[47a - 40 lines; 47b - 42 lines]

1)[line 9]הסיח דעתוHISI'ACH DA'ATO- he decided irrevocably not to live in his house for that Shabbos

2)[line 12]העני מערב ברגליוHE'ANI ME'AREV B'RAGLAV- a poor person may make an Eruv Techumin by walking to the place where he wants his Eruv to be and staying there until nightfall (without placing any food there)

3)[line 18]לא תחלוץ ולא תתייבםLO SACHALOTZ V'LO SISYABEM

(a)If a married man dies childless, his widow must undergo Yibum (the marriage of a dead man's brother with his wife), as it states in Devarim 25:5-10.

(b)If the brother chooses not to marry her, he must perform Chalitzah (a procedure in Beis Din that absolves her of the Mitzvah of Yibum - ibid.). He appears before a Beis Din of three and states, "I do not want to marry her," after which his sister-in-law approaches him before the elders, takes off his right sandal and spits in front of him. She then declares, "This is what shall be done to the man who will not build up a family for his brother," and she is then free to marry whomever she wants.

4)[line 22]שלבו גסבהL IBO GAS BAH- she is familiar to him (since they were permitted to be alone together after becoming engaged)

5)[line 23]האיבולEIVUL- mourning

6)[line 24]דהוה קאיםD'HAVAH KA'IM- that he was standing. (These words do not appear in Dikdukei Sofrim #40.)

7)[line 25]מכלל דיחידאה פליג עליה?MICHLAL D'YECHIDA'AH PALIG ALEI?- That is, we saw earlier (Daf 46b) that Rebbi Yochanan only rules like Rebbi Yosi when a single Tana argues with him, such as Rebbi Yehudah or Rebbi Meir, but not when a group of Chachamim argue with him.

8)[line 26]רדופה לילך לבית אביהREDUFAH LEILECH L'VEIS AVIHA- she is constantly going home to her father's house

9)[line 28]ואיילוניתAILONIS- a woman who is incapable of conception. This word is derived from the word "Ayil", a ram, which is a male and does not have a womb (Kesuvos 11a)

10)[line 28]חבושCHAVUSH- imprisoned

11)[line 29]המפלתHA'MAPELES- a woman who miscarries

12)[line 34]לירידYARID- to a fair (which takes place on the festivals of non-Jews)

13)[line 35]וכותב ומעלה בערכאות שלהןKOSEV U'MA'ALEH BA'ERKA'OS SHELAHEN- he writes a contract and has it recorded in their offices of records

14)[line 37]ולערערUL'AR'ER- and to contest

15)[line 38]בבית הפרס דרבנןBEIS HA'PERAS D'RABANAN

(a)There are three types of Beis ha'Peras:

1.A field in which a grave was plowed over, scattering the bones in all directions;

2.A field in which there is a grave that we cannot find;

3.A field on the edge of a town where a corpse was brought for burial. In the latter instance, we suspect that:

i.Part of the corpse may have dislodged and remains in the field, or

ii.The corpse was inadvertently left there and not taken to a cemetery at all.

(b)The Rabanan decreed that the field is Metamei in every direction from the grave for the length of the furrow of a plow, which is 50 Amos. This results in an area of 100 Amos by 100 Amos around the grave.

(c)The Bartenura offers three explanations as to why the word "Peras" was used:

1.The Tum'ah spreads (Pores) out in all directions,

2.The bones are broken (Perusim),

3.People's feet (Parsos) stay away from there.


16)[line 3]לצידןTZIDON- Sidon, a city on the southern coast of Lebanon

17)[line 19]והאוצרותOTZAROS- the storehouses of crops

18)[last line]חרםCHEREM- an enclosure for catching fish made of vertical canes, reeds