Mishnah 1
Hear the Mishnah


(a)According to the Tana Kama, what do a Nochri and someone who does not believe in the Dinim of Eiruv have in common (with regard to carrying in the Chatzer)?

(b)What is a standard example of someone who does not believe in the Dinim of Eiruv?

(c)What does Rebbi Eliezer ben Ya'akov say?


(a)According to the Tana Kama, a Nochri and someone who does not believe in the Dinim of Eiruv (See Tos. Yom-Tov) - both forbid their co-residents in the Chatzer to carry from their houses into the Chatzer.

(b)A standard example of someone who does not believe in the Dinim of Eiruv is - a Kuti or a Tzedoki (See also Tiferes Yisrael).

(c)Rebbi Eliezer ben Ya'akov - confines the Isur to where there are at least two Yisre'eilim living in the same Chatzer as the Nochri.


(a)Why do both the Tana Kama and Rebbi Eliezer ben Ya'akov agree that, strictly speaking, a Nochri living in the Chatzaer ought not to forbid the residents to carry there?

(b)On what basis did the Chachamim ...

1. ... nevertheless rule that it is forbidden?

2. ... forbid being alone with a Nochri?

(c)Then why do they consider it necessary to even discuss a Nochri living in the same Chatzer as a Yisrael?

(d)What is the only way of gaining permission to carry in a Chatzer in which a Nochri resides?


(a)Both the Tana Kama and Rebbi Eliezer ben Ya'akov agree that, strictly speaking, a Nochri living in the Chatzaer ought not to forbid the residents to carry there - because the Dirah of a Nochri is not called Dirah.

(b)The Chachamim ...

1. ... nevertheless rule that it is forbidden - in order to discourage a Yisrael from living in the same Chatzer as a Nochri (so as not to learn from his deeds).

2. ... forbid being alone with a Nochri - because the latter is suspect to murder.

(c)They nevertheless consider it necessary to discuss a Nochri living in the same Chatzer as a Yisrael - because it sometimes happens that he does.

(d)The only way of gaining permission to carry in a Chatzer in which a Nochri resides is - by renting his rights in the Chatzer.


(a)Why did the Chachamim negate the possibility of Eiruv and Bitul R'shus without renting from him?

(b)Why will the Nochri be unwilling to rent out his Chatzer to a Yisrael?

(c)If Rebbi Eliezer ben Ya'akov concedes to the Rabbanan when there are two Yisre'eilim living in the Chatzer, on what basis does he disagree with them when there is only one?

(d)Like whom is the Halachah?


(a)The reason that the Chachamim negated the possibility of Eiruv and Bitul R'shus without renting from him - is in order to force the Yisrael's hand to rent from him, something that he will not be willing to do ...

(b)... because he is afraid that the Yisrael will bewitch it (See Tos. Yom-Tov).

(c)Even though Rebbi Eliezer ben Ya'akov concedes to the Rabbanan when there are two Yisre'eilim living in the Chatzer, he disagree with them when there is only one - because the reason for the prohibition is a decree mi'de'Rabbanan (as we are about to explain), and since it is unusual for a Yisrael to live alone with a Nochri in the same Chatzer, Chazal did not generally include unusual situations in their decrees.

(d)The Halachah is - like Rebbi Eliezer ben Ya'akov.


(a)What is the Halachah regarding renting from the Nochri ...

1. ... for less than a P'rutah?

2. ... from him on Shabbos itself?

(b)What must Re'uven, who made an Eiruv, say to Shimon who did not, if he wishes to be Mevatel his R'shus to him?

(c)What are then their respective Dinim regarding carrying in the Chatzer?

(d)What if, after Shimon has finished what he needs to do in the Chatzer, he wishes to be Mevatel R'shus back to Re'uven?


(a)One is permitted to rent from the Nochri ...

1. ... for less than a P'rutah, and to rent ...

2. ... from him even on Shabbos itself (See Tos. Yom-Tov).

(b)Re'uven, who made an Eiruv, and who wishes to be Mevatel his R'shus to Shimon, who did not, must say to him - 'R'shusi Mevuteles lach!' ...

(c)... at which point Shimon is allowed to carry in the Chatzer whereas Re'uven is not.

(d)If, after Shimon has finished what he needs to do in the Chatzer, he wishes to be Mevatel R'shus back to Re'uven - he may do so, and Re'uven will then be permitted to carry in the Chatzer, whereas Shimon will not.

Mishnah 2
Hear the Mishnah


(a)We add to the words of our Mishnah 'Tzedoki, Harei Hu ke'Nochri'. What does Raban Gamliel say?

(b)In the episode that the Mishnah brings to substantiate Raban Gamliel's opinion, what did Raban Gamliel quote his father (Raban Shimon ben Gamliel) as having advised the residents of the Mavoy in Yerushalayim. in which a Tzedoki lived, to quickly do?

(c)What would have happened had the Tzedoki taken his Keilim into the Mavoy first?

(d)How could he do that, bearing in mind that he had already negated his rights in the Chatzer to the other residents of the Chatzer?

(e)How does this prove that a Tzedoki does not have the Din of a Nochri? What would have been the Din if he had been?


(a)We add to the words of our Mishnah 'Tzedoki, Harei Hu ke'Nochri. Raban Gamliel Omer - Eino ke'Nochri' (See Meleches Sh'lomoh).

(b)In the episode that the Mishnah brings to substantiate Raban Gamliel's opinion, Raban Gamliel quoted his father (Raban Shimon ben Gamliel) as having advised the residents of the Mavoy in Yerushalayim, in which a Tzedoki lived- to quickly take their Keilim into the Mavoy before the Tzedoki did, in order to make a Chazakah (See Tos. Yom-Tov) before he did.

(c)Had the Tzedoki taken his Keilim into the Mavoy first - then he would have 're-taken his R'shus', as it were, and they would have been forbidden to carry in the Chatzer or in the Mavoy.

(d)Despite the fact that he had already negated his rights in the Chatzer to the other residents of the Chatzer - since he was not like a Nochri, he was Mevatel his R'shus without renting it to the other inhabitants, in which case he ws able to take it back at any time, by simply taking his Keilim out (even i he did not intend to re-acquire it).

(e)This proves that a Tzedoki does not have the Din of a Nochri, because if he did - having rented the Chatzer to them and taken money for it, he could not have taken his R'shus back that Shabbos.


(a)Rebbi Yehudah presents a different version of what Raban Gamliel advised the residents. According to him, what does Raban Gamliel hold regarding the status of a Tzedoki?

(b)So what did he then quote his father as having told the residents of the Mavoy?

(c)How do we amend the words 'ad she'Lo Yotzi (ve'Ye'esor Aleichem)', bearing in mind that they had not rented his R'shus in the Chatzer?


(a)Rebbi Yehudah presents a different version of what Raban Gamliel advised the residents. According to him, Raban Gamliel agrees with the Tana Kama - that 'Tzedoki Harei hu ke'Nochri'.

(b)And what he quoted his father as having told the residents of the Mavoy was - to hurry and do what they needed to do in the Mavoy before Shabbos arrived and the Tzedoki takes out his Keilim ('ad she'Lo Yotzi ... ') thereby forbidding them to carry.

(c)Bearing in mind that they had not rented his R'shus in the Chatzer, we amend the words 'ad she'Lo Yotzi ... ' to read - 'ad she'Lo Yeitzei ha'Yom' (i.e. Friday ends, and Shabbos begins).


(a)What is the Halachah? On which one of two conditions does a Yisrael have the Din of a Nochri.

(b)What are the two ramifications of this ruling?

(c)What is the definition of a 'modern-day' Tzedoki?

(d)In what way does the Din concerning him differ from the previous case?


(a)The Halachah is - that irrespective of what a Yisrael does, he has the Din of a Yisrael, unless every Yisrael (excluding a Tzedoki) has the Din of a Yisrael unless he either breaks Shabbos in public and one who worships idols, who have the Din of a Nochri ...

(b)... with whom one cannot make an Eiruv and who cannot be Mevatel R'shus.

(c)A 'modern-day' Tzedoki - neither worships idols nor does he publicly break Shabbos on the one hand; but on the other, he does not agree with the concept of Eiruv Chatzeros.

(d)The Din concerning him differs from the previous case - in that, although he cannot participate him in one's Eiruv, although he can be Mevatel R'shuso.

Mishnah 3
Hear the Mishnah


(a)Our Mishnah now discusses a case of one resident (Reuven) of a Chatzer who forgot to participate in the Eiruv. What does the Tana say about he and they ...

1. ... carrying into his house or from it into the Chatzer?

2. ... carrying into one of their houses or from it?

(b)On what is the latter ruling based?

(c)Then why are they not also permitted to carry to or from his house?

(d)On what principle is this pair of Halachos based?


(a)Our Mishnah now discusses a case of Reuven (a resident of the Chatzer) who forgot to participate in the Eiruv. The Tana rules that he and they ...

1. ... are forbidden to carry into his house or from it into the Chatzer, but that both he and they ..

2. ... are permitted to carry into one of their houses or from it.

(b)The reason for the latter ruling is - because Reuven was Mevatel his R'shus from the Chatzer ...

(c)... but not from his house, which explains why they are not also permitted to carry to or from his house.

(d)This pair of Halachos is based on the principle - that whatever the owner is Mevatel is Bateil, and whatever he is not, is not (See Tos. Yom-Tov).


(a)If the other residents are permitted to carry from their houses to the Chatzer because their house and the Chatzer is considered one domain, on what grounds is Reuven permitted to do so (seeing as he did not participate in the Eiruv)?

(b)What does the Mishnah rule in the Seifa where the other residents are Mevatel their R'shus in the Chatzer to Reuven?

(c)Why are they not permitted to carry to and from his house as his guests, just as he is permitted to carry from theirs in the Reisha?


(a)The other residents are permitted to carry from their houses to the Chatzer because their house and the Chatzer is considered one domain, whereas Reuven is permitted to do so (in spite of the fact that he did not participate in the Eiruv) - because he is considered their guest (and regarding these issues, a guest has the same Din as his host).

(b)In the Seifa where the other residents are Mevatel their R'shus in the Chatzer to Reuven, the Mishnah rules - that he is permitted to carry from his R'shus into the Chatzer and vice-versa, but they are not.

(c)They are not permitted to carry to and from his house as his guests, in the way that (in the Reisha) he is permitted to carry from theirs - because whereas one person can be considered the guest of many, many are not considered the guests of one.


(a)What will be the Din if two residents forgot to participate in the Eiruv, and the other residents are Mevatel their R'shus to them?

(b)Why is that?

(c)Why, if one of them is Mevatel his R'shus to the other one, wil it not be effective?

(d)What if the two are subsequently Mevatel their R'shus to the others residents of the Chatzer?

(e)Why the difference?


(a)If two residents forgot to participate in the Eiruv and the other residents are Mevatel their R'shus to them - they forbid each other to carry ...

(b)... because whereas each person's house belongs to him, the Chatzer belongs to both of them, and one is not permitted to carry from one's own private domain to one that is shared with somebody else.

(c)If one of them is Mevatel his R'shus to the other one, it will not be effective - because, when the other residents were Mevatel their R'shus to them, they continued to forbid each other to carry (seeing as they had not participated in the Eiruv). Consequently, since the first Bitul (of the other residents) was not effective, the second Bitul cannot be effective either, seeing as the R'shus that the one is now being Mevatel does not belong to him.

(d)If the two are subsequently Mevatel their R'shus to the others residents of the Chatzer - their Bitul R'shus is effective.

(e)The reason for the difference is - because whereas one person can give R'shus and receive R'shus, two people can give R'shus but cannot receive it.


(a)If, in the previous case, the Bitul R'shus of the two residents who did not participate in the Eiruv helps to permit all the other residents to carry in the Chatzer, why does it not help to permit each other?

(b)What must somebody be careful to announce when he is Mevatel his R'shus to the other residents of the Chatzer?


(a)In the previous case, despite the fact that the Bitul R'shus of the two residents who did not participate in the Eiruv helps to permit all the other residents to carry in the Chatzer, it does not help to permit each other - because whereas one person can give R'shus and receive it, two can give R'shus but not receive it (as we just explained).

(b)Somebody who is Mevatel his R'shus to the other residents of the Chatzer must be careful to announce - that he is Mevatel it to each and every resident.

Mishnah 4
Hear the Mishnah


(a)Beis Shamai require Bitul R'shus to take place before Shabbos enters. Why is that?

(b)Why do Beis Hillel then allow Bitul R'shus to take place even on Shabbos?

(c)How does this make the Din of Bitul R'shus unique, according to Beis Hillel?


(a)Beis Shamai require Bitul R'shus to take place before Shabbos enters - because they consider Bitul R'shus to be a proper Kinyan (and making a Kinyn is prohibited on Shabbos).

(b)Beis Hillel on the other hand, allow it to take place even on Shabbos - since they place it in the category of 'Siluk R'shus' (withdrawing from one's property, which is permitted on Shabbs,

(c)This makes the Din of Bitul R'shus unique, according to Beis Hillel - inasmuch as it is the only area of Halachah where we do not apply the principle that 'Whatever is forbidden for part of Shabbos remains forbidden the whole of Shabbos'.


(a)What does Rebbi Meir say about someone who is Mevatel R'shus and who then takes his things into the Chatzer?

(b)With which point does Rebbi Yehudah disagree?

(c)Why in fact, is Rebbi Meir strict even be'Shogeg?


(a)Rebbi Meir says that someone who is Mevatel R'shus and who then takes his things into the Chatzer, irrespective of whether he did so be'Shogeg or be'Meizid - automatically forbids the other residents from carrying in the Chatzer.

(b)Rebbi Yehudah disagrees with Rebbi Meir's ruling - in that he restricts it to Meizid (See Tos. Yom-Tov).

(c)Rebbi Meir is, in fact, strict even be'Shogeg - because he decrees Shogeg because of Meizid.

Mishnah 5
Hear the Mishnah


(a)What does the Mishnah say about someone who is a joint owner in wine with each of his neighbors in a Mavoy?

(b)Does it make a difference as to whether the wine is in one barrel or more?

(c)What will be the Din if he is a partner with some of them in wine, and with others, in oil?


(a)The Mishnah rules that someone who is a joint owner in wine with each of his neighbors in a Mavoy - does not need to make a Shituf Mavo'os in order to carry in the Mavoy...

(b)... provided the wine is all in the same barrel.

(c)If he is a partner with some of them in wine, and with others, in oil (See Tos. Yom-Tov at the end of the Mishnah) - then he requires a Shituf Mavo'os.


(a)What does Rebbi Shimon say about this?

(b)Like whom is the Halachah?

(c)Why is this Din confined to Shitufei Mavo'os, but not to Eiruvei Chatzeiros?


(a)According to R. Shimon, the partner will not need to participate in Shitufei Mavo'os even if he is a partner with some neighbors in wine and with others, in oil (or if the wine is in two barrels).

(b)The Halachah is ike the Tana Kama.

(c)This Din is confined to Shitufei Mavo'os, but not to Eiruv Chatzeiros - since Eruvei Chatzeiros requires bread and not wine.


(a)If wine is valid with regard to Shitufei Mavo'os ...

1. ... what about using bread?

2. ... why does Eiruvei Chatzeiros require specifically bread?

(b)If they made Shitufei Mavo'os with wine or even with bread, can the members of the individual Chatzeiros rely on it to exempt them from making an Eiruv Chatzeiros?

(c)Why is that?


(a)If wine is valid with regard to Shitufei Mavo'os ...

1. ... how much more so, bread.

2. ... Eruvei Chatzeiros requires specifically bread - because the chief role of Eiruv Chatzeiros is to combine the residents of the courtyard into one Dirah (dwelling), which people tend to connect specifically with bread (See Tos. Yom-Tov).

(b)If they made Shitufei Mavo'os with wine or with other food other than bread (See Tos. Yom-Tov) - the members of the individual Chatzeiros cannot rely on it to exempt them from making an Eiruv Chatzeiros ...

(c)... so that the children do not grow up without knowing about the concept of Eiruv Chatzeiros (See Tos. Yom-Tov).

Mishnah 6
Hear the Mishnah


(a)The Mishnah discusses a Traklin that is divided into five separate apartments, each one inhabited by a different group. What is a 'Traklin'.

(b)On what condition do Beis Shamai require each group to participate in the Eiruv Chatzeiros independently?

(c)What does this entail?


(a)The Mishnah discusses a Traklin - (a large stately room) that is divided into five separate apartments, each one inhabited by a different group.

(b)Beis Shamai require each group to participate in the Eiruv Chatzeiros together with the other residents (See Tos. Yom-Tov) independently - if they each have their own exit into the Chatzer (See Tos. Yom-Tov).

(c)This entails - each group giving a loaf of bread towards the Eiruv.


(a)What do Beis Hillel say?

(b)In which case, dependent upon the size of the walls, will Beis Hillel concede that each group must participate independently?

(c)On which other condition do they agree that one Eiruv will not suffice for all the residents?


(a)According to Beis Hillel - they only need to give one loaf between them.

(b)Beis Hillel will concede however, that each group must participate independently - if the dividing Mechitzos reach up to the ceiling.

(c)They also agree that if some of them live in separate rooms or attics (See Tos. Yom-Tov) - then they must participate independently.

Mishnah 7
Hear the Mishnah


(a)The Mishnah now discusses brothers who are partners ('ha'Achin ha'Shutfin') who all eat at their father's table, but who sleep in their own homes. How do we explain 'ha'Achin ha'Shutfin'?

(b)And how do we explain ...

1. ... 'ha'Achin ha'Ochlin al Shulchan Echad'?

2. ... 'ha'Shutfin ha'Ochlin al Shulchan Echad'

(c)Where do the brothers and the Shutfin actually live?

(d)What does the Tana now rule? How many loaves of bread do they need to participate?


(a)The Mishnah now discusses brothers who are partners ('ha'Achin ha'Shutfin') who all eat at their father's table, but who sleep in their own homes (See Tos. Yom-Tov), which we amend to read - 'ha'Achin ha'Ochlin al Shulchan Avihem', ve'ha'Shutfin' ha'Ochlin al Shulchan Echad'

(b)We now explain ...

1. ... 'ha'Achin ha'Ochlin al Shulchan Avihem' to mean - that they take their food from their father's house and eat it at home.

2. ... 'ha'Shutfin ha'Ochlin al Shulchan Echad' to mean - that they all work for the same employer, who provides them with their food, which each one takes and eats at home.

(c)The brothers and the Shutfin actually live - in the same Chatzer as their father/employer and other residents reside.

(d)The Tana now rules - that each one needs to participate independently.


(a)What must one of them do if he forgot to participate in the Eiruv?

(b)On what condition will the brothers or partners not be required to participate in the Eiruv independently?

(c)Why is that?


(a)If one of them forgot to participate in the Eiruv - he must be Mevatel his R'shus to all the other residents of the Chatzer.

(b)The brothers or partners will not be required to participate in the Eiruv independently - if all the residents place their Eruvin with their father/employer ...

(c)... since the person in whose house the Eiruv is placed is not obligated to participate further.


(a)What will be the Din if there are no other residents but them living in the Chatzer?

(b)Why is that?

(c)And what will the Din be if the brothers actually eat at their father's table?

(d)Why is that?


(a)If there are no other residents but them living in the Chatzer- they are Patur from participating further in the Eiruv ...

(b)... because the person in whose house the joint Eiruv is placed is Patur from participating further in it.

(c)If the brothers actually eat at their father's table - they are also Patur from participating in the Eiruv ...

(d)... because they are only obligated to participate in the first place on two conditions: a. They both sleep and eat in their father/employer's house, and b. that there are other residents who render Asur (in which case they render Asur too [See Tos. Yom-Tov]).

Mishnah 8
Hear the Mishnah


(a)What does the Mishnah say about five Chatzeros that open both into one another and into the Mavoy, if they made ...

1. ... Eruvei Chatzeros but not a Shituf Mavo'os?

2. ... a Shituf Mavoy as well?

(b)On what grounds do we drop from the text the words 'that open into one another'?

(c)How many houses must open into a Chatzer to require an Eiruv Chateros?


(a)The Mishnah rules that if five Chatzeros that open both into one another and into the Mavoy, then made ...

1. ... Eruvei Chatzeros but not a Shituf Mavo'os - they may carry in the Chatzer, but not in the Mavoy (See Tos Yom-Tov).

2. ... a Shituf Mavoy as well - then they may carry in the Mavoy as well.

(b)We drop from the text the words 'that open into one another' - since then the five Chatzeros are considered one.

(c)Two houses - must open into a Chatzer to require an Eiruv Chateros.


(a)What does the Tana say in a case where they made both Eruvei Chatzeros and a Shituf Mavo'os, but where one resident forgot to participate in the Eiruv?

(b)Why is that?

(c)And what does he say in the reverse case (where one of the residents forgot to participate in the Shituf Mavo'os, but not in the Eiruv Chatzeros?

(d)Why is that?

(e)Why might we have thought otherwise?


(a)In a case where they made both Eruvei Chatzeros and a Shituf Mavo'os, but where one resident forgot to participate in the Eiruv, the Tana says - that they are nevertheless all permitted to carry in the Chatzer as well ...

(b)... because the reason that one cannot rely on a Shituf Mavoy to carry in the Chatzer is so that one should not forget all about Eiruv Chatzeros; but that is not applicable here.

(c)And in the reverse case (where one of the residents forgot to participate in the Shituf Mavo'os, but not in the Eiruv Chatzeros - he says that are permitted to carry in the Chatzeros, but not in the Mavoy ...

(d)... because the Mavoy vis-a-vis the Chatzeros is like a Chatzer to the houses (just as one may not carry from the house to the Chatzer without an Eiruv, so too, may one not carry from a Chatzer to the Mavoy without an Shituf [See Tos. Yom-Tov]).

(e)We might have thought otherwise - because whereas a house and a Chatzer are a 'R'shus ha'Yachid' and a 'R'shus ha'Rabim' respectively, a Chatzer and a Mavoy are both a 'R'shus ha'Rabim' (in which case, Shituf Mavo'os ought not to be required to carry from one to the other (See Tos. Yom-Tov).

Mishnah 9
Hear the Mishnah


(a)The Mishnah now discusses two Chatzeros one inside, the other outside, one of which made an Eiruv, the other, did not. Why does the Tana refer to them as 'inside' and 'outside'?

(b)What the Tana Kama rule in a case where the residents of ...

1. ... the inner Chatzer made an Eiruv, but not those of outer one?

2. ... the outer Chatzer made an Eiruv, but not those of those the inner one?

3. ... each Chatzer made its own Eiruv?

(c)What is the basic difference between the residents of the inner Chatzer and those of the outer one?

(d)What is therefore the reason for the middle ruling?


(a)The Mishnah now discusses two Chatzeros one inside, the other outside, one of which made an Eiruv, the other, did not. The Tana refers to them as 'inside' and 'outside' - because he is speaking where the inner Chatzer opens into the outer one, and the outer one opens into the R'shus ha'Rabim.

(b)The Tana Kama rules in a case where the residents of ...

1. ... the inner Chatzer made an Eiruv, but not those of the outer one - that the former may carry in their Chatzer, but the latter may not carry in theirs.

2. ... the outer Chatzer made an Eiruv, but not those of the inner one - that neither are permitted to carry in their respective Chatzeros.

3. ... each Chatzer made its own Eiruv - that each one may carry in their respective Chatzeros.

(c)The basic difference between the residents of the inner Chatzer and those of the outer one is - that the whereas the former need to pass through the latter's Chatzer in order to get to the street, the latter do need to enter the Chatzer of the former.

(d)The reason for the middle ruling is therefore - that since the former, who need to pass through the latter's Chatzer, are Asur to carry in their own Chatzer ('Regel ha'Asurah bi'Mekomah') they now forbid the residents of the latter to carry in their own Chatzer ('Oseres ... '), too.


(a)What does Rebbi Akiva say about the latter case?

(b)Why is that?

(c)The Chachamim are even more lenient even than the Tana Kama. What do they say?

(d)Like whom is the Halachah?


(a)Rebbi Akiva rules (regarding the latter case) - that even though the residents of the former made an Eiruv in their own Chatzer, they forbid the residents of the outer Chatzer to carry in their own Chatzer ...

(b)... because he holds that even though they are permitted to carry in their own Chatzer ('Regel ha'Muteres bi'Mekomah'), they forbid the residents of the Chatzer through which they pass to carry (since they did not make a joint Eiruv).

(c)According to the Chachamim - the fact that the residents of one Chatzer pass through another Chatzer does not forbid the residents of that Chatzer to carry, irrespective of whether the former made an Eruv or not.

(d)The Halachah is - like the Tana Kama.

Mishnah 10
Hear the Mishnah


(a)Based on what we just learned, what distinction does the Mishnah draw between where one resident of the outer Chatzer forgot to participate in the Eiruv and where one resident of the inner Chatzer forgot to do so?

(b)What does the Tana now mean when he talks about the two Chatzeros combining and placing their Eiruv in one location? Which location is he referring to?

(c)Why does he refer to it as 'one location'?

(d)What does he now rule in a case where one resident of either Chatzer forgot to participate in the Eiruv?

(e)Seeing as it was a resident of the outer Chatzer who forgot to participate, why are the residents of the inner Chatzer forbidden to carry in their Chatzer? Why can they not simply separate from the outer Chatzer and act independently?


(a)Based on what we just learned (See Tos Yom-Tov), the Mishnah rules - that if one resident of the outer Chatzer forgot to participate in the Eiruv, the residents of the inner Chatzer are permitted to carry; whereas if one resident of the inside Chatzer forgot to do so - the residents of the outer Chatzer are not.

(b)When the Tana now talks about the two Chatzeros combining and placing their Eiruv in one location, he means - in a house in the outer Chatzer ...

(c)... which he refers to as 'one location' - seeing as the residents of both Chatzeros use the outer Chatzer.

(d)In a case where one resident of either Chatzer forgot to participate in the Eiruv - he rules that the residents of both Chatzeros are forbidden to carry.

(e)In spite of the fact that it was a resident of the outer Chatzer who forgot to participate, the residents of the inner Chatzer are nevertheless forbidden to carry in their Chatzer. They cannot simply separate from the outer Chatzer and act independently - since the Eiruv is not in their Chatzer.


(a)Had they placed the combined Eiruv in the inner Chatzer, what would the Din be if the person who forgot to participate was a resident of ...

1. ... the inner Chatzer?

2. ... the outer Chatzer?

(b)What is reason for the latter ruling?

(c)What if only one person lives in both the inner Chatzer and the outer one?

(d)Why is that?

(e)Like which of the three opinions in the Reisha of the Mishnah does this Tana hold?


(a)Had they placed the combined Eiruv in the inner Chatzer, then if the person who forgot to participate was a resident of ...

1. ... the inner Chatzer - then even the residents of the outer Chatzer would be forbidden to carry.

2. ... the outer Chatzer - the residents of the inner Chatzer would be permitted to carry in their Chatzer ...

(b)... since (seeing as the Eiruv is in their Chatzer) they can now separate from the outer Chatzer (by closing the dividing gate and using their Chatzer on their own).

(c)In the event that only a single person lives in both the inner Chatzer and the outer one - no Eiruv is necessary ...

(d)... because, seeing as the resident of the inner Chatzer is permitted to carry in his Chatzer, it is a case of 'Regel ha'Muteres bi'Mekomah', and he does not therefore forbid the resident of the outer Chatzer to carry (See Tos. Yom-Tov) ...

(e)... like the opinion of - the Tana Kama in the Reisha of the Mishnah.