ERUVIN 26 (23 Nisan) - dedicated l'Iluy Nishmas the father of Mr. Avy Reichman Z'L of Queens, NY, Dovid ben Avraham Z'L, by Avy's children.




Rava knocked down the sticks. (He held that they are not needed, for the Achsadra makes the orchard Hukaf l'Dirah.) Rav Papa and Rav Huna brei d'Rav Yehoshua collected the sticks [lest Rav Huna bar Chinena put them back. This is Rashi's preferred explanation (DH Lehara).]


Question (Ravina - Beraisa): We measure [the Techum of] a new city from where it is settled. We measure an old city from its wall;


A new city is one that was surrounded and afterwards settled. If it was settled and afterwards surrounded, it is considered old.


Also this orchard is considered [Hukaf Lo l'Shem Dirah, for it was] surrounded and later settled! (The Achsadra was made later. Rav Papa and Rav Huna brei d'Rav Yehoshua retracted and also asked against Rava.)


Question (Rav Papa): Rav Asi taught that walls that builders make [temporarily, for shade] are not considered walls.


This shows that a wall made [temporarily] for privacy is not considered a Mechitzah. The same applies to the Achsadra!


Question (Rav Huna brei d'Rav Yehoshua): Rav Huna taught that a wall made to guard [e.g. Kelim] is not considered a Mechitzah;


Rabah bar Avuha obligated each neighborhood in the city of Mechuza to be Me'arev by itself. (He did not allow all to be Me'arev together, even though they were surrounded by a wall, for the wall guarded date pits (stored for animals) in ditches between the Mavo'os.)


The walls are like Mechitzos for the sake of guarding! (They are invalid. Therefore, they do not permit to be Me'arev together.)


Reish Galusa: "Chachamim Hemah Lehara u'Leheitiv Lo Yada'u." (Rav Papa and Rav Huna helped destroy the path of sticks, and now they say that I am forbidden without it)!




(Mishnah - R. Ila'i): R. Eliezer [permits] even if it is a Beis Kor (30 Sa'im).


Our Mishnah is unlike Chananyah;


(Beraisa - Chananyah): Even if it is 40 [Beis] Sa'im, like the yard in back of the king's palace [it is permitted, for people stroll there. It is considered Dirah.]


(R. Yochanan): Both of them expound the same verse - "va'Yhi Yeshayahu Lo Yatza Chatzer ha'Tichonah"


It is written 'ha'Ir', but we read it "Chatzer." This teaches that the king's backyard is like medium cities. (Even though it was not Hukaf l'Dirah, it is like a Chatzer, and one may carry inside);


R. Eliezer holds that a medium city is 30 Sa'im. Chananyah holds that it is 40.


Question: Why was Yeshayah in the backyard?


Answer (Rabah bar bar Chanah): Chizkiyah fell sick, and Yeshayah arranged for Talmidim to learn in front of his door [to prevent the Satan (angel of death) from entering];


This teaches that if a Chachamim falls sick, Talmidim should learn in front of his door.


Rejection: This is wrong. This could entice the Satan!


(Mishnah - R. Ila'i): R. Eliezer says that if one forgot to contribute towards the Eruv in the Chatzer, his house is forbidden [to him, but they are permitted].


Version #1 (Rav Kahana) Question (Mishnah): If someone forgot to contribute towards the Eruv in the Chatzer, his house is forbidden to him and to them.


Answer (Rav Huna brei d'Rav Yehoshua citing Rav Sheshes): That Mishnah is Chachamim who argue with R. Eliezer;



R. Eliezer holds that one who is Mevatel his Reshus in the Chatzer [without specifying about his house] is also Mevatel his Reshus in his house. Chachamim hold that he is Mevatel only his Chatzer, but not his house.


Objection: This is obvious!


Answer (Rachbah and Rav Huna bar Chinena): He teaches about one of five people in a Chatzer who forgot to be Me'arev. R. Eliezer holds that it suffices to be Mevatel [once] to all the others. Chachamim require him to be Mevatel to each one.


Question: Who is the Tana of the following Beraisa?


(Beraisa): If one of five people in a Chatzer forgot to be Me'arev, he need not be Mevatel to each of them.


Answer: It is like R. Eliezer.


Version #2 (Rav Tivyomi) Question: Who is the Tana of the following Beraisa?


(Beraisa): If one of five people in a Chatzer forgot to be Me'arev, he need not be Mevatel to each of them.


Answer (Rav Huna bar Yehudah citing Rav Sheshes): It is like R. Eliezer.


Questions (Rav Papa): According to R. Eliezer, if he said that he is not Mevatel [Reshus of his house], what is the law? According to Chachamim, if he said that he is Mevatel, what is the law?


Is R. Eliezer's reason that one who is Mevatel his [Reshus in the] Chatzer [without specifying] is also Mevatel his [Reshus in his] house [therefore it is permitted to them]? However, if he explicitly said that he does not, he does not!


Or, perhaps he holds that one cannot live in a house without access to a Chatzer. Therefore, Bitul of his Chatzer is automatically Bitul of his house, even if he says otherwise!


Do Chachamim hold that one who is Mevatel his Chatzer [without specifying] is not Mevatel his house [therefore it is forbidden to them], but if he explicitly said that he does, he does?


Or, perhaps they hold that a person does not totally abandon his house and Chatzer and be like a guest of the others. Therefore, even if he says that he does, we ignore his words!


Answer (Abaye): Both of them hold that if he specifies what he is Mevatel, it takes effect.


(Mishnah - R. Ila'i): R. Eliezer says that one fulfils the Mitzvah of Maror with Arkavlin.


Question: What is this?


Answer (Reish Lakish): It is a thick fiber that grows around date trees.




(Mishnah): One may make an Eruv [Techumim - Tosfos; Rashi - or Eruv Chatzeros] and be Mishtatef [in a Mavoy] with any food except for water and salt;


Any food may be bought with money of Ma'aser Sheni, except for water and salt;


If one vowed not to eat food, he is permitted [only] water and salt.


One may be Me'arev on behalf of a Nazir with wine, and on behalf of a Yisrael with Terumah;


Sumchus says, one must be Me'arev with Chulin [for a Yisrael].


One may be Me'arev on behalf of a Kohen in a Beis ha'Pras (a field in which a grave was plowed. Mid'Rabanan, it is forbidden to Kohanim like a cemetery. One who walks through is deemed Tamei, lest he move a bone, unless he crouches down and blows the dirt before each step to reveal bones that might be there.)


R. Yehudah says, one may be Me'arev for a Kohen even in a cemetery, because he could shield from Tum'as Ohel [in a box or coach], enter and eat it.