
THE ENACTMENT FOR THE DAY OF THE OMER (Yerushalmi Chalah Perek 1 Halachah 1 Daf 3b)

והתנינן משחרב ב"ה התקין רבן יוחנן בן זכאי שיהא יום הנף כולו אסור.


Question (against R. Yonah and R. Yosi - Mishnah): After Churban Beis ha'Mikdash, R. Yochanan ben Zakai enacted that the entire day of waving [and offering the Omer] is forbidden (lest people be used to eating Chadash on the 16th, and they will do so also after the Mikdash is rebuilt, and it is forbidden until the Omer is offered).

אין תימר איסורו ד"ת ניחא אין תימר איסורו מדבריהן יש תקנה אחר התקנה.


If you will say [that R. Yochanan agrees there is] a Torah Isur, this is fine. [However,] if you will say [that he holds that] the Isur is mid'Rabanan, do we make an enactment after (i.e. in order to guard) an enactment?!

א"ר יוסי בי רבי בון מפני [דף ד עמוד א] הרחוקין.


Answer (R. Yosi bei R. Bun): This is due to people far [from the Mikdash, who will not know when it is offered. Normally, we assume that it is offered before midday, but if the Mikdash is built (descends from Shamayim) towards the end of the 15th or the following night, perhaps they will not be able to offer it until the end of the 16th - HA'GAON RAV C. KANIEVSKY, SHLITA, based on Rosh Hashanah 30b].

רבי ירמיה בשם רבי חייא בין בשעת הקרבן בין שלא בשעת הקרבן היום מתיר.


(R. Yirmeyah citing R. Chiya): Both when there is a Korban, and when there is no Korban, the day permits. (This is just like R. Yochanan said above. Why didn't we challenge him, like we now challenge R. Yirmeyah? PNEI MOSHE - R. Yirmeyah connotes that there is no Isur at all before it is offered; R. Yochanan said that there is an Isur.)

אמר רבי הונא מתניתא דחזקיה פליגא עלוי.


Question #1 (against R. Yirmeyah - Rav Huna): The Beraisa [from which Chizkiyah learned] argues with [R. Yirmeyah]!

[ויקרא כג יד] עד עצם היום הזה מלמד שהיום מתיר.


(Beraisa): "Ad Etzem ha'Yom ha'Zeh" teaches that the day permits.

יכול אפי' בשעת הקרבן


Suggestion: Perhaps this is even when there is a Korban!

ת"ל [ויקרא כג יד] עד הביאכם את קרבן אלהיכם


Rejection: "Ad Havi'achem Es Korban Elokeichem" (it is permitted only from when the Korban is brought).

והתנינן משחרב בית המקדש התקין ר"י [ב"ז] שיהא יום הנף כולו אסור.


Question #2 (against R. Yirmeyah - Mishnah): After Churban Beis ha'Mikdash, R. Yochanan ben Zakai enacted that the entire day of waving is forbidden. (If the day permits even while the Mikdash stands, there is no reason to decree!)

[דף ו עמוד ב (עוז והדר)] א"ר יונה איתתבת קומי רבי ירמיה ואמר אין יסבור (רבי חזקיה - הגר"א מוחקו) כרבי יודא דרבי יהודא אמר והלא מן התורה אסור.


Answer (R. Yonah): I asked this to R. Yirmeyah, and he said that [R. Yochanan ben Zakai] can hold like R. Yehudah, for R. Yehudah says that it is forbidden mid'Oraisa [until the end of the day, for he holds Ad v'Ad bi'Chlal - R. SHLOMO SIRILIYO].

תמן חשין לצומא רבא תרין יומין


There (in Bavel, some) were concerned for the great fast (Yom Kipur, and fasted) for two days (we assume that that Elul was short, but if Beis Din was Me'aber Elul, Yom Kipur is on what we assume to be the 11th);

אמר לון רב חסדא למה אתם מכניסין עצמכם (למספק הזה המרובה) [צ"ל לספק סכנה - הגר"א] חזקה שאין ב"ד מתעצלין.


Rav Chisda (to those people): Why do you enter yourselves into Safek danger?! There is a Chazakah that Beis Din is not lazy! (If they were Me'aber Elul, they would have sent Sheluchim to inform us.)

(בר אבוי דשמואל) [צ"ל אבוי דר' שמואל - ר"ש סיריליו] בר רב יצחק חש על גרמיה וצם תרין יומין איפסק (ברובה) [צ"ל כרוכיה - הגר"א] ודמך:


The father of Shmuel bar Rav Yitzchak was concerned for himself, and fasted two days. His small intestines snapped, and he died. (We explained this like R. SHLOMO SIRILIYO, GRA.)