More Discussions for this daf
1. Purpose of Eiruv techumin 2. Trying to find a specific Gemora in Eruvin... 3. Moving dirt on Shabbos
4. Kikar Zo Alai

Yisroel Alter Pacanowsky asked:

Dear Rabbi Kornfeld,

A big Yasher Koach for all your great work on the Daf. You have many Talmidim even in Down Under Australia. Here are a few of the questions that came up in our Daf Yomi Shiur in Melbourne.

(2) On Daf 30B the Gemora explains that the reason why a Kohen can make an Eiruv in a Beis Hapras is that can walk through blowing away earth, thus uncovering any bones that he may have moved. Isn't there any Isur Midrabanan to blow earth away? How could the Kohen do this on Shabbos?

Even though the Gemora later explains we are going according to the opinion that holds one may do an Isur Derabanan during Bein Hashmoshos, since the Gemora did not have to answer this here, it seems there is no problem of Isur here?

Kol Toov and Good Shabbos,

Yisroel Alter Pacanowski

The Kollel replies:

Thank you for your kinds words of encouragement.

(2) Good point. The Gemara must be referring to dirt which is very loose (such as the kind that could be moved by merely blowing at it). Moving dirt this loose involves no Isur of Chofer, even mid'Rabanan, as we find in Shabbos (38a) and Beitzah (8a).

Be well,
