(b)Shmuel asks on Rav that, if 'Menasech' was meant literally, he would be Patur from paying. What does he mean? On which principle is this based?

(c)We counter this by citing Rebbi Yirmeyahu. What does Rebbi Yirmeyahu say that will resolve Shmuel's Kashya on Rav?

(d)Rav declines to learn like Shmuel, because, if Menasech meant mixing, then it would merely be a duplication of Medamei. How does Shmuel counter that argument?