More Discussions for this daf
1. Kares and eating the Korban Pesach 2. The Men Sitting and eating at the table 3. Melaket Atzamos
4. Pesach Rishon - Pesach Sheini 5. Lo He'emidu Divreihem b'Makom Kares

Sholem asks:

If there is "koreis" for not bringing Pesach Rishon, yet there is still a chiyuv to bring Pesach Sheini, is the Koreis for his original failure still in place or does the second opportunity wipe this out ?

Sholem, UK

The Kollel replies:

Dear Sholem,

It depends on the Tanaim on Pesachim 093a.

According to Rebbe, Kareis remains even if he misses Pesach Sheni, even b'Shogeg or Ohnes. But if he actually brought the Pesach Sheni there are 2 opinions- the Rambam Hilchos Pesach says that Kareis is wiped out, in Rambam Sefer HaMitzvos he says Kareis remains, and in Rashi there are 2 opinions what he holds.

According to R' Noson, there is Kareis on the first Pesach even if he eats the second according to Rashi DH Tashlumin on 93a, but according to the Rambam actually eating the second takes off Kareis, but not if he missed, even b'Ohnes

According to R, Chanina there is Kareis on the first only if he's Meizid also on the second. Doing the second or even missing it b'Shogeg or b'Ohnes- there is no Kareis.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner