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Avrahom asks:

Pashut pshat trying to establish that krovim can be Goel a house in a walled city first from perek 25 pasuk 24...via "b'Chol" ?????

Rav Sheishes No that refers to open city houses.

The Gemara asks we know krovim can be Goel a Sadeh Achuzah and Pasuk 31 Al Sdei ha'Aretz Yechashev ???÷ ??- ?? ??? ???? ????

My question is if the house on a sdei achuzah is like the Sadeh itself, then why is one allowed to be Goel whenever he wants? The field his hands are tied for two years. We see the pasuk itself says the house is like the why is one not obligated to wait two years as he would for the land the house is standing?

Avrahom , United States

The Kollel replies:

Dear Avraham,

Here also he is required to wait 2 years and then the Pasuk teaches that Krovim are obligated (not permitted) to redeem, according to R' Elazar.

All the best, Reuven Weiner