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1. Shelamim and Rav Papa 2. Tul Chelkecha v'Tzei 3. Ein Maftirin by Pesach Sheni

Sholem asks:

Even according to the opinion that the Korbon Pesach can be eaten in two groups, how can this ravenous character who has evidently started eating be told to take his portion (not sure what portion is referred to as he probably have eaten this prior to the situation arising) to go elsewhere to continue eating?

Sholem, UK

The Kollel replies:

Sholom Rav.

This Tana holds that a Korban Pesach cannot be eaten in two locations, in which case a person cannot eat his portion in two places. Consequently, the Gemara must be speaking where the 'ravenous character' has not yet begun eating, which, in any case is implied by the Lashon of the Gemara.

Be'Virchas Kol Tuv.

Eliezer Chrysler