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Dovid Braunschweig asks:

If we said that there are close to 2000 perutas in a dinar than its a question on the maan damar that said a perutah is 1/6 of a dinar (8X192=1536 not 6X192!)

Dovid Braunschweig, Woodmere Ny

The Kollel replies:

The Me'iri explains as follows (based on the Gemara later on 12a):

According to the opinion that a Perutah is 1/8 of an Isar, the Isarim lose a quarter of their value and as opposed to there being 24 Isar in a Dinar, the Isar now becomes 32 per Dinar. Thus the same calculation of 192 Isar per Dinar applies. Instead of having 24 Isar x 8 Perutos = 192 Perutos per Dinar, we have 32 Isar x 6 Perutos = 192 Perutos per Dinar.

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose