(R. Yochanan): Both of them learn from the same verse (Tosfos. Rashi - he rejects the previous suggestion. Really, all are Mechayev for bringing in a Sheretz):
"Va'Yavo'u ha'Kohanim li'Fnimah Veis Hash-m Letaher va'Yotzi'u Es Kol ha'Tum'ah Asher Matz'u b'Heichal Hash-m la'Chatzer Beis Hash-m va'Ykablu ha'Leviyim Lehotzi l'Nachal Kidron" - Ben Nanas holds that since the Kohanim take it out of the Heichal, but not out of the entire Azarah, this shows that one need not remove it from the entire Azarah;
R. Akiva holds that Kohanim remove it as far as necessary, to the place where Leviyim can come and remove it, to minimize Tum'as Kohanim.
(Beraisa): Anyone may enter the Heichal to build or fix it, or to remove Tum'ah;
L'Chatchilah, we use Kohanim. If Kohanim are not available, we use Leviyim. If Leviyim are not available, we use Yisraelim;
In any case we use only people who are Tahor.
(Rav Huna): Rav Kahana favors Kohanim. (He teaches a Beraisa that gives Tamei Kohanim priority over Tahor Yisraelim):
(Rav Kahana - Beraisa) Suggestion: Perhaps "Ach El ha'Paroches Lo Yavo" forbids a Kohen with a blemish to go between the Ulam and the Mizbe'ach to make [gold] foil [to cover the inside of the Kodesh ha'Kodoshim]!
Rejection: "Ach" limits. (He may not enter to offer Korbanos, but he may enter for other things.)
L'Chatchilah, we use Temimim (unblemished Kohanim). If they are not available, we use Ba'alei Mumim;
L'Chatchilah, we use Tehorim. If they are not available, we use Temei'im;
Both of these refer to Kohanim. [Whenever possible,] we do not use Yisraelim.
Question: Which is preferable, to use a Tamei or a Ba'al Mum?
Answer #1 (R. Chiya bar Ashi): A Tamei enters, because he is Kosher for Avodas Tzibur;
Answer #2 (R. Elazar): A Ba'al Mum enters, for he may eat Kodshim.
(Mishnah - R. Shimon): [Chachamim permitted to you [only] what [really] is permitted].
Question: Which law does he discuss?
Answer (Mishnah (52b)): If one was traveling and he was outside the Techum when it became dark, even if he was only one Amah outside he may not enter;
R. Shimon says, even if he was 15 Amos outside he may enter, for those who measure do not put the Techum marker at the full 2000 Amos, due to people who err [and walk past it. Alternatively, measurers err, and grasp the rope in their hands. This causes their measure to be 15 Amos too short.]
The first Tana forbids [one who left] to re-enter. R. Shimon permits him.
(Mishnah - R. Shimon): ...Because they waived only Shevus.
Question: Which law does he discuss?
Answer: The first Tana taught ((102b) that if a string of a Levi's harp broke,) he may tie it;
[In a Beraisa (103a)] R. Shimon permits only a bow. He explains that this is because it is only Shevus (R. Chananel. Tosfos - it is permitted even mid'Rabanan.) It cannot lead to a Chiyuv Chatas;
One may not tie a knot, for this could lead to a Chiyuv Chatas [if he would tie a permanent knot outside the Mikdash].