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Shmuel Breban asked:

hi. i have 2 questions.

1) the first is on the insights to daf at the end of 6a shulchan oruch oc 526:27....only permitted to do what is neccessary. my question is 2 fold, first there is no shulchan oruch 526:27 ?? and the shulchan oruch in 526:4 seems to say that you can even cut the wood off the tree which is like the gemara that the 2nd day of yom tov was "shavyuhoo kichol", so what did the insights mean by "what is neccesary, i checked the mishna berurah 526:27 just in case, but that isnt what is there either ???

2) my second question is a general one pertaining to hachana derabah. according to the meforshim that to eat the egg is assur medioraysa because of hachana derabah, do they all agree that the issur tiltul would just be miderabonon????

thank you very very much !!

kol tuv.

shmuel breban, far rockaway,ny

The Kollel replies:


We apologize for the delay in getting to your questions.

1) You are correct, the Shulchan Aruch is 526:4. "What is necessary" refers to all of the activities which the Mechaber lists there (see the Lashon of the Mishnah Berurah in 526:18, "Ikarei Tzarchei ha'Kevurah").

2) Yes. The Isur of Hachanah d'Rabah is only an Isur Achilah, as is clear from Rashi and the Rishonim in Beitzah there. The Isur Tiltul is only mid'Rabanan (like the Isur Tiltul of any Isur Achilah d'Oraisa on Shabbos or Yom Tov, such as a piece of non-kosher meat).